Biden Drops Out – Endorses Kamala
How can he stay in office?

Joe Biden just posted on X (Twitter) that he is dropping out.
Biden separately tweeted that he is endorsing Kamala.
My fellow Democrats, I have decided not to accept the nomination and to focus all my energies on my duties as President for the remainder of my term. My very first decision as the party nominee in 2020 was to pick Kamala Harris as my Vice President. And it’s been the best decision I’ve made. Today I want to offer my full support and endorsement for Kamala to be the nominee of our party this year. Democrats — it’s time to come together and beat Trump. Let’s do this.
My fellow Democrats, I have decided not to accept the nomination and to focus all my energies on my duties as President for the remainder of my term. My very first decision as the party nominee in 2020 was to pick Kamala Harris as my Vice President. And it’s been the best…
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) July 21, 2024
In light of Joe Biden announcing he is dropping out of the race, we are extending the time to vote in our Reader Poll until midnight (Pacific time) on Tuesday night, June 23 – Who Will Be Kamala Harris’ VP Pick If Joe Biden Drops Out? (Reader Poll – Deadline Extended After Biden Drops Out)
How can he continue? While he didn’t mention his cognitive decline, we all know that is the reason as revealed at the debate. As I wrote on June 28, 2024, Biden’s Cognitive Decline Is A National Security Threat – Invoke The 25th Amendment NOW
NRSC Chair @SteveDaines is calling on Joe Biden to resign
— Senate Republicans (@NRSC) July 21, 2024
At this unprecedented juncture in American history, we must be clear about what just happened. The Democrat Party forced the Democrat nominee off the ballot, just over 100 days before the election.
Having invalidated the votes of more than 14 million Americans who selected Joe…— Speaker Mike Johnson (@SpeakerJohnson) July 21, 2024
The people who turned the screws on him are praising his decision.
Schumer: Joe Biden has not only been a great president and a great legislative leader but he is a truly amazing human being. His decision of course was not easy, but he once again put his country, his party, and our future first.
Joe, today shows you are a true patriot and…— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) July 21, 2024
I heard last week that he would resign at this exact time and date. It was widespread knowledge in DC.
The real powers that be are discarding the old puppet in favor of one that has a better chance of fooling the public.
They fear Trump because he is not a puppet.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) July 21, 2024
When the memo goes out
— Dan McLaughlin (@baseballcrank) July 21, 2024
Expect Democrats to seek a boost also in the fact that Harris would be the first female president.
— Philip Melanchthon Wegmann (@PhilipWegmann) July 21, 2024
Rachel Maddow: Donald Trump is going to lose in November now that he's running against Kamala Harris and he's going to regret picking J.D. Vance.
— Tom Bevan (@TomBevanRCP) July 21, 2024
News – Bill and Hillary Clinton endorsed Harris
— Political Polls (@PpollingNumbers) July 21, 2024
I would caution us to not underestimate Harris. She would be the first woman POTUS and furthermore the first woman POTUS would be a POC. To a large swath of the public, all of that historical legacy stuff will fire them up.
— Just Mindy
(@just_mindy) July 21, 2024
So if Kamala badly trailing in the polls leading up to or at time of convention, do they pull a second coup?
— William A. Jacobson (@wajacobson) July 21, 2024
I’ve known Obama since 1995. We both come out of Chicago politics. I know how it works. He’s behind the campaign to dump 15 million Dem primary voters & replace Biden with his choice. Classic Chicago Democrat machine politics. Selection over election. The bosses over the people.
— Rod Blagojevich (@realBlagojevich) July 21, 2024

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“you don’t have Joe Biden to kick around any more”
Jill is crying all the way to the bank.
At least he’s too old to run in 2032.
Good one.
Does he know he dropped out or will they let him know when he gets up from his nap?
What is this you want me to sign?
It’s just some routine paper work.
What kind of paperwork?
It means you won’t have to go out and read off the teleprompter so much. You will be able to stay in the basement and eat pudding.
Okay. Where do I sign?
Oh, no, he fell asleep before signing the “Jr” after his name. Oh well. who will notice?
Well I predicted this last year, and was only thrown off this past month by his hilarious refusal to leave.
I said from the start that this decrepit moron was doing absolutely NOTHING that would be considered ‘campaigning’.
I was thrown off by him simply refusing to leave, and I think that the Democrats were, as well. The moron actually believed the propaganda that he was this incredibly successful and popular President that was sailing to re-election.
