Biden Address on SCOTUS Immunity Ruling Gets Mocked Across the Political Spectrum
“trashes the Supreme Court with prewritten remarks and then waddles away without taking questions”

The people who are handling Joe Biden are doing a terrible job. On Monday evening, he gave a televised statement on the Supreme Court’s immunity ruling and the optics were terrible.
Biden looked and sounded awful. The substance of the statement was also nonsensical.
FOX News reports:
Biden slams SCOTUS presidential immunity ruling, ignores questions about dropping out
President Biden slammed the Supreme Court’s ruling on presidential immunity in Trump v. United States, saying it means there are virtually no limits on what a president can do, in a speedy address Monday evening.
The president spoke for less than five minutes – four minutes and 40 seconds to be exact – before turning his back to the press and walking away.
“This is a fundamentally new principle, and it’s a dangerous precedent, because the power of the office will no longer be constrained by the law, even including the Supreme Court of the United States,” Biden said.
The Supreme Court ruled that a former president has substantial immunity from prosecution for official acts committed while in office, but not for unofficial acts…
Biden continued his address, saying that the American people must decide whether Donald Trump’s assault on democracy on January 6th makes him “unfit” for public office and the highest office in the land.
“The American people must decide if Trump’s embrace of violence to preserve his power is acceptable. Perhaps most importantly, the American people must decide if they want to entrust the presidency to Donald Trump once again. Now knowing, he’ll be even more emboldened to do whatever he pleases, whenever he wants to do it,” Biden said.
People were not impressed.
🚨Wow. Joe Biden trashes the Supreme Court with prewritten remarks and then waddles away without taking questions.
This man is shot
— Steve Cortes (@CortesSteve) July 1, 2024
I predicted 8 minutes max.
He made it 4 minutes. 4 minutes.
— Bonchie (@bonchieredstate) July 1, 2024
Biden turning his back to reporters shouted questions as unseen aides shut giant wooden doors behind his weird shuffle is perfect optics. 10/10 no notes
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) July 2, 2024
What’s up with the spray tan?
Biden looked terrible and pasty at the debate, so he's CAKED in bronzer tonight.
Who's the orange man now?
— Mark Hemingway (@Heminator) July 1, 2024
Yea they’re going to have to drop the “orange man” attack after tonight!
Wow! That’s more spray tan than SEC sorority girls during rush week!
— Brilyn Hollyhand (@BrilynHollyhand) July 1, 2024
They gave Biden a spray tan to make him look younger 🤣
— Jess (@jessiprincey) July 1, 2024
they’re trying to make him look healthier so they gave him the trump spray tan special omfg I cannot
— amanda (@a__pet) July 1, 2024
Orange man bad…right?
— 𝐌𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐥 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐨 (@MichaelCarlino) July 2, 2024
— Edward (@edwardrussl) July 2, 2024
After four days of debate criticism, Joe Biden Ron Burgundy’d it and reads “end of quote” from the teleprompter during a four minute speech after which he took no questions.
— Clay Travis (@ClayTravis) July 2, 2024
Did Biden forget what he said about forgiving student loans?
Biden: “I know I will respect the limits of the Presidential power”
Also Biden:
— John Hasson (@SonofHas) July 1, 2024
BIDEN: "I know I will respect the limits of the presidential power as I have for 3.5 years."
FACT: Biden *routinely* brags about DEFYING the Supreme Court with his student loan debt bailout, among other unilateral actions.
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) July 1, 2024
It’s amazing that Biden’s team did this just days after his disastrous performance at the CNN debate.
They’re not changing anyone’s mind.
Featured image via YouTube.

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Orange man bad?
Orange man bad.
That’s not spray tan. It’s Rustoleum Tool Preserver.
Well, the old pedophile is a tool so you may have a point
I’m glad I wasn’t taking a sip when I read that. Literally a spit-take. LOL..
Orange Man GOOD!
If you can’t beat ’em…
…..stay in the race……😎
Orange pedophile bad
The obviously corrupt Biden having weaponized the government against Trump is lamenting how the SCOTUS says Trump has limited immunity. It doesn’t get any better than that.
Biden and his henchmen only get angry when the SC limits their government overreach.
Or when the people defy them.
Biden is not to be blamed. He doesn’t know what’s going on. He was told to go out and read some words off the screen that a young staffer wrote. The sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory doesn’t comprehend what he said. He’s a dupe. He’s being used. You should feel sorry for him.
I don’t feel sorry one bit. “Dr Jill” wanted to be First Lady, and still wants to be FLOTUS, even if that means dragging her husband’s carcass anywhere in public.
