Black Lives Matter Lashes Out at Democrats for Likely Kamala Harris Nomination Without Primary

The Black Lives Matter national group lashed out at the Democratic Party for installing Vice President Kamala Harris as the 2024 presidential candidate without a formal primary process.However, the group said it “will celebrate, and honor the joy many in our community are feeling about Kamala’s historic candidacy and path to the nomination.”But Black Lives Matter will also “call out the undemocratic process and engaging in a vigorous discussion on the issues our community cares about.”The timeline of events is enough to make people think something is up, especially from a party that loves “democracy” so much:

Timeline of EventsSunday•Joe Biden drops out.•Kamala Harris announces campaign with Biden endorsement.•Kamala Harris says she is going to work hard to earn the nomination.•Kamala Harris makes calls to party delegates.Monday•Kamala Harris continues making calls to party delegates.•Kamala Harris makes two public speeches.•AP announces Kamala Harris has secured enough delegates to be the Democratic Nominee (Monday night).•Kamala Harris releases this statement, noting she has worked hard to “go out and earn this nomination” as promised (Monday night).A 24-hour process of talking to party bosses is not democratic, nor is it a process Democrats should be proud of. We do not live in a dictatorship. Delegates are not oligarchs.

Black Lives Matter, of course, insists the Democrat Party’s actions this year silences black and minority voters.

The group is not wrong. But the party’s actions this year silenced everyone.

The full statement is even more damning:

While Joe Biden wasn’t our preferred candidate, we cannot ignore the troubling actions of the Democratic Party:

  • The DNC refused to host debates during the primary, even though a vast majority of Democratic voters wanted them. This would have likely allowed America to see the decline of Joe Biden in 2023.
  • The DNC changed the primary schedule and created rules that made it almost impossible for non-Biden candidates to appear on the ballot, effectively clearing the field of any challengers to the incumbent president.
  • Following the primary where millions of Black voters weighed in, after one poor debate performance, the DNC Party elites and billionaire donors bullied Joe Biden out of the race.

Now, Democratic Party elites and billionaire donors are attempting to manipulate Black voters by anointing Kamala Harris and an unknown vice president as the new Democratic ticket without a primary vote by the public. This blatant disregard for democratic principles is unacceptable. While the potential outcome of a Harris presidency may be historic, the process to achieve it must align with true democratic values. We have no idea where Kamala Harris stands on the issues, now that she has assumed Joe Biden’s place, and we have no idea of the record of her potential vice president because we don’t even know who it is yet.

Tags: 2024 Presidential Election, Black Lives Matter, Democrats, DNC, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris