Amber Rose Gives Moving Speech at RNC: ‘This is Where I Belong’
Listen to Rose’s speech.
(I would have written this earlier, but I slept in! I deserved it after yesterday.)
I thought model Amber Rose latched herself to former President Donald Trump for exposure and air time.
I thought the RNC proved me correct when it gave her a primetime slot.
Well, I ate a ton of crow last night and this morning. Amber was well-spoken, looked beautiful, and described her journey to Trump.
Rose admitted she voted for Biden in 2020, but apologized! (I voted for Nader in 2008 even though deep down I knew I no longer fit in with the left.)
Rose told her father she couldn’t believe he would support Trump because he’s a racist! He challenged her to find examples of racism.
When Rose researched Trump, she realized the media lied to them the whole time.
It takes guts to admit you’re wrong.
Rose’s past isn’t shiny and neat, but people change. If the GOP wants to grow, it has to give those who changed a chance.
People change. The leftist and media rhetoric helped move me from far-left to libertarian.
Amber Rose 🌹
— Hotep Jesus (@HotepJesus) July 16, 2024
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her hateful leftist “friends” already have aborted her
When they do that they’re doing you a favor
she still does OnlyFans
but now its FOR AMERICA 🙂
Face tattoos, shaved head and fake boobs…gross.
her speech trumped that union bosses diatribe
Outstanding!! Maybe she will inspire others on the left to critically examine what the leftist media and pols are selling them.
When you cut through the lies, there is nothing left of the left.
Who the hell is this mulatto martian? Thanks LI for going lowbrow again.
She’s not my kettle of fish (so to speak), but if she wishes to provide assertions that Trump is not a racist (as a person “of color” who has been of the Left and made opposite assertions), I have no problem with her doing so. The tat’s a bit much, but we have a grandson who couldn’t swim without metal removal before hitting the pool (thankfully he’s the only one of seven grandsons and two great-grandsons. Even moreso for the four granddaughters and one great granddaughter).
Forgot to add that in spite of all that “decoration” (including ear plugs) the boy’s political views, and votes, are to the right. Stranger things…
I think it’s a smart move for them to have her as a speaker. Young kids today are into some stuff that I find very weird. But they can vote, and they’ve been force-fed a decade of lies about Trump. Assume a kid starts paying some degree of attention to politics at age 10… well then your 20 year old kids today have heard nothing but media lies about Trump their entire lives. Putting some well known (to them) cultural figures up there to talk about their experience of finding the truth and changing their votes might help many more make the same journey.
WTF? I have no words of praise for her but calling her a “mulatto martian” ain’t appropriate.
You are indicative of the problem republicans have had for decades. The R party isn’t a country club and it’s not a church. You can’t put bouncers outside the door to keep out the “undesirables”. That attitude has cost us elections and put some of the worst republicans imaginable into office.
Apparently it’s a zoo.
“Now, now, there you go again…….. and after Ms. Chastain showed the way to be gracious and decent. If she’s MAGA, she’s a.o.k. by me. We all have baggage, I once was democrat.”
The actual speech was bland and nothing more than a fan club introduction speech. I’d bet a dollar to a donut that she’s just another grifter trying to take advantage of you all.
She brings nothing more than another voice amongst the sycophantic din.
Calling her a grifter “ain’t appropriate” and your pretending to know is laughable.
“What’s wrong with that? It’s politics, fer crying out loud!! If she brings along a bunch of O.F. ladies and gentlemen, then that’s great great greeraaaat!”
If she helps bring in more people to defeat the communists, then bring it on.
No, she will turn off a lot more than she brings in. A porn star as the face of the party is insane
patriots will still vote trump
the face of the dnc is a
As opposed to … Mitch McConnell, say?
The problem with the GOP is not Amber Rose giving a primetime speech. The problem is decades of GOP lies and broken promises. It is Republican grifters who are elected promising conservative policies and then use their positions to stuff their bank accounts. It is the refusal of the GOP to reign in totalitarian agencies such as Homeland Security and the FBI that now target American citizens who do not bend the knee to the Uniparty overlords.
Amber Rose does far less damage to the Republican brand than (say) Lisa Murkowski does, and might actually be beneficial.
“Please……… no one is perfect. I welcome every single lady of porn and every single lady of not porn to the Republican MAGA movement. Good heavens, people, we are not robots, and our constitution was not written for robots.”
