‘What Is a Woman?’: New Laws In Oklahoma and Louisiana Answer The Question That Stumped KBJ
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‘What Is a Woman?’: New Laws In Oklahoma and Louisiana Answer The Question That Stumped KBJ

‘What Is a Woman?’: New Laws In Oklahoma and Louisiana Answer The Question That Stumped KBJ

The laws protect women’s sports and spaces by allowing for distinctions between men and women without running afoul of anti-discrimination ordinances and by requiring sex-segregated spaces.

Oklahoma and Louisiana enacted legislation to protect women’s sports and spaces from men who identify as women. The laws allow sex segregation without running afoul of state anti-discrimination laws when separation of the sexes is “related to . . . biology, privacy, safety, or fairness” concerns and mandate single-sex restrooms and changing facilities in schools, among other places.

The bills, signed into law on March 31 and June 3, define by law what “man” and “woman” mean.

The Oklahoma law, titled the “Women’s Bill of Rights,” aims “to bring clarity, certainty, and uniformity under the laws of this state with respect to natural persons of both biological sexes and the manner in which they are treated as such under the laws of this state.”

The law defines “woman” and “girl” as “a . . . person who is female.” In turn, a “female” is

[A]n individual who naturally has, had, will have, or would have, but for a developmental or genetic anomaly or historical accident, the reproductive system that at some point produces, transports, and utilizes eggs for fertilization.

The law allows “establishing distinctions between sexes when such distinctions are substantially related to an important government objective, including, but not limited to, biology, privacy, safety, or fairness.”

The law also amends Oklahoma law to provide that equal treatment based on sex “shall not be construed to mean same or identical, and [that] to differentiate between the sexes shall not necessarily be construed to be treating the sexes unequally.”

The Louisiana law, titled the “Women’s Safety and Protection Act,” aims “[t]o provide protections for women and girls against sexual assault, harassment, and violence in” places “where women have been traditionally afforded safety and protection from acts of abuse committed by biological men.”

The law defines “woman” as “a human female who has reached the age of majority” and “girl” as “a human female who is a minor.” In turn, a “female” is

[A]n individual whose biological reproductive system is developed to produce ova; who has, had, will have or would have, but for a developmental or genetic anomaly or historical accident, the reproductive system that at some point produces, transports, and utilizes eggs for fertilization.

Locations where the law protects women from intrusion by men who identify as women include changing rooms, “correctional facilities, juvenile detention facilities, domestic violence shelters, dormitories, and restrooms.”

The law bars governmental agencies from “prohibit[ing] distinctions between the sexes with respect to athletics” or covered locations and requires sex segregation in domestic violence shelters with an exception for members of the same family.

Public schools must “designate each multi-occupancy restroom or changing room for the exclusive use of either females, males, or members of the same family.”

The law mandates that “[n]o individual shall enter a [public school] restroom or changing room that is designated for one sex unless he or she is a member of that sex.”

The law includes exemptions for custodial services and maintenance, medical assistance, law enforcement, and rendering aid during an emergency.

The Oklahoma law:

The Louisiana law:


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Who will be the first pervert to scream, “UNFAIR”? To which I would reply that nobody had a problem with you using your own restroom a few decades ago so you should use your own restroom now.

If some boy tried to use the girls’ restroom in my high school, the football team would ensure there wouldn’t be a repeat of that unwise event.

Dolce Far Niente | June 13, 2024 at 9:49 am

One realizes how far down that slippery slope we are when these farcical laws need to be enacted.

The Left, the party of slavery, intends to erase women’s natural place in the order of the universe. Women’s safety and security will gleefully be sacrificed in order to pay obeisance to whatever is the Newest Thing.

Pathetically, woke women are clamoring to throw themselves on the pyre

    thalesofmiletus in reply to Dolce Far Niente. | June 13, 2024 at 1:06 pm

    It’s like those laws in the Middle East that forbid the kidnapping of Christian girls, forcing them to convert, and then violating them. “Huh, that’s an oddly specific law — wonder why that exists…”

destroycommunism | June 13, 2024 at 10:05 am

the left defines a real women as:

one who will only engage in se xual acts not with a male and especially a straight white male

destroycommunism | June 13, 2024 at 10:05 am

the biggest dangers to a women??

another women!!

    The biggest danger to women?

