Kamala Harris Wants You To Eat Less Meat

As Vice President Kamala Harris has taken on the mantle of being the presumed Democratic presidential candidate in 2024, there has been a steady stream of reminders about her hot, leftist take on a number of different issues.

Harris voiced support for “defund the police” in a radio interview in June 2020. She and Biden created changes to Title IX that pushed men into women’s sports. And the elite media attempt to rewrite her connection to the border catastrophe is both disturbing and hilarious.

One of the battles against progressive battles I follow is focused on the “War on Meat“, in which nanny-staters are using climate crisis propaganda to undermine dairy farms and cattle ranches. So, the news that Harris supported a ban on red meat caught my eye.

Like most Democrats, Kamala Harris thinks the government is there to run your life — from cradle to grave. That there isn’t a facet of your day-to-day living in which government shouldn’t have a say and control.Including what you eat.Banning eating red meat.A nutritious, necessary part of a diet that provides protein and iron.

Yet, the elite media was quick to dismiss this exchange. This gem from the Sacramento Bee, in which the publication asserts the claim is “Not True“.

Harris supported changing federal dietary guidelines that recommend regarded as a healthy diet.Harris was asked at at the 2019 CNN climate change town hall. “Would you support changing the dietary guidelines? Reduce red meat specifically?”“Yes, I would,” Harris said.The guidelines, though, don’t mandate what people can eat, but could alter eating patterns in federal programs such as school lunches.

Let’s collect the data ourselves, and see of the claim is true or not. Here is the exchange:

Part of Harris’ problem is the fact she can’t offer a succinct, savvy answer to serious questions. Harris may want only to focus on changing the erroneous guidelines, and have the government offer “incentives”. However, she was specifically asked if the plans included banning red meat.

Harris says “yes” in the clip. She may have simply been responding to the yes, thinking that she was referencing just new guidelines. However, the trouble with verbal vomit is that it sometimes spatters where you don’t want it.

This clip might be a tasty addition to the campaign ads the Trump team is preparing.

Whatever the real answer to the question is, yes or no, the fact remains that Harris will be a proponent of all the policies related to the climate crisis pseudoscience and its Net Zero, economy-crushing, liberty-killing inanities.

As Vice President Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign gains momentum, many environmental advocacy groups say they’re “all in” to help her win the White House.Groups like the League of Conservation Voters (LCV), Sierra Club, and NRDC Action Fund have already endorsed her campaign.Tiernan Sittenfeld, senior vice president for government affairs for the LCV, told ABC News that her organization is eager to support the Harris campaign and said she thinks the goal now should be “building on the progress” of the current administration.”I think it’s more about building on the progress — the progress of the Biden-Harris Administration on climate and on conservation has been truly historic, and there’s clearly more progress to make,” Sittenfeld said.

Finally, let’s recall the last time the Democrats got involved in “dietary science”. It resulted in the Obama’s disastrous school lunch program, Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act.

Some of thpse policies were still being rolled back by the US Congress…13 years later.

The Whole Milk for Healthy Kids Act amends the nutrition standards and allows for flavored and unflavored reduced-fat (2%) and whole milk to be served in school lunches.“As a pediatrician, I have spent my career dedicated to the well-being of children and I know how important adequate nutrition is for growing kids,” said Rep. Schrier. “A healthy diet early in life leads to proper physical growth, improved academic performance, and a strong foundation for healthy eating habits as an adult. Milk, which provides essential calcium, phosphorous, and vitamin D, is an essential part of that diet. Whole milk is a filling, nutritious option that will help ensure that our children are well-fed and healthy.”

It is wise to be cautious anytime a Democratic presidential candidate uses “science” and “health” when promoting policies. It’s a good bet neither will be involved in the matter.

Tags: 2024 Presidential Election, Climate Change, Kamala Harris