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VIRTUAL EVENT: China’s Troubling Funding Influence in Higher Education

VIRTUAL EVENT: China’s Troubling Funding Influence in Higher Education

Wednesday, June 26 at 12:30 PM ET

China’s influence in all facets of our country has expanded rapidly in recent decades. Incredibly concerning is the vast stranglehold China has on research institutions. In this webinar we will discuss how Chinese funding of our major research institutions and universities is impacting higher education and what can be done to stop the damage.

This event is hosted by the Legal Insurrection Foundation. We’re pleased to host Paul Moore, Paul R. Moore is a Senior Fellow supporting the Prague Security Studies Institute’s Economic and Financial Statecraft Program. He previously served as Chief Investigative Counsel at the U.S. Department of Education, where he led the Department’s investigations of undisclosed foreign financial involvements at America’s colleges and universities. Mr. Moore served for 12 years at the U.S. Department of Justice, including as an Assistant U.S. Attorney in the Boston, Massachusetts and Alexandria, Virginia economic crime units. At DOJ, he also served as Senior Counsel in the Office of Legal Policy and as Counsel to the Assistant U.S. Attorney General.

Mr. Moore was General Counsel for a U.S.-based defense contractor, has worked for two governors, and has provided testimony to the U.S. Congress regarding nefarious efforts by foreign powers to access American intellectual property at university-affiliated research institutions.

Legal Insurrection Foundation founder and president, William Jacobson will also participate in the discussion moderated by Kemberlee Kaye, Operations and Editorial Director for Legal Insurrection Foundation.

This is a virtual event. While attendance is always free, pre-registration is required. When you register, you will receive a unique Zoom webinar log-in to the email you used to register. If you do not receive an email directly to your in-box, please check spam.

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destroycommunism | June 21, 2024 at 12:03 pm

chinas power in the legislative halls of america via the economic strength they have built up via the blmplo factions ( huh?? how can THATTT BE???)

the nba/nfl and other HIGH profile huge influencers that defended china was shown when they defended the chinese government way of life when China flu ( sic) their virus around the world in 2020

china runs australia ( minerals minerals minerals)

china runs africa

china has made huge gains in south america

we know some of what they are doing here

fjb ships fuel to the chinese military while beating down americas fossil fuel supremacy


    artichoke in reply to destroycommunism. | June 21, 2024 at 7:10 pm

    We do ship fuel to China, including coal. Obama’s regulations have made impossible for us to use our own coal, that comes largely from Powder River Basin, Wyoming. Huge reserves of it there. Now China buys it at several times what the price would have been here, and it is floated across the ocean in big ships.

    Then they burn our coal that Obama more or less forced us to sell them, they burn it largely on their own east coast in the major cities there, and the flyash goes into the atmosphere and has reduced pollution effect there but causes acid rain in California!