Durbin to Acting Secret Service Director: Why Wasn’t Trump Shooter Identified as Dangerous Despite Range Finder?

Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) wanted to know why the Secret Service didn’t consider the man who shot former President Donald Trump a dangerous individual despite having a range finder:

Durbin asked, “What is the purpose of a range finder? And once this assassin was identified as using a range finder, wasn’t that proof positive that he was a dangerous individual?”Rowe replied, “So I’ll say, Senator, that obviously somebody is trying to determine where they are in proximity to a location, a fixed location. I’ll defer, to my colleague here, but I believe it was recreation or sports related. I thought I had read that it was a golf range finder. Nonetheless, it still would have provided him the ability to provide the distance that he was away from his intended target.””Wasn’t that enough?” Durbin followed-up.”As far as raising suspicion… I think he was identified as being suspicious by local law enforcement,” Rowe said.”And nothing happened,” said Durbin.

Tags: Dick Durbin, Secret Service, Trump Assassination Attempt, US Senate