I still think its going to be Whitmer. Somebody relatively unknown (to the normies), who they can hide in the basement just like 2020, run them as ‘generic Democrat’, and cheat to victory in swing states.
They’d better pick someone quick, because otherwise they won’t have time to print up the fake ballots.
At this point I see basically 2 possibilities.
1) They nominate Whitmer and actually try to cheat her to victory
2) They let Kamala take the nomination and just hang her out to dry to lose catastrophically so they can get rid of her without having to deal with her insanity.
If Kamala is the nominee, who actually accepts the VP slot will tell you whether they’re actually trying to win.
If somebody actually resigns a Senator/Governorship to run with her, then its real. If they put up some idiot like Bootyjudge who has no career anyway, then they’re just letting her lose.
Don’t be surprised if Michelle Obama is their nominee. She has supposedly stated she would not want to be president, but the Obama’s have a history of big lies. She would be a formidable candidate, with the Democrats and their media allies fully behind her.
I go with #2. She gets a tenured, full professorship at UCLA. No real teaching duties.
Biden notably doesn’t endorse Harris….as Mark Halperin said he wouldn’t. In fact, Halperin’s predictions from last week have turned out to be remarkable accurate
Oh, not so fast. FNC is reporting Biden has now offered ‘full support and endorsement’ of Harris. That’s…..excellent news, IMO.
30 minutes later after they looked at what they sent and said “You know, I think we missed something… Oh, Kamala! Yeah, we should put something in there about her.”
Alex Jones predicted this months ago… and the decision day was July 20th.
He doesn’t have to negotiate for pardons for his family they are already in hand. If you were Hunter would you have be willing to risk Joe’s continued functional existence. Up
So they have agreed on who the nominee will be? If not will they have a multi round floor vote or a zoom call so as not to allow people to know how fractured they are.
A simulacrum of democracy to pick the candidate that the establishment has already decided upon.
You mean the same “ranked choice” they foisted on us?
How about mailing us all ballots, and we can “vote” for Kneepads?
You’re going to see a lot of “defenders of democracy” violating election laws very soon.
Biden’s exit the race saves them from all that. Now that he’s abandoned his campaign, all of his pledged delegates are released to vote for whomever they like on the first ballot.
Under state election laws?
State election laws that seek to influence, regulate how major national parties pick their candidates have been looked at dimly by the Court. The dozen or so states that obligate ‘pledged delegates’ to vote for their candidate on the 1st ballot are very likely unenforceable. But, even if they were, almost all of those states release those pledged delegates in the event their candidate dies or withdraws prior to the convention begenning.
State election laws have nothing to do with it. No state has the authority to tell a political party how to run its convention or how to choose its candidates.
The do have a case when the State pays for the primary election and NOT the political parties themselves. IMO, that gives the States with pledged delegate statutes the handle on the delegates… after all the the political parties could have opted to refuse the State taxpayer $, fund their primaries out of their own pocket and avoid the complications…. but they didn’t and now they have a minor speed bump. Plus the ever helpful specter of lawfare to stir the pot which the d/prog can’t reasonably object to given their own expansion on this front. I suspect they will still unreasonably object.
No, even then the party has a first amendment right to make its own rules and the state can’t tell it how to nominate its candidates.
Delegates to a party convention are not state employees, and the state can’t dictate to them how to vote.
Doesn’t change the fact that the Dems could have had a real primary. They knew joe was done. They did this to avoid getting someone not picked by the party back roomers. They are really afraid of the loony left of their party pick a person that either cannot or will not act like a normal person during the campaign..
Yes, I think that’s exactly correct. Even if someone like Bernie wouldn’t have won, the Bernie Bros would have pulled those primary candidates so far to the left, it would have put their eventual nominee in an untenable position in the General Election. The issue of Gaza alone would have been a nightmare for them. They’ve avoided all that now.
When they canceled the Zoom Call to nominate him, I wondered if this was the case.
I encourage everyone to listen very carefully so you can hear the screeching when no one asks Hillary to be the nominee, lol.
Now the real Democratic Party civil war begins.
I don’t think so. They already knew who they were going to pick before they canceled the Zoom call to nominate Biden and leaked the “He is dropping out this weekend” story.
Darn it, I so enjoyed Puddin Head’s stay/not stay chaos
Is there anything more pathetic than issuing a ‘statement’ on TWITTER on a Sunday morning?
It’s like a little kid having to do something he doesn’t want to do.
Or showing a bad grade to the parent that will admonish him less.