To feel sorry for Biden is a win for “Dr Jill.”
He need to be ridiculed to the point where it is an embarrassment for “Dr Jill” to even continue her abuse.
Nor do I feel sorry for him
He was a pos before dementia
He remains a POS with dementia
I was being sarcastic. The only feelings I have for Biden are disgust and contempt and I don’t wish him well.
And that’s why I upvoted you before I commented. I just wanted an opportunity to pile on!
Agree 100%.
More apt acronym for Jill is FLOTER, as in turd.
Remember – report elderly abuse.
(Trust me – you’ll LOL after the first 10 seconds. and it isn’t Rikrolling)
He was this sort of lying, abrasive jerk long before he had dementia. I can’t feel sorry for him, at all.
I don’t feel sorry for him at all. His whole life he’s been a lying, perverted POS who’s never held an honest job and grifted off the taxpayers’ dime for over 50 years. On top of that, he’s used his political position to line not only his own pockets but that of his family’s, so they live like kings. He wouldn’t know what a lunchbucket is even if he got slapped upside the head with one.
He shows no compunction about being a lecher or showering with his daughter, for crying out loud. God alone knows what he did to his dogs, but it wouldn’t surprise me if the phrase “screw the pooch” is not merely a figure of speech as far as he’s concerned. He is one disgusting, filthy creature.
But you have to admit, Biden has one hell of a resume. He’s been a truck driver, a lifeguard, a saver of mankind, he went up against CornPop, he’s had kids rub his legs, he was a wide receiver for the Kansas City Chiefs, his uncle made the menu in New Zealand at some 4-Star restaurant named Cannibal Cafe, or sometime that. He’s even showered with some beautiful girls, one of which unfortunately was under age and turned into a crack head.
He traveled on Amtrak so much between Wilmington and DC that he was on track adjacent to the Key Bridge, which is nearly 2 miles from where the Amtrak tracks are located.
He’s got some experience, man, and if you don’t believe me, you are a lying dog face pony soldier. My GGGF was a Union soldier and he was a pony soldier. So maybe they knew each other.
I don’t feel one damn bit sorry for him. The crap he has pulled from Afghanistan to student loan forgiveness Kabuki theater makes him the worst president since Jimmy Carter.
The speech itself was the political trial that they’re now not going to be able to stage.
It doesn’t seem to sink in that raising objections in the joint session is the correct way to contest an election for President. Which includes alternate electors etc.
See season 5 of Veep, where an election for President where everything that can go wrong does go wrong, is the plot point for the first two episodes. It wasn’t controversial at the time.
It wasn’t controversial then because that was (D)ifferent.
He can’t speak for more than 4.5-minutes while reading a teleprompter. Even then, he still can’t stop himself from reading the prompts – ‘end of quote.’ He’s a vegetable, something that all but 27% of the voters understand.
If they don’t replace him it can mean only one thing: They have absolute confidence they’re going to win. There’s only one way someone can know, with absolute certainty, the outcome of any election before the election.
If they don’t replace him it can mean only one thing: They have absolute confidence they’re going to win. There’s only one way someone can know, with absolute certainty, the outcome of any election before the election.
actually there are two–1963
” by any means necessary “
I stand corrected.
I have to wonder what is even the point of supplying “end of quote” on a teleprompter. You don’t say it, you don’t change your voice, you don’t make a gesture (I guess you could insert air quotes, but presidents don’t do that). I understand stuff like “wait for laugh / applause” or “pound lectern,” but “end of quote” just sounds like some DNC operative working to get rid of Biden trying to sandbag him on camera.
“Dammit! Who typed a quotation mark on the teleprompter? For the last time, anything you put on that teleprompter, Biden will read!”
Or they don’t think they can win anyway, so their only choice is to go down as a united party and have something on which to rebuild for next time, or to go down in flames of division and civil war, and have nothing to rebuild.
I don’t think they will concede that easily. The Democrats do not let go of power gracefully.
Vote for Pedro…….
Dear Left… you glad you voted for Brandon? Dementia doesn’t happen over night, but destroying a country can.
Did Dr. Jill just replace the facial makeup specialist using he makeup case? Looks a lot like Jillies makeup hue
“Biden turning his back to reporters shouted questions as unseen aides shut giant wooden doors behind his weird shuffle is perfect optics.”
Biden fans call that a mic drop.
Anyone notice they spray sun-tanned him? Presidential Orange.
