House Votes 416-0 to Form Commission to Investigate Trump Assassination Attempt
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House Votes 416-0 to Form Commission to Investigate Trump Assassination Attempt

House Votes 416-0 to Form Commission to Investigate Trump Assassination Attempt

Maybe they can discover why the Secret Service didn’t block off all line of sight avenues.

The House of Representatives voted 416-0 to form a commission to investigate the security failings that allowed a man to shoot former President Donald Trump.

Thomas Michael Crooks killed Corey Comperatore and injured David Dutch and James Copenhaver.

Crooks shot Trump in the ear.

Both sides have expressed anger over the Secret Service’s failure to protect Trump and those at the Butler, PA fully, rally almost two weeks ago.

It’s not shocking that the House voted 416-0. Ten Democrats and six Republicans didn’t vote.

It’s weird, though, to see such bipartisanship!

Then again, as we’ve seen in a few hearings, the Democrats have used the attempt to push gun control.

Even though you don’t hear anyone from the non-left calling for gun bans!

The commission will have seven Republicans and six Democrats:

“The security failures that allowed an assassination attempt on Donald Trump’s life are shocking. In response to bipartisan demands for answers, we are announcing a House Task Force made up of seven Republicans and six Democrats to thoroughly investigate the matter,” Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., said in a joint statement on Tuesday. “The task force will be empowered with subpoena authority and will move quickly to find the facts, ensure accountability, and make certain such failures never happen again.”

The resolution was led by Rep. Mike Kelly, R-Pa., whose district the shooting took place in and who was in attendance but unharmed.

Johnson told Fox News Digital in an interview last week that he wanted the panel to reach a conclusion as soon as possible — in part, at least, “so that people don’t make up their minds about some conspiracy theory or some sinister plot.”

“Some of those rumors have begun already, and we have to address that immediately,” he said “The idea of a task force is that we can have sort of a precision group or unit that goes to work on this immediately. It’ll be bipartisan and will have subpoena authority. I think that’s going to be very important to get the answers as quickly as possible.”

Maybe they can discover why the Secret Service didn’t block off all line of sight avenues.

Kimberly Cheatle resigned as Secret Service director nine days after the attempt and one day after a disastrous House hearing. She tried to fend off attacks from both sides of the aisle. Even AOC tore into her.


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Oooooh! A commission! Well, that makes me feel so much better.


Plan to prevent this from happening in the future:

1. Elect only liberal Democrats.

nordic prince | July 25, 2024 at 7:44 am

Well if you don’t want “conspiracy theories” to arise, don’t create official narratives that have more holes than a block of Swiss cheese.

E Howard Hunt | July 25, 2024 at 7:45 am

I can solve the secret service problem. Fire everybody and bring tough old head-busting NYC and New Jersey cops out of retirement.

iconotastic | July 25, 2024 at 8:11 am

Democrats voted for this so the commission will whitewash their assassination attempt, that’s all.

There is only one kind of good Democrat.

I have watched Chase Hughs talk with a body language expert about the woman at the rally behind Trump videoing the President at time of shooting very interesting! This is also! US Government Brainwashing Expert on Trump Shooting & Human Hacking

Fine. lets have a commission BUT it cant have any Democrats on it.

They are only pissed because OMB didn’t bite the big bullet.

It IS rather surprising to see no one vote against it. Then you see more than a dozen “failed to” vote.

I am also surprised there’s no one leading the commission named Warren.

PrincetonAl | July 25, 2024 at 9:00 am

Unanimous bipartisan kabuki theater.

The chance that they find deliberate neglect to create the conditions for an assassination ?

1% (being generous here)

Chance that they cluck and wring their hands and vow to reform things and create a few minor ineffective steps to declare victory whike making a lot of noise – and vote for more funding because only thing Congress likes to do is vote to fund more waste?


    clintack in reply to PrincetonAl. | July 25, 2024 at 9:42 am

    That would be 1% better than the chances of the FBI investigation finding any wrongdoing.

    And there’s a much greater chance of the public getting to hear about the facts from this committee than from the FBI or Homeland Security.

I am fairly confident of a couple things after this.

1. You don’t need to be a weatherman to know which way the wind blows. and Democrats know fighting this will make them look…worse. They think Trump is going to win and that it is better to do an investigation now while they still have some control of the process.

2. Crook acted alone. I certainly agree that he was incited but I don’t believe he had a “handler”, “trainer”, or contact. I believe that Security was willfully left especially lax in -never-written-anywhere- the wistful hope that an attempt would happen but no specific name was ever written nor date chosen. They just made sure that that there was the smell of burning hay, left the barn door wide open, and hoped for a stampede.

    Dathurtz in reply to Hodge. | July 25, 2024 at 10:13 am

    Why do you think #2?

      LibraryGryffon in reply to Dathurtz. | July 25, 2024 at 11:57 am

      Plausible deniability?

