Key Squad Members Still Ridin’ With Biden

There’s a furious effort to stop the bleeding of support for Biden from Democrats by presenting an uncompromising intention to push forward through the convention and beyond.

The Biden campaign is gathering public support from key Democrat constituencies, including key members of the Squad.


“I spoke with the president extensively this weekend. He has made abundantly clear that he is in this race. He has made abundantly clear that he is not leaving the race. He is the nominee. I am making sure that I support him and making sure that we win in November.Now what I think the president does need to do is continue to lean in and move further towards the working class, and be more assertive in providing an affirmative vision for this country, and expanding in his policies and vision for a second term. And if we can do that, if we can expand on health care, if we can make sure that people’s rents and mortgages are affordable, if we can actually provide and chart out a future that is more leaning into the needs of working people, then I think we can chart a path to win.”

Ilhan Omar

Squad member Rep. Ilhan Omar, who’s critiqued the administration’s policy toward Israel, says Biden has her support to remain the Democratic nominee. “Outside a few outliers I think everybody’s supporting the president”

Ayanna Pressley

“We are losing the plot,” says Rep. Ayanna Pressley. “Joe Biden is the nominee.”

The problem is we all saw the debate. We all saw his freezes prior to the debate. No amount of bravado can cover for the fact that over 3/4 of the voters (from all parties) think he is not cognitively capable of doing the job.

Biden’s classic bluster and bullying won’t change that. Democrats are very worried. Trump is uncharacteristically quiet, just watching as Democrats go at each other.

Can Democrats put Humpty Dumpty back together again?

Tags: 2024 Presidential Election, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, Biden Cognitive, Ilhan Omar