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The Media Rushes to Rescue Biden Week at Legal Insurrection

The Media Rushes to Rescue Biden Week at Legal Insurrection

All the news you may have missed.

The same media that spread Russia collusion and other anti-Trump conspiracies for four years now wants you to believe there is absolutely nothing wrong with Joe Biden.

The gaslighting is truly stunning.

This would be glorious.

Israel updates.

This is sadly true.

Other world news.

Compare and contrast.

The border crisis is big business.

Democrats think this will save them?

Bowman might be toast.

Oakland is a failed city.

People are starting to see this.

The Post is beyond saving.


Make an example out of these people.

You don’t say…


It has some to this.


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“Rushes to Rescue BIden”

Rushes? Are you kidding? I have never seen so many people falling all over themselves in such a big rush to save a failing president. And wearing tee shirts that say:

“I rescue Joe Biden. What’s your super power?”

E Howard Hunt | June 23, 2024 at 8:37 am

Debate tip for Trump. Early on in the debate Donald should freeze up for 20 seconds when asked thorny question. After the moderators go crazy asking if he’s all right, Donald should respond, “Hey, that was my answer. You guys say it’s brilliant when he does it.”

    The debate is between Trump and Tapper whose job, as moderator, is to step in and defend Biden. He has already given Biden the questions and Biden is working hard to memorize the answers. Trump would do well to have his own camera crew because the debate will be heavily edited and without an audience there will be no witnesses.

OwenKellogg-Engineer | June 23, 2024 at 10:28 am

“Cheap” fakes or gaslighting?
Is there a difference?

BierceAmbrose | June 25, 2024 at 2:05 am
