CA Democrats Trying to Salvage Law That Weakened Property Crime Penalties

California Democrats’ experimenting with senseless policy continues unabated. They want to weaken a measure that would reform Proposition 47, which weakened property crime penalties.

In 2014, voters in this state were persuaded to approve Proposition 47, which reduced certain property crimes from felonies to misdemeanors, provided that the stolen goods weren’t worth more than $950.

Subsequently, “smash and grab” crimes and shoplifting have become rampant in this state. One recent and dramatic incident involved 20 people who surged into a California jewelry store and stole as much as they could in less than three minutes.

The group broke into the PNG Jewelers in Sunnyvale on June 12 at around 1:27 p.m., the city’s Department of Public Safety said in a news release. Sunnyvale is just south of San Francisco in what is known as the South Bay.Surveillance video shows the suspects using hammers and other tools to budge the front door open. Masking their faces with hoods, the thieves fan out across the store to quickly destroy nearly every display case.The suspects grab as much jewelry as they can before fleeing the scene, leaving the store with shards of glass scattered across the floor. Footage captured the reactions of two employees witnessing the damage after they walked into the store.

Last month, a strong Proposition 47 Reform measure was approved for the November ballot. The new rule:

However, California Democrats are attempting to salvage their senseless Proposition 47 policies by creating an alternative ballot measure that is substantially weaker.

The lawmakers’ plan, led by Gov. Gavin Newsom, seeks to put fewer people behind bars for stealing compared to the other plan. Newsom and lawmakers negotiated the plan behind closed doors over the weekend after failing to convince the coalition of law enforcement and business groups to drop their initiative.Both proposals would make shoplifting a felony for repeat offenders and increase penalties for fentanyl-related charges. But the lawmakers’ plan is narrower in scope.Under the retailers’ plan, any prior theft-related convictions, even if they happened years ago, would count toward a three-strike policy for increased sentences. Lawmakers also are proposing harsher punishment for repeat thieves, but the convictions would have to happen within three years of each other.Prosecutors could aggregate the amount of all stolen goods within three years to charge harsher offenses under the Democrats’ plan.

California Republicans have pounced, deriding the Democratic move to confuse voters.

Republicans slammed the effort as working to undermine the democratic process, noting the support the Homelessness, Drug Addiction, and Theft Reduction Act has from prosecutors and some Democratic politicians.“I’m appalled by our governor, who often neglects his duties in California to travel the country, lecturing other states about democracy while undermining it in his own,” Republican California Senate Minority Leader Brian Jones said in a post on X.“Now, with only 72 hours notice, Democrat leadership is pushing a weaker initiative to confuse and manipulate voters at the ballot box. While Democrat leadership fears the power of the people, I remain hopeful that my reasonable Democrat friends will recognize this cynical tactic and stand firm against these political games,” Jones said on Sunday.“Republicans have a clear message: stop playing politics with public safety! #FixCalifornia,” he added.

Meanwhile, smash and grab robberies and shoplifting sprees continue.

Tags: California, Crime, Democrats