    Transwomen–who seek to obviate all that women are while simultaneously carving themselves into non-functional simulacra of women

    CapeBuffalo in reply to destroycommunism. | June 13, 2024 at 5:51 pm

    A thousand times yes!! My wife has told me over and over for more than forty years that women are their own worst enemies. They undermine in the workplace, in the quest for men, they just aren’t team players

destroycommunism | June 13, 2024 at 10:19 am

run the hillary story on her endorsement of the non/less radical challenger to racist bowman

“The question that stumped KBJ”

She wasn’t stumped. She was stumping for a job. Piece of Shit that she is, she gave a disingenuous, dishonest and insincere answer in order to get on the highest court in the land where being open, honest and sincere are the traits that should be sought for such a high position.

[A]n individual who naturally has, had, will have, or would have, but for a developmental or genetic anomaly or historical accident, the reproductive system that at some point produces, transports, and utilizes eggs for fertilization.
They screwed up. Nowhere in that definition is the word “human.” You know that’s going to be exploited at some point.

    CapeBuffalo in reply to GWB. | June 13, 2024 at 5:53 pm

    Yes, trans species is already an entity in the woke world.

    henrybowman in reply to GWB. | June 13, 2024 at 9:24 pm

    No, that logic hole is plugged. That’s the definition of “female,” which is true for many species and doesn’t matter. The definition of woman and girl does say “human female.”

American Human | June 13, 2024 at 10:37 am

Why wouldn’t the States define a woman/girl/female as someone who has XX chromozones? Why the extended definition as having a uterus and eggs etc.?

Is there some legalese that would prevent this? Just curious.

    wagnert in atlanta in reply to American Human. | June 14, 2024 at 9:04 am

    Basically because one definition can be determined by visual inspection, if the inspector is brave and the subject is willing. The other requires a willing subject, an expert inspector, at least several hours and a 100X microscope.

Abortion. That is the magic word that causes feminists to look the other way when men pretend to be women and invade women’s spaces.

Feminists are willing to tolerate anything – lost scholarships and jobs, violent assault, rape, murder – so long as they have the unfettered right to dismember their own babies.

I’ve decided to pare down my wordiness and desire to offer utterances of eloquence in regards to political affairs.
From this point forth I shall remark “Kiss my ass. I’m voting for Trump.”

Come on people. Cut KBJ some slack. How many people on the spot in a Senate confirmation hearing would be able to define a woman as someone with a built-in egg transportation system. /s

    jackphat in reply to jb4. | June 13, 2024 at 1:45 pm

    Seriously…KBJ didn’t even try to come up with something warm & fuzzy like “My Mom or My Grammy”.

    How on earth did she get picked?

    CapeBuffalo in reply to jb4. | June 13, 2024 at 5:55 pm

    No slack, she is a duplicitous leftist

E Howard Hunt | June 13, 2024 at 11:16 am

Leftist judges will deem the definitions as vague, ambiguous and much too concise.

I’m puzzled by why they went the female=baby maker route. Why not the simple, scientific, straightforward approach of female=XX, male=XY?

    Petrushka in reply to Icepilot. | June 13, 2024 at 1:48 pm

    Perhaps a quibble, but the only trans person I have chatted with online about trans issues is a chimera. Someone who apparently merged with a twin during early gestation. Some body cells are male, some female.

    This possibility up is covered by “genetic or developmental anomalies”.

George_Kaplan | June 13, 2024 at 10:29 pm


But won’t the trans crowd argue men claiming to be women would be women if not for a developmental accident i.e. being born male?

And how will women with Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome be classified? They are genetically male but due to a developmental anomaly end up with a female form sans uterus and retaining undescended gonads. It is usually only discovered during puberty, if at all.

What is a woman? A homogametic human above the age of consent.

Why can’t they require gender testing to determine if a person is male or female? Would be much easier?

BierceAmbrose | June 16, 2024 at 2:07 am

Like the Haaaah-vahd Prezzy, KJB was disqualified not by her answer, but by how she handled it. She had a potential point, had she not bobbled it. She has no relevant opinion on what defines a woman, nor should she.

“There’s no law on that, that I know of to interpret or apply.”

“Are you asking me as a person, or as a judge? There’s no law on that, that I know of, to interpret or apply. In a case, I would research law and related cases to find what the law says. As a matter of fact, I’d refer to domain experts — again, for legal meaning.”

“What I think as a person, doesn’t apply — that’s the point of the law and having judges.”

Now, she couldn’t say that because in the political spasm du jour gender identify was all the rage right then. Worse, in The Progressive Project, Judges and others use their superior insight to decide what law should be. Thus, we appointed a Wise Latina Woman to The Supremes to make better decisions than the rest of us can.

Myself, I’m enjoying the recent decisions from The Supremes that amount to “If you wanna do that, go pass a law.”