Why is the DOJ Prosecuting a Whistleblower Who Exposed the Truth About Trans Medical Practices on Children?

The priorities of the Biden DOJ are completely clear. They are controlled by LGBT activists.

Ed Whelan writes at National Review:

DOJ’s Outrageous Political Prosecution of Whistleblower Dr. Eithan HaimDr. Eithan Haim is the courageous whistleblower who, through Christopher Rufo, revealed that Texas Children’s Hospital (in Rufo’s words) “secretly continued to perform transgender medical interventions, including the use of implantable puberty blockers, on minor children” after it had publicly announced that it would no longer do so. If you need any more evidence that the Biden administration is controlled by fanatical transgender ideologues, the Department of Justice’s prosecution of Dr. Haim provides it.DOJ’s indictment of Dr. Haim has now been made public. The indictment charges Dr. Haim with four counts of violating the patient-privacy provisions of HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), and it exposes Dr. Haim to total penalties of up to 10 years in prison and up to $250,000 in fines. Some observations:1. If a whistleblower did what Dr. Haim is alleged to have done to expose, say, that a hospital had committed racial discrimination or Medicaid fraud, it is unfathomable that DOJ would threaten the whistleblower with a life-destroying criminal prosecution. The only reason that Dr. Haim is being targeted is that he has run afoul of the transgender ideology that dominates the Biden administration.2. Without any supporting allegations, the indictment contends that Dr. Haim acted with “malicious intent” and sought “to cause malicious harm” to the hospital’s physician and patients. I am not aware of an iota of evidence that would suggest that Dr. Haim acted with malice. In his own words, “I knew that it was my moral responsibility to expose what was happening to these children.”

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Tags: Biden Administration, DOJ, Medicine, Texas, Transgender