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DeSantis: ‘America Cannot Afford Four More Years of a “Weekend at Bernie’s” Presidency’

DeSantis: ‘America Cannot Afford Four More Years of a “Weekend at Bernie’s” Presidency’

“Our enemies do not confine their designs to between 10:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M.”

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis described President Joe Biden’s presidency perfectly:

DeSANTIS: “As a citizen, as a husband and as a father, I am alarmed that the current president of the United States lacks the capability to discharge the duties of his office. Our enemies do not confine their designs to between 10:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M., We need —

(Cheering and Applause)

We need a commander-in-chief who can lead 24 hours a day and seven days a week. America cannot afford four more years of a ‘Weekend at Bernie‘s’ presidency.”


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Predictably the GOP is abandoning social conservatism and trying to reach voters who won’t vote for them. It didn’t work for the comic book industry, it didn’t work for Disney Star Wars and it doesn’t work in politics.

Abandoning your base to attempt to attract people who hate you to come over is a stupid strategy. This country really needs a new party

    guyjones in reply to geronl. | July 17, 2024 at 1:06 pm

    I agree with the general sentiment that the vile Dhimmi-crats are generally not receptive to appeals to unity and the like, but, if Trump-Vamce can peel off even a few hundred thousand disaffected Dhimmi-crats and Independents in key states, the effort will have bore fruit and could prove to be a game-changer.

      GWB in reply to guyjones. | July 17, 2024 at 1:10 pm

      The key is understanding they only support a very small part of any conservative Constitutionalist agenda. You either need to convert them or let them go and build your base up more.

        henrybowman in reply to GWB. | July 18, 2024 at 1:43 am

        Somehow, I don’t think the base is in any danger of defecting right this moment. It’s the perfect time to aim for a slightly bigger tent.

    CommoChief in reply to geronl. | July 17, 2024 at 5:47 pm

    The nominee, largely speaking, sets the party platform for the election cycle. What specific culture war issues do believe are being abandoned?

Well, America needs to be reminded of the lousy, detrimental schemes of the left, and of Biden’s dementia, which has dropped off the map for obvious reasons.

Make America remember how good things were under Pres. Trump, and contrast with “accomplishments” of the Biden Junta. All they have is abortion and “orange man bad,” even though Biden has been orange, and the rug got pulled out from under the “bad man” image by Pres. Trump’s heroic defiance after being shot.

The only issue with making a “Weekend at Bernie’s” analogy is that in that superb comedy film, Bernie Lomax’s corpse exhibited more vigor, vitality and alacrity than Slow/Corrupt dotard Joe, on his best day.

Honestly, we couldn’t hack another 4 years with these people at the helm even if Joey was vigorous and lively. We would still have subsidized Iran’s terror proxy war and hurt our economy and killed our energy independence. His senescence has simply been a giant sign to the world of what’s happened to the country.

Having said that, yeah, Weekend At Bernie’s is way too much fun of a film to be the right comparison. Maybe a zombie movie where all the undead are walking around saying, “Ice cream. Icccccce cream.”

Also, it must be pointed out that a vote for Slow/Corrupt Joe is effectively a vote for vile crone and harlot, Kamala, who would predictably take over the presidency for nearly the entirety of a second Biden term.

I was surprised DeSantis speech wasn’t carried live here at legalinsurrection.

He did better than his usual campaign’s speeches

If he hadn’t gone all in with the government to arrest, maybe kill President Trump at Mara Lago, and then run against President Trump, when he gave his word he would not, I do think he would have been VP And a shoe in for President 2028
Long time before 28, but he made the wrong decision, but it was always a matter of character…

Good job by DeSantis. Encapsulated the disaster of Biden/Harris administration and neatly summarized the Cray Cray d/prog policies; pushing trans into women/girls spaces, the total disregard/disdain for Parents, rampant inflation, forever wars, Hamas supporting loons, DEI and oppressor v oppressed warmed over Marxism as their primary focus, empowering big govt bureaucracy particularly in Covid. | July 17, 2024 at 5:13 pm

My Govenor! Love DeSantis!!!