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Federal Grand Jury Indicts Suspected Arsonist for UC-Berkeley Fires

Federal Grand Jury Indicts Suspected Arsonist for UC-Berkeley Fires

“initially charged with felony counts of possession and use of destructive devices and multiple counts of arson”

We covered these fires when they first happened. This is an update to the story.

Campus Reform reports:

Federal grand jury indicts alleged anti-Israel UC Berkeley arsonist and firebomber

A federal grand jury has indicted Casey Goonan, who’s accused of firebombing a University of California, Berkeley, police cruiser and setting fire to several areas of campus.

Cal Fire announced on Monday the arrest of Casey Robert Goonan of Oakland, CA in connection with three arson attacks and the firebombing of a UC Berkeley Police Department vehicle in June.

Officials arrested Goonan and he was initially charged with felony counts of possession and use of destructive devices and multiple counts of arson.

Federal prosecutors picked up the case, and he was indicted by a federal grand jury on Wednesday, according to the Jewish News of Northern California.

He was charged on one felony related to the June 1 firebombing of a UC Berkeley police cruiser and for carrying an unregistered weapon.

The state-level charges on for the other three alleged arson attacks were dropped because they did little damage.

On July 11, Goonan was again arrested after allegedly throwing rocks at a federal office building in Oakland while holding Molotov cocktails.

According to a letter signed by Assistant U.S. Attorney Nikhil Bhagat, Goonan was “intending to break a window and toss one or more lit devices into an interior office.”

When Goonan was seen by a security guard, he “placed the bag with Molotov cocktails inside a planter that abuts the 12th Street side of the building and lit it on fire before fleeing.”

post by the name “Marilyn’s Daughters” on said that they set fire to a construction site at UC Berkeley in June, writing that it was the second phase of the “#Escalate movement.”

”phase two of the #Escalate movement heats up at u.c. berkeley with a construction site set on fire in broad daylight. this was done in retaliation for u.c.pd’s violent assaults on vulnerable student demonstrators and to punish the university of kkkalifornia system for supporting the genocidal zionist-Israel entity,” the group wrote. “this was an autonomous initiative in concert with the current WEEK OF ACTION currently underway: operation campus flood.”


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henrybowman | July 27, 2024 at 2:47 pm

Article in the SF Standard about what a great guy he was. Looks like, he was the All-American boy… until he fell under the sway of as asshole full of word salad at UC Riverside:

At UC Riverside, Goonan studied at least in part under Professor Dylan Rodriguez, who led the ethnic studies department at the time.

In a June 18 webinar this year, Rodriguez described Goonan as a “former student” and “dear friend” and expressed his “strongest, deepest, unqualified solidarity” with Goonan after his arrest.

“We all believe that he will be liberated and released in due time,” Rodriguez said. “The repression that Casey is facing represents a primary counterinsurgency strategy.”

Rodriguez, who did not reply to multiple requests for comment, studies the “collective genius of rebellion, survival, and insurgent futurity that radically challenge dominant forms of authority,” according to a university bio…

In one journal article, Goonan called for large protests outside American prisons to “make a spectacle of this atrocity prison crisis since everything else in this god-awful fascist hell hole seems to be concealed under the blinders of white supremacist American reason.”

Earle Holland, the assistant vice president for research communications at Ohio State University, criticized Futurity in an article for the Winter 2009/2010 issue of ScienceWriters magazine. His specific criticisms of the site included that “The Futurity staff was allowed to alter the content of the research stories institutions submitted, based on their own discretion”, and that “No one on the Futurity staff was an experienced science writer”