      Hodge in reply to Dathurtz. | July 25, 2024 at 3:53 pm

      Well just my humble opinion, but:

      First it’s a lousy idea from the standpoint of professional politics. If you attack a King you must kill him. You MUST not fail. If Trump were killed there might be enough disarray among the Republicans for a Democrat victory…but it is not guaranteed. It’s a real gamble with a terrible downside. Professionals don’t play politics for one election- you play the long game because it’s about careers. So don’t do it, and if you do, don’t miss. Failure to kill Trump gives the Democrats almost all of the downside with none of the upside. It almost hands him the election regardless of the opponent.

      So, IF you are taking the gamble to kill Trump, you don’t send a 20 year-old kid with a low powered rifle. You send, say a disgruntled former Marine with a Marksmanship Badge, and ideally a possible but ultimately unprovable connections to a foreign power. Then you give him a “real” sniper’s rifle, say a 50 caliber, or at least a Mannlicher–Carcano.

      Next, a pro never goes for a headshot – as we saw, it’s too small a target, moving and bobbing. You go for the center of mass – a heart shot. But, you say, “bullet-proof vest!” Yes, but a vest won’t stop all bullets, especially a 50 cal. Remember you can only expect one shot, so you need to do as much damage as possible with that shot.

      Finally, it’s almost certainly (in Butler PA anyhow) a suicide mission. A professional is not going to sacrifice himself unless the payout is huge and he has a family that needs it. That payout is ultimately trackable even in the world of BitCoin.

      So, a zealot it must be…. if said zealot is attached to a political or religious movement -as stated above- you pick a better candidate with a better rifle.

      Using Occam’s Razor, Lone Nut seems the most likely answer.

        Gamereg in reply to Hodge. | July 25, 2024 at 10:06 pm

        More evidence for #2 is that the Secret Service has had issues since the Obama administration. Remember the White House party crashers?

    alaskabob in reply to Hodge. | July 25, 2024 at 12:16 pm

    So someone spent time with him at his home and work who had multiple trips to D.C. … to a location walking distance from the FBI building. That has to be sorted out.

      DaveGinOly in reply to alaskabob. | July 25, 2024 at 12:34 pm

      I’ve seen that report. If geofencing allowed the investigators to ID that phone, they can then track that phone to wherever. Likely they have already ID’d the person, because by now they could have linked the phone to a residence, and thence to a person.

        Subotai Bahadur in reply to DaveGinOly. | July 25, 2024 at 4:45 pm

        And it is likely that the link to the person is someone who it would be politically inconvenient for the Coercive Organs of State Power to have identified. So they will not be identified.

        Subotai Bahadur

    DaveGinOly in reply to Hodge. | July 25, 2024 at 12:27 pm

    Leaving the door open and hoping an assassin walks through it is not a good plan. If there was a plan at all, nothing that happened was coincidence.

    Crooks’ father is a potential handler. He took the kid to the range (training him and making sure he was competent enough to perform the deed) and this would explain the (apparent) lack of comms between the shooter and others with regard to his plans or possible handling/direction. And who would suspect dad? Remember, Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son to his god and we’ve long compared Leftism with religious belief. Is this something that a true believer would be incapable of doing? I think the answer to that question is, “No.”

    healthguyfsu in reply to Hodge. | July 25, 2024 at 1:22 pm

    Other possibilities are foreign influence and/or a domestic, non-governmental group

destroycommunism | July 25, 2024 at 10:32 am

keeping the gop occupied with this as their BIGGGG pr move

allows the left to have more room to move around while the gop is alllll

caught up on “solving” what doesnt need to be solved

YOU HAD THE COMBINATION of the dnc agenda and some garbage who wanted to take a shot at another human….from 150 yards away

THERE I just saved $$$$$$$$$ for the taxpayers


destroycommunism | July 25, 2024 at 10:34 am

its never going to provable that the intentionally were slacking off


and lets say there were emails saying that it was to be less security?

then what

another investigation?
another “we’re going to get you big bad witches of the left!?!?!?

If the House is serious then they can forego any hearings and immediately transfer the Secret Service back to the Treasury Department, where the Director is once again free from political oversight. The political influence on the USSS through DHS is the problem.

retiredcantbefired | July 25, 2024 at 2:39 pm

And there won’t be political influence through Treasury?

Do not ” Investigate ”

    And here, I think, is the root problem on the right. We just don’t understand the various functions of government. The House can’t “prosecute” anyone. It’s the LEGISLATIVE branch. We would all do well to at least try to understand the very basic functions of government, up to and including the purview of the legislative branch (i.e. Congress). It would also make us less prone to pointless, impotent anger if we know what legislatures can and cannot do (per our Constitution).

Subotai Bahadur | July 25, 2024 at 4:52 pm

OK, after the SS, FBI, DHS, et. al. stonewall questions, after they ignore subpoenas, and after the commission is left with nothing substantive to report; since the Legislative Branch cannot prosecute [only the people under investigation can . . . ] nothing will be revealed. And there will always be enough GOPe types who will say that going for impeachments or cutting budgets “is not who we are” to prevent any effective action.

Subotai Bahadur