‘March on the RNC’ Protest Didn’t Get the Memo to Tone Down Rhetoric

The far-left “March on the RNC” started its protest in Milwaukee with its usual rhetoric.

The Coalition to March on the RNC has been around since 2008. The usual suspects endorse the group: American Party of Labor, Code Pink, Climate Justice Committee, Party of Communists USA, and a bunch of anti-Israel groups.

The organizers already raised bail money for anyone arrested.

Trump brought it on himself:

U.S. Palestinian Community Network National Chair Hatem Abudayyeh told the crowd:

“In the debate, we heard Trump say that Israel must be allowed ‘to finish the job.’ We know what that means. That Trump not only supports the genocide, he wants to intensify it,” says US Palestinian Community Network (USPCN) National Chair Hatem Abudayyeh.“But Trump in Milwaukee this week and Genocide Joe Biden in Chicago next month shouldn’t forget that the vast majority of the world stands with Palestine and its right to self-defense and resistance in Gaza“That the Palestinians and the Lebanese and the Yemenis and hundreds of millions of other Arabs in the region will continue to resist and ultimately defeat the US and Israeli war machines,” she continues.“Before South African apartheid was defeated, our international movement had built a consensus that South Africa had no right to exist as a racist, white supremacist, settler-colonialist, apartheid state. Today, there is the same worldwide consensus that Israel also has no right to exist as a racist, white supremacist, settler-colonialist, apartheid, Zionist state. It is on its last legs, as is the US empire,” Abudayyeh declares.

Tags: Antisemitism, RNC, Wisconsin