Well for sure she won’t sway my vote. But I was going to vote for PDJT regardless. If someone is swayed by a “celebrity” to vote one way or another the country needs a rectal cleansing.
It was a humble and appropriate speech. If she put tattoos on her face, it has no effect on me. I’ll take it.
Half off her OnlyFans Page right now. lol.
I hate the GOP almost as much as the Democrats
Nobody pays OnlyFans for only half off.
Many like her have gone through the same evolution, rightly so.
Not only have many been lied to, but also been subjected to hate for simply raising questions about the surreal descent into authoritarianism under Biden.
Acceptance, rather than judgment, is in order.
I think Christians should protest loudly. The RNC turned into a ad campaign for an OnlyFans page.
They did no such thing. Plenty of Christians and Republicans watch porn, however, and they are not alone.
“Nicely put. Thnx”
Some of the negative comments here about Amber Rose are …. interesting.
Personally I welcome Ms. Rose to the battle. Say what you will about her lifestyle and personal choices: at least she comes by her money honestly. Which is more than can be said for the worthless pack of grifters, sleazebags and con artists that make up much of the DC Republican Party. How many of them come to Washington and leave fabulously wealthy through mysterious means?
I don’t know if Ms. Rose makes content for Only Fans or not, but let’s face it: an Only Fans star has more morals and scruples than most of DC.
I welcome anyone who supports Trump and his agenda–I once thought I wanted to practice criminal law and had many arguments with my father over it, until I did an internship with a State’s attorney’s office and decided a table between me and the defendants was a good thing. We all change as we age, and we need younger voters to carry on the good fight. As long as what she does is legal, I’m fine with it–and I agree, she’s more moral than the prostitutes we have running the country–including that idiot Bob Menendez–where is all of the Democratic outrage at a convicted felon in govt now?
If the GOP abandons family and traditional values, they deserve to lose
“Nobody is abandoning any such thing. We all have had different experiences good and bad and reallybad — that have made us who we are today. We’re all progressing in life at our own pace. Please be patient , I once was democrat”
Okay, let’s check out this speech…
Hey, I’ve never heard of her. Who is she?
What a mother. Wait, that was only four years ago. She must have met Jesus and completely turned her life around in record time!
Or not.
Besides being a weak and pathetic speech her being a speaker is proof positive that the corrosive effect Donald Trump and his ilk, including your attempt to whitewash it with “Rose’s past isn’t shiny and neat”, have on the the GOP is more dangerous than Biden is.
What’s the problem? You don’t have to like her. But she has a vote, and people who like her also have votes. To win you have to have votes from people you don’t know and don’t even like. She didn’t even speak against any of Trump’s policies, gave no ammunition at all to the Dems.
The speech was nothing but helpful.
“What’s the problem with suicide?” I don’t know how to explain that to you.
Trying to out-deviant the deviant party cannot work. Trying to out-left the left party cannot work. These will just accelerate the rate at which the Republican Party follows the Democratic Party.
Maybe she could have been a worthwhile speaker if she had, for instance, done a savaging of socialist BS like tearing apart the Democrats’ desire for zero or negative interest rates.*
* In case you missed it zero or negative interest rates is Trumpian economic insanity. Of course, outside a very small handful of topics, any speech upholding sound economic policies, conservative ideas, and the importance of personal character would be antithetical to Trump being the nominee which is how we got a pro-abortion stripper mumbling about how great Trump is because he’s not a racist.
While I’m glad Rose left the left, I don’t like what her speech, or the union goon’s speech, or Vivek’s speech represent.
We need to get away from this ‘unity’ garbage.
Oh, unifying the right is fine –but unity with the left is impossible. And we need to act accordingly.
Because they will use those offers of unity to encyst themselves within the right and fester, erupt and destroy us.
They’ve been doing it for decades. Has anyone been to National Review lately?
Trump needs to be a sword of vengeance, of wrath. He needs to be the cleansing flame that burns the left from the places it’s infected and cauterizes them.
We cannot unify with the left. Not now, not ever. Their ideology does not allow for competing ideas to exist.
While we could deal with little communes here and there, they cannot have a free market making them look bad–they will endlessly foment revolutions based on childish envy–because that’s all they have.
I didn’t hear her say “unity”. I heard her telling Dems they should consider ditching the D party and vote for Trump.