It was an Insurrection against a sitting President. Lock them up!!!
Any idea what he negotiated in exchange for his withdrawal and endorsement of Kamala? Financial considerations, presidential library funding, pardons for the Biden “family”, plus more?
I am very curious about the deal, and how far they’ll go to conceal its terms.
He wouldn’t have to negotiate for pardons. He can just do them on his way out. There’s no way they could stop him, so why would he give them anything in return?.
He first paragraph is “we did this and that”… which is true since he was just the rubber stamp.
Yesterday was a mix of old TV…”Let’s Make A Deal” and “The Price Is Right”. Dr. Jill’S house call bill will be $$$$$$$$.
“Choosing Kamala as my VP was my best decision.”
You said it, Joe; we didn’t!
That declaration could be turned into a great meme.
My reconstruction of what happened. Jill went on a long and angry rant against everyone who wanted Joe to drop out. When it was done, Joe said, “Mommy. I’m tired. Can I go to sleep now?”
She finally realized there was no chance and allowed someone to write his statement.
I do not imagine a universe in which Jill decided to do the right thing, or where Joe decided to do the right thing. If that were the case, he would have also resigned the presidency.
It could also be that she lost her cool in front of Joe and he realized he wasn’t going to win. Unlikely I know, but a 0.001% chance is still a chance.
Well this is a nice try for a half measure. If Biden is unstable to display the physical vigor and mental acuity to mount a credible campaign FOR the office he can’t claim fitness to continue to serve IN the office. IMO the nest bet long term is remove him via 25th A, install Harris as.POTUS and nominee then hope for the best while expecting to probably lose in ’24. At least that avoids an immediate schism, somewhat lets them claim a degree of atonement for the Biden is healthy BS narrative while saddling Harris with a probable loss, ending her career and clearing the field for a more open contest v the backstabbing in a schism and risk of splitting the party.
By trying to do it this way they leave lots of festering problems and issues. The cabal of legacy media who enabled this distortion about his fitness and the d/prog officials and staffers who pushed the ‘Biden works so hard we can’t keep up’ BS narrative still need sorting out. Is the d/prog party gonna hold a do over primary and let the voters have a choice, an open contested convention or will they gonna keep the decision in the back room? Pretty sure they gonna try to keep it in back room. I don’t think they can thread the needle of winning the election, keeping Biden as POTUS till Jan, keeping Harris out of power while simultaneously appeasing the various factions and tribes in the scramble for power while avoiding a party schism.
Correction endorsed Harris. It seems they may be on track to avoid some but all the issues I raised. Still gotta kick Joe to the curb via 25A or have that hanging over the election every day. Shows a lack of judgement and the willingness not only to lie about the health/acuity of POTUS for years but the unwillingness to alter course even when the wider public recognizes the lies.
If I were in the House, which will NEVER happen BTW, I would not vote to support the 25A.
The Republicans should not help in any way. Let Trump walk all over the nominee Harris in debates about how she knew Biden was unfit, yet failed the nation by doing HER Constitutional duty to enact the 25A.
Then he can hit her on HER failures at the border, her continued incarceration of blacks for smoking marijuana, while she was doing the same, and her other failures alone and with Biden.
I make the opposite tack on this. It’s too important for the Nation to get a physically and mentally frail Biden out. Politically it would be a mistake to refuse to vote for it when the folks casting the votes were making months Biden was incapable of serving particularly ramping up post Hur testimony and to an increased level post debate.
They can’t remove him by the 25A without either his cooperation, or that of the Republicans. If he protests, and the Republicans back him as they should, then the Dems are stuck with him.
The GoP should vote to remove him b/c:
1. It’s best for the Nation
2. It’s nakedly hypocrisy to refuse the opportunity to remove the guy they have said for months is incapable of performing the duties of the office.
The potential short term political gain is just not worth it IMO. Obviously there are other opinions.
The Gop should let the Dems cook in their own s&%t and vote to keep him in 1)It’s best for the nation run up Republican wins 2)it’s naked politics to work to win. The long term political gain is worth it. Another opinion
So they are going to run Kamala, probably with another woman as V.P. pick.
Honestly this says to me that they have given up on the Big Chair and are going to concentrate on the down ticket races to try and get control of both houses.
I mean Kamala barely speaks better than Biden and the Cackling at inappropriate moments is just so cringe.
The biggest problem for Trump will be not making comments about how she actually moved up through the ranks.
