Axios learned that Meta plans to lift the restrictions on former President Donald Trump’s Instagram and Facebook accounts before November 2024.
Meta reinstated Trump’s accounts in January 2023. However, if he violated the rules, Trump faced stricter penalties, such as suspensions and advertising restrictions, than others.
Trump never violated the company’s policies.
The lift might not make much of a difference:
Zoom in: Meta decided to roll back the restrictions to Trump’s accounts amid concerns that a smaller policy violation could result in his account being suspended or limited leading up to the election, a spokesperson said.
- If Trump were to violate Meta’s policies for a minor infraction, such as posting a person’s address without permission, the restrictions could suspend his account for up to two years — which would block him from reaching users during the final months before the election.
Yes, but: While Meta is doing away with stricter penalties on Trump’s account, it maintains its ability to limit the distribution of problematic posts for his or any accounts even if they don’t explicitly violate Meta’s rules — such as oblique references to QAnon.
- Trump’s accounts, and those of all politicians and public figures, are still subject to the same general content rules that apply to all users of Meta’s apps.

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No greater sign they know Trump is winning.
This is nothing but a cynical last-ditch effort to not face consequences for their blatant censorship.
Nailed it! Zuck is trying to play nice. He’s likely seen the best of the Left’s internal polling that shows a Trump victory. A new Trump Administration AG with a Ted Cruz like demeanor and attitude would cause Zuck and all of Silicon Valley CEO’s many a sleepless nights.
F META, I don’t use InstaShit at all, and only rarely use Marketplace.
Zuck Fuckerberg. What is he waiting for, and who elected him God?
Who elected him God? The same people who decided he would be the head of that website and claim that he wrote all the code one weekend in his Harvard dorm room.
His website and his company. Not God just the owner.
Wait the ‘Q thing’ is still a ‘thing’? How about just apply transparent, even handed standards re free expression? If some dumbass offers up falsehoods then do what X (Twitter) does and put community notes on it? Eventually the bigger more influential folks who repeatedly offer up provable falsehoods and refuse to correct them will get ignored as untrustworthy. If that’s too long a process then just allow community notes and a human review of the claims, not with an ideologically biased slant but to evaluate truth/falsehoods. Seems pretty easy to implement…. unless the goal isn’t free speech but something else, which given FB record seems to be the case.
Meta will defer all questions and judgements regarding dis/misinformation policy to third party non-partisan, non-profits.
Like Nina Jankowicz‘s new disinformation org “The American Sunlight Project.”
“DOJ identifies Russian led bot operation that relied on AI to generate false personas.
Doesn’t appear to have generated much engagement, but between this and the CopyCop network, it’s clear that AI is now firmly part of Russia’s disinformation arsenal.”
Scary Poppins is still around? I’ve not seen anything on the web about her in quite some time so not sure what type of threat she is since no one seems to be paying attention to her.
Honestly no one uses facebook anymore; maybe instagram still has some influence but facebook is dead and buried unless your my age or older. The ones the obsessed younger generation are using won’t give him any amplification, TikTok, WeChat, youtube, because they are controlled by China, google etc. Trump is better off doing what he’s been doing, talking less and letting the infighting with the elites happen right in front of the American people. Right now we all have a front row seat to the implosion of the deep state, and how they treat their own is very similar to how they treat their enemies, smears, cover-ups and “leaks.” It’s all very entertaining and informative and makes Trump look a calm, steady and reliable presence, as he isn’t jumping into the mud-slinging and spin. He should just keep on doing his campaign stops, talking about real issues and let them eat their own and themselves. After all, the Biden puppet show couldn’t go on forever.
I only use it as an organising tool for running and golf and rarely post on it anything personal.
Formerly: Facebook jail
Now: Metapause….
What are they up to? Sounds suspicious. Maybe they’re just trying to avoid the wrath of the next administration? That’s the simplest answer. Or maybe something more nefarious. They want to publicly appear to be treating Trump equally so they can do even more censoring and shadow banning without being noticed.
Who could have predicted that? [everyone]
Trump can use Truth Social, X-twitter, others.
FB is becoming less relevant. That 4th July pic of Zuckertool water skiing in tuxedo was cringeworthy. The kook kids dont use FB anymore.
You don’t need to be a weatherman to know which way the winds blows…
so they can exert control over him again and give the impressions that they are in control?
oh wait they are
Yeah there does seem to be an air of crazy ex girlfriend in this offer. ‘Ok I want you back but here’s a list of things you must do and must not do’…then she can tell her friends she successfully ‘changed you’ and gain sympathy if you reject it or prestige if you participate.
They are afraid Trump and Congress will repeal Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. Trump tried to have it repealed or modified as president. No doubt he’ll try again if given the chance.
Neither Trump nor House Republicans are going to repeal bupkis. While it’s true that most of the Meta money in this campaign cycle has gone to Democrats ($4M), Republicans have been paid as well, receiving close to $2M as of last month. In reality, some of the biggest recipients of Silicon Valley money, are Republicans. Jim Jordan is one of the worst. But, Trump is susceptible to money influence as well, just look at his position on the banning of TikTok. He was the original proponent of banning it and even tried. Then, one of the biggest US shareholders of TikTok – Jeffrey Yass owning 15% of outstanding stock – made a sizable contribution to Trump’s campaign and now Trump doesn’t think TikTok should be banned, or even forced to sell to other owners.
Everyone in DC has a price and that price is almost always laughable small.
Fascists admitting they rig elections. How very…. unsurprising
I can speak to the current Facebook environment. I run a page – Xiden Files. It is nothing more than memes about Biden. I have just had 2 restrictions, back to back, on those memes.
These are memes. You know, a popular image paired with a quip.
One of those images involved Hunter with limited amounts of clothing on. That earned Xiden Files a sexual imagery restriction.
Another involved in image that Facebook asserted was related to asking someone to kill themselves. I still can’t figure that one out. However, that not only earned Xiden Files a restriction, but also pop-ups about Suicide Prevention. LOL.
The restrictions entail a bunch of stuff I don’t use, and I have over 3000 fans. I will persist in posting – because a few of those items have gone viral.
well it takes time for their bots to find out who loves freedom(s) and douse them in
lefty goo to stop them
continued success to you!!
zuckerberg is given front row seating at ufc events
trump is given front row seating at ufc events
let the bodies hit the floor
let the bodies hit the floor