Don’t know why the left is so worked up over this. They still have the grossly offensive abuse of law in NY with that fat corrupt slob Bragg.
Everytime I see the parade him out to embarrass and humiliate himself I just get more and more angry.
Don’t fool yourself, Joe hasn’t been making real decisions in quite a while, well they may have Jill whisper what he needs to say in his ear to make it “official”, but Joe isn’t making decisions.
Up to a certain point even those with severe dementia have lucid moments. It’s like they keep parading him out hoping that he has one of those while he is out there.
The entire cabinet, his aides and especially Jill Biden need to be prosecuted for Elder Abuse.
Amy is not just really a Democrat plant, she is evil
“Justice Barrett’s comments have created a critical, largely overlooked opening for Democrats and their Special Counsel. Barrett hinted that if prosecutors concentrate exclusively on Trump’s private acts, they might succeed in their legal efforts against him. This insight essentially offers a strategic roadmap for those aiming to hold Trump accountable.
The key question here is this: “When Trump was questioning the accuracy of the vote count, was he doing it in his capacity as the U.S. President or as a candidate running for office?”
The Biden campaign, or whoever his replacement is, can expedite the laser-focused case against Trump the campaigner, while niftily bogging down his campaign to fight the newly invented legal action. This perspective implies that Trump’s remarks and actions on January 6, for instance, might be reclassified as those of a candidate rather than a president, thus stripping him of immunity for those specific actions.
Justice Barrett’s suggestion does not merely reflect a hypothetical scenario. It outlines a tangible legal strategy. By urging the Special Counsel to fine-tune their indictments to emphasize unequivocally private conduct, Barrett indirectly points to a way to bypass the delays and complications associated with broader, less distinct charges.
This brings to light the broader issue of how legal interpretations can shift political dynamics. The Supreme Court’s ruling and Barrett’s remarks underscore the delicate balance between legal principles and political maneuvering. It raises questions about the extent to which legal strategies are influenced by the political landscape and vice versa.“
Trump. Chose. Poorly.
Well it wasn’t his choice, it was the turtles and the so called Conservative legal minds
I knew we were screwed when Diane Feinstein was drooling over her at the senate hearing about how brilliant she was
And then adopting the black foreign child, like we don’t have enough here that need help.
Kind of like the Chinese kids or Russian before that, every liberal has to get them one.
Okay that comment about the black foreign child was ugly and nasty…I have known many people who have adopted foreign orphans of many different ethnicities…It’s a lovely thing to do that has nothing to do with political views.
Wow. So now it’s a terrible thing for a Judge to adopt a poor black foreign child? You are, indeed, a vile racist.
I can’t believe I am stating this JR…. This is the first time that I must stand and be counted with you about this being racist. Pure, and unadulterated.
If he wasn’t responsible for her, then he can’t claim credit for Kavanaugh and/or Gorsuch, which eliminates pretty much the only enduring (positive) accomplishment of his administration except for the tax cuts that are about to expire.
ACB has been compromised – her young children are being held hostage. She can’t defy the deep state until her family can be guaranteed safety.
Scott Adams points out it is called the cuckoo-clock speech, from the doors opening, Biden popping out, retreating behind the doors which then close.
And Dilbert was right about those other things too….
Just like obama…he hates that the constitution limits his ability.
Biden = Orange Julius on legs.
Julius? Please, Caesar was competent up until he was stabbed. He might have been an a**hole, but he wasn’t demented.
Delivered on the QT.
NEW: Michigan @GovWhitmer is not expected to join when the First Lady arrives in Michigan tonight after her event in Allentown, PA.
Jer-ry! Jer-ry! Jer-ry!
The inanity of the arguments against presidential immunity (and a SCOTUS decision grounded in precedent going back to Nixon v. Fitzgerald) are growing beyond belief. On what planet is it within do a president’s official duties include assassinating a political opponent (Democrat wished-for powers excluded)? This level of insanity is just more of Democrats’ boringly predictable wailing of Nazi, Nazi, Nazi. The same old drivel recycled ad nauseum.
Orange pedophile bad
We had trials at Nuremberg that concluded with the proclamation that just following orders is not a defense. Ask any military officer whether he would follow such an order knowing that doing so would be a felony and punishable by Death.
By gaslighting the nation, Biden is encouraging stochastic violence.
If Trump is guilty of Insurrection on 6 Jan as Biden and the Dems keep insisting Biden could always direct his lap dog Garland to charge Trump with it.
ANYONE else notice that Trump and his voters are called TERRORISTS??
anyone else notice that whatever the dems say others are doing
stop being ostriches