Biden’s Cognitive Collapse: Greatest Media Scandal We’ve Ever Seen

William Jacobson Biden Media Scandal 2

You saw the debate and the interview.

Joe is not well. He should not be president, it’s a national security risk. This is what the 25th Amendment is made for.

There have been many media scandals. Rathergate comes to mind. But most immediately, Russia collusion was the most aggressive and sustained media misinformation campaign lasting years. It operated on the level of using bits and pieces of information and disinformation to try to convince us that something we could not see (collusion) did in fact happen.

The media conduct towards Biden’s cognitive decline operated on a different level.

We saw it. We wrote about it. But for years, at least since the 2020 election cycle, the media did its best to convince you that you didn’t see what you saw. The media didn’t try to convince you that something that didn’t exist existed, it tried to convince you that something that existed didn’t exist.

It was a classic case of gaslighting:

Gaslighting is an insidious form of manipulation and psychological control. Victims of gaslighting are deliberately and systematically fed false information that leads them to question what they know to be true, often about themselves. They may end up doubting their memory, their perception, and even their sanity. Over time, a gaslighter’s manipulations can grow more complex and potent, making it increasingly difficult for the victim to see the truth.

If not for the debate — initiated by the Biden campaign — this gaslighting might have succeeded with enough people to swing an election. It is, in my estimation, the greated media scandal ever because the result was not just to skew an election, but to keep in power a cognitively unfit president, exposing uur nation to existential harm.

Here’s my hot take video on it:

So, many of us watched the interview by George Stephanopoulos of Joe Biden, and I don’t think it solved any problems. In fact, it might’ve made problems worse for Democrats because Joe doesn’t want to go. He’s stubborn like he’s always been, but he didn’t have enough of a flub that it’s going to lead more Democrats to force him out.But they have a problem because he’s not up to the job. Everybody knows it. We all saw the debate, we all saw the interview.But what I think the big story that’s going to come out of this and is going to be developing in the coming weeks is that this could be the greatest media scandal that we’ve ever seen. And it’s the greatest media scandal, not just because the media lied, not just because they deceived us. That’s happened so many times.But they did it to cover up what we all saw in plain sight. With Russia collusion, they were inventing things we couldn’t see and trying to convince us that they happened. With the Biden cognitive failures, they were trying to convince us that something we all saw didn’t happen and wasn’t happening.I predict that this will be the greatest media scandal at least in the last 10 or 20 years.

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Tags: 2024 Presidential Election, Biden Cognitive, Legal Insurrection Podcast