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‘Does the Buck Stop Anywhere?!’ Cruz Lashes Out at Secret Service Denying Trump, RFK Jr. More Protection

‘Does the Buck Stop Anywhere?!’ Cruz Lashes Out at Secret Service Denying Trump, RFK Jr. More Protection

“I believe that Secret Service leadership made a political decision to deny these requests.”

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) was not happy that the USSS denied former President Donald Trump and RFK Jr. more protection.


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Does the buck stop anywhere? Ha ha ha. That’s a joke, right?

    WRy198 in reply to Paula. | July 30, 2024 at 2:55 pm

    What’s a buck? Define “stop” and where is “here”? I had to stop listening to the testimony because I was drowning in CYA…

    BLSinSC in reply to Paula. | July 31, 2024 at 8:48 am

    The “buck” should stop at WHO GAVE THE ORDER TO STAND DOWN!! I know that question has been ASKED but I have YET to see or hear an ANSWER! How far UP did that ORDER go? Were the Agents in Charge on LOCATION make that ORDER? So many questions and so many denials by the “leaders”! This was NOT a failure to PROTECT PRESIDENT TRUMP – this was a FAILURE to SUCCEED in his demise! SOMEONE had a PLAN and THANK GOD it failed, now WHO WAS IT? What did it take to get that hideously lying woman to “resign”? Who ELSE should be GONE? This disgusts me in so many ways!!

There will be nothing on paper that can ever be subject to a subpoena from Congress. That is what the acting director meant by saying there is a process, not a single individual or a bureaucracy. Decisions are made in a hallway and are not traceable.

Aceofspadeshq comments

6 >>> 26 The big news revealed today was the USSS immediately erased all of their Comms after the assassination attempt…
Wouldn’t that be:

1. Destruction of a government record.crime
2. Destruction of evidence in a 3. I’m sure there’s something else.
Posted by: I used to have a different nic at July 30, 2024 01:28 PM (IUd0M)

The dog ate our homework.

destroycommunism | July 30, 2024 at 1:58 pm

ss: why would trump need security at all?

he didnt get shot!!!!
as google hears it and then no one can post anything or pictures on social media of that day

This is exactly the kind of joke I figured it would be. I realize this is the Senate and not the house but it’s the same kind of joke. They’ll get promises to do things that will never happen and there might be a strongly worded letter involved somewhere but nothing will actually change. The only difference is that this time someone actually did die and still nothing will change

AF_Chief_Master_Sgt | July 30, 2024 at 4:58 pm

The US Secret Service is complicit in the murder of a rally attendee, and is complicit in the ongoing coverup and destruction of evidence.

Subotai Bahadur | July 30, 2024 at 5:17 pm

Looking at the collection of threads here on the assassination attempt, and similar ones on other sites on this subject; does anyone have a high degree of confidence in the integrity of our political processes when these people are the ones supposed to guarantee them?

Subotai Bahadur

This, to my lights, this is contempt of Congress. An agency official has a responsibility to respond to questions from Congress, as Congress has oversight over the agencies. Merely appearing, under subpoena or voluntarily, does not satisfy the official’s obligations under his oath of office. (Support of the Constitution would include fulfilling one’s obligations to reply in a meaningful way to a Congressional inquiry. To not do so is an insult to the constitutional authority exercised by members of Congress.) If a witness in court responded similarly, refusing to answer simple questions and obfuscating the situation with non-replies, would not that witness be threatened with, and possibly held in, contempt?

We’re on the knife’s edge of losing it all and Cruz is moderately upset about blah blah. It’s a never ending facade of decorum and Marquess of Queensberry rules while smarmy agency bureaucrats hold him by the collar and kick him in the teeth.

There’s no sense of urgency; clock in, hammer nails into two-by-fours, clock out. Tomorrow is another day. Tum-de-dum.

Okay, there is urgency – Cruz needs campaign $$$$ to save A’merca.

It’s kind of a shame that the new Acting Director has to take the heat for the cowardly DIE hire, Cheatle.

Who cares if she resigned? Drag her sorry hindquarters into Congress and make her sit on the hot seat.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | July 30, 2024 at 11:08 pm

This Ronald McDonald Rowe is a dirtbag of the sleaziest sort. He is dirtier than that idiot Cheatle could have ever hoped to be. I predict that Rowe is gone within two weeks. He is scum.