Which is kinda ironic, where they gripe about Trump’s escapades and divorces, yet Harris’ indiscretions and home wrecking are verboten.
Because women are NEVER to blame. Sit a day or two in the spectator section of any family court in the country. Even the most vicious, conniving women are delicate little flowers.
What indiscretions or home wrecking? The only affair she’s known to have had was with Willie Brown, who had no home to wreck.
OK. If we are going to nit pick, then Kamala is an adulteress.
She was fucking a married man. It does not matter that WB was separated for a decade. He was still married.
Feel better?
What an asshole.
So what? Who cares about that? How does that hurt her with the voters? Especially compared to Trump’s long and documented history. Trump had best not go there.
Your comment about down ballot races is likely what they’re thinking. They rolled the dice installing a man whose only accomplishment in life is being elected to the Senate in spite of his room temperature IQ. And that was before the Parkinson’s dementia was too obvious to “hide” any longer. IMHO, it’s too late for them to change horses. To continue with the analogy, their chances stumbled in the final turn; the metaphoric veterinarians and portable screens are now hiding the inevitable. I predict a historic landslide for Trump, with coattails that give the R’s control of both chambers. Thomas & Alito will soon retire, perhaps others too, to be replaced by judges that are to the right of Scalia. I also predict that Trump will not serve out his term – on purpose – and will yield to Vance.
The D’s will rue the day they nicked Trump’s ear (yes, I know what I’m saying).
I also find it REALLY interesting that the header on that says ‘Joseph R Biden, Jr’, instead of ‘PRESIDENT Joseph R Biden, Jr’.
It’s important to watch who, if anyone, throws their hat in the ring. Under current DNC rules, there must be a formal declaration of candidacy before the convention begins for delegates to be able to vote for that person on the 1st ballot. If no one wants to challenge the first female VP in history, Harris will be the nominee on the 1st ballot, and that’s key because on the 2nd ballot, the Superdelegates can begin voting and that could really change things.
Of course, the DNC rules committee could meet prior to the convention beginning, change all the rules, and we could have something entirely different in a week. I just don’t think that’s likely with Biden publicly endorsing Harris today.
They will vote to waive all the rules at the convention for this “unprecedented” and totally unexpected event. They can do it with a voice vote at the beginning of the convention.
What a surprise! It was “unprecedented” and totally unexpected . Nobody had any idea it was coming. They thought Biden was perfectly healthy – mentally and physically.
Well ha ha ha. That wa a total lie. They all knew what condition Joe was in. They all pretended and went along with it. They took a gamble and pushed the envelope too far. Now it’s biting them in the A$$.
Ok, now my conspiracy theory brain is activated.
If he stays in office then my fear is that Joe dies of “Natural Causes” at an appropriate time to give a bump to whoever is the nominee.
I have been afraid of something like that happening since before he was elected. I don’t put anything past the sociopaths on the far left that Biden surrounded himself with.
Followed by the martyrdom and the calls to vote for Kamala.
I’ve been worrying about another SS failure involving Biden, and then regardless of the facts, we will get blamed for it.
So he belatedly endorsed Kamala in a separate announcement.
I wonder if that was actually planned, or if that was one last petty ‘SCREW YOU’ on his way out the door?
If he’s still in office after they saint him at the convention, and Harris is the nominee, he will step down then.
And still the spectre of Hillary hangs over them, like the ghost of Christmas yet to come.
“Cackles & Cankles ’24”. The bumper stickers write themselves.
It would have to be Cankles and Cackles because Cankles would never accept the #2 spot.
A member of the DNC rules committee said yesterday the electors are sworn to vote for him the first round, and he has just under 90%. I see him refusing the nomination, and then the superdelegates can decide which candidate they will support (declare the winner by themselves). Democracy.
“While he didn’t mention his cognitive decline”
Sure he did:
“Today, America has the strongest economy in the world. We’ve made historic investments in rebuilding our Nation… America has never been better positioned to lead than we are today.”
My sources confirm:
Yahya Sinwar – Vice President,
Louis Farrakhan -Chief Of Staff, setting priorities
Ilhan Omar – Secretary of State
Keith X. Ellison – Attorney General to oversee FBI and all national legal priorities.
Ali Khameini has agreed to serve as Director of Homeland Security until his son can take over for him.
On the plus side, if Kamala gets nominated, then Trump gets to be the gigachad that crushed the dreams of TWO different women trying to be President.
Just proving he is a sexist pig. Or something.
