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Biden’s Kamala Endorsement Blows Up Twitter

Biden’s Kamala Endorsement Blows Up Twitter

“She knew the whole time he was in decline. His record of failure is her record of failure.”

The Twitter machine is abuzz with the news that Biden dropped out of the presidential nomination race, that he failed initially to endorse Kamala Harris, and that he followed up with an endorsement.

It is odd that the endorsement was not part of the initial announcement, so the follow-up tweet is causing a lot of chatter across Twitter (X).

There’s a lot of talk about Kackles’ role in the cover-up conspiracy that hid the truth from the American people.

And finally, yep.




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UnCivilServant | July 21, 2024 at 3:31 pm

Kneecapping the party on the way out the door by throwing another wrench in the mix?

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | July 21, 2024 at 3:34 pm

that he failed initially to endorse Kamala Harris, and that he followed up with an endorsement.

Traitor Joe was holding out for another $20 million to be added on to his golden parachute. He only got $15 million so the endorsement went out in a tweet.

Harris’s transformation from dunce candidate to sage nominee will be interesting.

E Howard Hunt | July 21, 2024 at 3:35 pm

It’s right that Kamala hang up her spurs and stop working the house. It’s high time she become madame.

Why did the PR team think it was a good idea to use a still photo of her cackling?

It would be precious to see Joe’s reaction when they tell him that he dropped from the race.

stevewhitemd | July 21, 2024 at 3:40 pm

As Mr. Obama once told his party, “You don’t have to fall in love, you just have to fall in line.”

The only thing left for Jill to do is issue pardons and shift bank accounts offshore. Joe won’t make it to Inauguration Day. He’s a heartbeat away from not having a heartbeat.

And yeah, that was my take as well.

His belated endorsement is one last petty SCREW YOU on his way out the door, and honestly is the surest sign that the establishment didn’t WANT Kamala.

Conservative Beaner | July 21, 2024 at 3:46 pm

Trump assassination attempt, Biden resigns and we have just over three months to the election.

Popcorn and soda will be in high demand.

destroycommunism | July 21, 2024 at 3:53 pm

Kamalas slogan:



destroycommunism | July 21, 2024 at 4:03 pm

fjb endorsement read like this:

I certainly endorse that black lady

I hope they pick her, just think they won’t
Mooch is still my best guess to save their Democracy

    Skip in reply to Skip. | July 21, 2024 at 4:06 pm

    Tell is Barky wants a convention fight there will be one, word seems he is not on her side

destroycommunism | July 21, 2024 at 4:11 pm

they are already doctoring UP kamalas

college papers with some A+ grades

destroycommunism | July 21, 2024 at 4:12 pm

kamala is sure to get 99% of the black female vote

but black males with anyyyy sense
will vote trump

destroycommunism | July 21, 2024 at 4:15 pm

after obama tainted any of her professional credentials

how can the dems say she is qualified??

After his remark that California’s Kamala Harris was the “best-looking attorney general in the country” sparked controversy, President Obama apologized for what some deemed to be a sexist comment, and what others argued was a dumb, but harmless, compliment.The president called Harris to apologize for the comments hours after he made them on Thursday during a San Francisco fundraiser for the

destroycommunism | July 21, 2024 at 4:18 pm

hillary called kamala and said to at least prepare her

I didnt win b/c of sexism and racism,,speech

It won’t matter. Harris is a manifestly elitist, stupid, thin-skinned, irritable and shallow dunce. Her VP pick will be an emasculated cuck, to want to serve under her.

Harris has zero blue-collar appeal.

Trump-Vance just won the race. It’s time to celebrate

destroycommunism | July 21, 2024 at 4:20 pm


destroycommunism | July 21, 2024 at 4:25 pm

Hawaii just called and said they had her birth certificates ready

I’m thinkin’ Harris will graciously NOT accept the nomination. Obama is probably busily writing her heartfelt thanks/no thanks letter and is also working on her lagniappe.

First it was Cankles now it’s Cackles.

Andrzejr2 (właso) | July 21, 2024 at 5:12 pm

Dementia ruled. Will the Kama Sutra be next?

“We know from our sources that the Trump team has been building a book to take on Kamala Harris…and do everything they can to tie her to Joe Biden.”

Dude … she is the Vice President in the Biden* junta. What can they possibly do that would “tie her” to Biden* more than that?

It is impossible to loath the Joseph Goebbels media too much.

Are we know going to go the “your racist if you don’t vote for her” route for 3 solid months because the corporate press sure can’t point to anything she has done except help cover up Biden’s infirmary.

Did Biden really approve the tweet that endorsed her, or did someone on his communication team double cross him? If so, it’s a good move by her handlers. He can’t very well go on TV after-the-fact and denounce his own tweet without looking like a senile old man, and a racist.

Many libs probably pushed Joe out under the assumption that the process would be open, specifically to get around the “Kamala problem”, and they were immediately outsmarted by her puppet masters. That’s gotta be embarrassing, even for those with no shame.