Democrats are riding high right now, apparently convinced that Kamala is the one who can beat President Trump. They are so hyped that they are letting the real agenda slip out.
Warren appeared on CNN to proclaim that Kamala will work with Congress to grant amnesty to illegal aliens already in the country.
Elizabeth Warren says on CNN that Kamala Harris will keep the border open and grant citizenship to more than 10 million illegal aliens:
“I believe we need to create a pathway to citizenship…Kamala Harris will work with Congress and get that done.”
— Steve Cortes (@CortesSteve) July 28, 2024
The “11 million illegals” touted for almost ten years, while illegals continued flooding across the border under Obama, was always a lie. Estimates of 20-45 million were posited even while Obama was still in office. And lets not forget that the Biden-Harris open border palooza that has reportedly doubled the number of illegal aliens in just three years.

Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.
That has always been the goal. The only surprise is that they haven’t already done it.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but the president doesn’t have the authority to do this. It’s congress, right? OTOH, Democratic presidents aren’t long on following the law.
Democratic presidents aren’t long on following the law.
Were they ever?
Nah, they’ll do it the same way they’re doing the tuition forgiveness programs
They’ll keep throwing specious legal authorities up against the wall, and they’ll all take six months each to get shot down, and maybe someday someone will forget to shoot one down and that’s the day the horse learns to sing. This sort of strategy would never be viable in a world where there is an actual penalty for incessantly attempting to end-run the limits on your own authority… but since there never is, well, it works just fine.
“Kamala Harris will work with Congress to get that done”.
Lost me at “work.”
What do the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal have in common?
They are both for this.
Just as with the bloated annual ‘Farm bill’ which contains goodies for favored sectors/crops and big AG along with additional pork to the ‘welfare programs’. The establishment aka ‘Rich Men North of Richmond’ want more immigration. Some to depress labor costs, some b/c it makes them feel virtuous, some b/c they really do want to ‘transform’ the Nation along with some overlap.
It’s called replacement theory and the left hates it when you call them out on it, It has bene happening since the Jug ears regime.
The Dems are actively campaigning for the Illegal Alien vote. They registered them. Now they are encouraging the to vote blue.
We will be the United States of Latinos… and other nefarious genetics, but certainly non white and most likely non Christian
It wil be funny when we are a complete third world shit hole cause the spigot will stop
Then what?
I say if things get so God awful, the sane states break off and form a Union, the real United States of America
Hmm weird
Kamala is a Cultural Marxist DIE representative. No Borders is one of the first programs for them to destroy the economy
“I believe we need to create a pathway to citizenship”
Hello! There’s already a pathyway!!!!!!
What she wants to do is reward people for breaking the law.
Yep. Go home. Wait in line at the US Consulate or Embassy. Fill out the application, send it in and wait your turn for a decision. Acquiring a needed skill set before applying would be a plus. We got plenty of Lawyers, academics, activist/community organisers and DEI program managers so maybe show up with a STEM degree to better the odds of admission.
That’s like excusing shoplifting with “we need to create a pathway to consumership!” We already have one — the reason more people aren’t using it is because you aren’t prosecuting shoplifters.
Path? A swath of illegals coming across the border by the tens of millions won’t fit on the widest freeway in the world. It’s more like the conquest of Genghis Khan that was measured in degrees latitude and longitude.
Warren should be deported along with all the illegals.
Why isn’t she living on a reservation with all her fellow Cherokee?
They can’t stand her, either.
The solution to this Illegal Immigration policy has always been simple. Quite giving them free stuff and when you catch them move them back across the border immediately. Don’t allow them to get social services. They will stop coming and many will self deport.
But that’s just wishful thinking.
Also, tax all remittances back home at a 60% rate. If it’s good enough that the democrats like it, we should run with it.
60% seems high. How about a 20% withholding on all foreign transactions? Refundable when you file federal tax return …. assuming you have a valid SSN or tax ID number. Heck let’s start enforcing failure to pay federal taxes not v the easy targets in the middle class but v employers who hire under the table to avoid taxes and on the folks who accept it. Revoke any lawful status and deport while seizing the business assets. That would be a whole new level of pain likely to curb illegal hiring of illegal immigrants.
Also make it much more difficult to find employment here. Make E-verify mandatory nationwide, double or triple penalties/fines for employers caught hiring illegal aliens, make wages paid to illegal aliens non-tax deductible as a business expense, don’t allow illegal aliens to have accounts at federally insured banks and any business found in violation of hiring illegal aliens multiple times ineligible for government contracts for at least five years. Take away the free stuff and the employment and the illegal aliens would have no reason to stay.
Elizabeth Warren, just ANOTHER Massachusetts embarrassment, is a lying fraud and leftist crackpot.
The Democrats are not going to give them citizenship. They will talk a good game, but this wedge issue is too good to let go.
Besides their corporate sponsors want them poor and scared, so they will work for cheap. Once you give them citizenship, their driving force will not be in parallel with their betters.