He’s still a disgrace as a public servant and his most important pick, Kamala Harris, is indicative of his long line of poor judgment.
If Harris makes it through, who will Obama pick for her?
I predicted neither Sundowner or Harris would be the nomination
Yes, now they just have to go to the Convention and pick the replacement.
Whoever is picked will be a token. Black. Female, Black female. Flamboyant homosexual. Non-binary.
Whoever is behind the scenes doing the picking will be a token black.
“I will speak to the Nation later this week in more detail about my decision”
Translation: I need another week of meds to be able to speak to the nation intelligibly.
*Posted on X because he still doesn’t know he has withdrawn. Jill will tell him that he forgot before his nap started.
The remaining problems are that he still holds the office, Kamala is also unfit and the entire Nation is in jeopardy.
“Congressman Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S. (AZ-09), issued the following statement after Joe Biden announced his withdrawal from the 2024 presidential election:”
“By rigging their own election and forcing Joe Biden to quit, billionaire Democrat donors, Hollywood leftists and Democrat party elitists just gave the middle finger to the 14 million Democrats who selected Biden to be their nominee. The Democrat coup is complete,”
To be fair, those America-hating Pieces OS deserve the middle finger, at the very least.
What is happening is that the democrats are recreating the ran-Iraq War, right now. Two despicable sides fighting over who gets to f*** America.
And make no mistake, if it were a contested primary, there would have been a WHOLE LOT more than 14-million voters. They had 30M+ voters in 2020, 30M voters that they’ve effectively marginalized this year.
Lefties trapped in their position with DEI pick kamala? She’s got no game.
Wonder what the stock market will do on Mon? I also wonder if he will be allowed to finish the term or, if some have said, will he die in office? Well at least we get some entertainment for our tax dollars.
I had a horrifying thought: all of the press coverage of the state funeral, lying in state, “our martyred President”, blargle blargle blah blah.
You’re trying to make me lose my lunch, aren’t you?
It’s all about the $200 million+ in the Xiden/Harris campaign account. If Harris isn’t on the ticket they cannot access the money, other than to file it out in $2000 packets to individual candidates. It can’t be given to PACS. The 2k is the limit per candidate. The demonrats have backed themselves into this corner. This is going to fracture their dei coalition. FKH
Isn’t it fun watching all these election laws and the FEC regs strangling their needs?
Traitor Joe drops out … BY LETTER?? WTFFF? Is this the 19th century?
And then he belatedly “endorses” Kamala by tweet …
I have to wonder if Traitor Joe is aware of any of this?
Something like this – dropping out of the Presidential race because you are a vegetable – is done on TV in a statement, if not a press conference (as if Traitor Joe has ever had one of those, really). You don’t do something like this in a friggin letter.
Now, he has to resign the Presidency or the Dem scum need to be forced to 25th amendment the veggie.
By tweet.. not by actual letter. That document is NOT on WH letterhead, is an obviously forged signature… and they even wrote Biden’s name WRONG…..
Joe won’t make it to Inauguration Day. He’s a heartbeat away from not having a heartbeat.
His ticky tocky has about had it.
Biden has outlived his usefulness.
Even useful idiots have an expiration date. His expiration date was the date they tried to assassinate Trump.
Biden has, in effect, lost a vote of No Confidence and must immediately resign the Presidency. He no longer has any credibilty on the world stage and, as long as he remains in office, reduces the United States to an international political non-entity.
“It’s time for us all to unite around Kamala Harris and beat Donald Trump. She is the best and most qualified candidate we have. Long live the American Dream! “
-Alex Soros, X.
It looks like Soros has picked their candidate.
Can you sue in Court to block an EO on the grounds that the President is not mentally competent to issue any such order?
No, you can’t.
If Biden is unfit to run he is unfit to serve,
Biden has always been unfit to serve, and now he’s even more so, but being unfit to run doesn’t make someone unfit to serve.
So a blatantly forged signature on a document that is NOT on Official White House letterhead that even has Biden’s name wrong and this is OK????
Has anyone READ the US Constitution lately? Kamala CAN NOT sit as President. WHY? President MUST be a Natural Born citizen, that means both parents were US Citizens at the time if the birth. Her Mum is from India, and was either an Indian citizen or a British Subject, depending on what year because India went to independence somewhere back a while, before that was a British Protctorate.
Her pappy is from Jamaica, also either a Brit colony or protetorate, or recently separated from Britain.
Either way NEITHER were US Citizens at the time of her birth.