CBS News Beclowns Itself by Using ‘Wrong Version’ of Biden Video That Made Him Look Even Worse
“An earlier post was removed as it included the wrong version of a video. This version has been updated to include the correct clip and label on the edited video.”

As expected, the mainstream media has sided with the Biden White House and campaign teams over the latest round of concerning videos showing Joe Biden looking lost, out of sorts, and generally unwell.
On Monday, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre called the videos, including one of a frozen-looking President Biden being gently guided off a Hollywood stage by former President Barack Obama, “cheap fakes,” a product of partisan Republicans who were not acting in good faith:
“Yeah, we — and I think you all have called this the ‘cheap fakes’ video. And that’s exactly what they are. They are cheap fakes video. They are done in bad faith. And — and some of your news organization have — have been very clear, have stressed that these right-wing — the right-wing critics of the President have a credibility problem because of — the fact checkers have repeatedly caught them pushing misinformation, disinformation.
And so, we see this, and this is something coming from — from your — your part of the world, calling them cheap fakes and misinformation.”
It was pretty astonishing considering the version that was originally posted and which caused all the uproar came from The Hollywood Reporter, hardly a bastion of right-wing thinking. Subsequent videos posted on social media by Democrat apologists failed to disprove the points Biden’s critics were making about how he looked.
Another video that has made the rounds shows Biden at the G7 Summit in Italy earlier this month appearing to wander off as other world leaders including Italy’s Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni were gathered to watch a parachuting demonstration and to listen to what a parachuter had to say afterward. Meloni had to go grab Biden, who had shuffled over to a lone parachuter who was away from the rest of the action, to bring him back.
The New York Post circulated this version in a tweet they posted to promote the story of the incident. In it, you see Biden walking over in the general direction of the lone skydiver, but it’s cropped:
President Biden appeared to wander off at the G7 summit in Italy, with officials needing to pull him back to focus.
— New York Post (@nypost) June 13, 2024
The wider version, shared by RNC Research and which was also used in the Post‘s report, showed where Biden wandered off to – and actually made him look worse:
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) June 13, 2024
In their report on the “cheap fake” videos, CBS News made an embarrassing oopsie. Originally, the clip they used of Biden from the G7 was the clip shared by Biden Senior Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates, who had posted a slightly shorter version of the one RNC Research used and which, again, made Biden look worse than the cropped Post version.
Here’s what happened next:
CBS deleted their X post and re-uploaded it with the NY Post zoomed in vertical video version, inserting the new b-roll like it was right all along. Sort of undermines the point when no one caught that Biden looking lost was the REAL video and not a fake:
— Steve Krakauer (@SteveKrak) June 19, 2024
In a follow-up tweet, they said they had used the “wrong version”:
“An earlier post was removed as it included the wrong version of a video. This version has been updated to include the correct clip and label on the edited video.”
CBS plays a clip of Biden wandering off, tells you not to believe the narrative that he wandered off, then deleted that video of him wandering off… and these are the people telling you the clips are all taken out of context. Simply incredible.
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) June 19, 2024
What CBS means by "wrong version of a video" is the one that showed you what they said didn't exist.
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) June 19, 2024
Hilarious because the whole story was about how other news outlets are unreliable because they're not joining the White House disinformation campaign that videos showing Biden freezing up are "cheapfakes."
— Matt Whitlock (@mattdizwhitlock) June 19, 2024
CBS news edited the unaltered video to prove Republicans were editing videos
— Chris G (@ChrisGThree4) June 19, 2024
You just cannot make it up. You simply can’t.
— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —

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Behind the Big News: Propaganda and the CFR,
Well this is true from a practical, we don’t want World War 3 standpoint. This is not true from the Communist we don’t want to lose power standpoint. As long as they can put a kickstand behind Brandon they don’t want to have to deal with the public spectacle that would be the cackling airhead
2 things to remember.
Trump needs to beat joe.
joe needs to survive to the election or we get kamala.
There is new video clip approx. 20 seconds yesterday showing biden requiring assistance from secret service agent to get himself inside presidential car. Biden is no longer capable of opening car door, seating himself, buckling his own seatbelt.
I’m almost surprised he doesn’t need some form of booster seat
I’m in for a moving dolly and a goalie mask.
Your daily reminder of how desperate the democrat party is to portray Biden as a competent and able leader ready to take on a second term as president.
As if you needed any more reasons to hate the democrat party and the mainstream media than you already have.
Biden is apparently going downhill rapidly and there’s nothing they can do about it.
Instead of arguing about the evidence of his decline they should be looking to replace him before something really really major happens.
There’s nothing they can do to make Biden better. He will only get worse. It’s just a matter of time.
They can’t replace him as long as Kamala is there. This is the infighting that has been happening for at least 2 years now, it seems.
I ordered some more popcorn.
Sure they can. There comes a point where even cackling airhead Kamala is a better candidate that decrepit dementia Joe. I suspect that point may have already passed, but we will find out a week from today, at the debate. If nothing else, she is a pure generic Democrat.
That is the question, is cackling airhead Kamala decrepit dementia Joe? What a dilemma
So apparently greater than or less than symbols do not get placed in a response
Because greater than > and less than < are used for formatting tags (eg. italics, bold) and will not appear if used individually.
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Well this is true from a practical, we don’t want World War 3 standpoint. This is not true from the Communist we don’t want to lose power standpoint. As long as they can put a kickstand behind Brandon they don’t want to have to deal with the public spectacle that would be the cackling airhead.
They can boost him, change his meds, give him an enema and a butt plug for the debate. I wouldn’t underestimate him for a single event.
There is nothing CBS News can do to lower my opinion of them.
They beclowned themselves showing video of Biden figuratively beshatting himself.
You know BeeEss when you CBS.
Maybe he thought the crouching paratroopers were children, and he was going to make a pass at a sniff…
1) I subscribe to William Tecumseh Sherman’s opinion of the press. 160 years on and what he said is more true now than ever.
2) If one of my family members developed dementia, I would move to isolate that person from positions of responsibility not only for their well being but for the well being of others.
3) Joe Biden has been a (redacted) all of his political life. The problem is that most people either weren’t born or weren’t politically active when he lynched Clarence Thomas or plagiarized a speech from a British politician decades ago. Or that lie about the man who struck and killed his first wife and child.
4) So please do not ask me to feel empathy or understanding for a man who became president by fraud and is rapidly deteriorating. His presence and his disease are being used as a weapon against us.
1000% this
My favorite part is where KJP (who is likely the stupidest creature ever to serve as Press secretary) cites to the liberal “fact checkers” for the proposition that actual videos are “cheap fakes.” As my late mother used to tell me and my brothers: “one of you lies and the other swears to it!” The liberal “fact checkers” engage in more gaslighting and disinformation than anyone at Fox News ever dreamed of!
And the “fact-checkers” cite the uncorroborated pronouncements of Democratic staffers.
I look forward to the future time when the term “fact-checker” conveys the same disgrace as “phrenologist,” “alchemist,” or “multi-level marketer.”
KJP is a fake press secretary. The irony of a fake attempting to discredit the truth by calling is just boggles the mind.
Should say: The irony of a fake attempting to discredit the truth by calling it fake just boggles the mind.
She is effective. She can tell lies with a straight face, and anyone even slightly inclined to believe their lies will do so. Confirmation bias is a real thing.
You may shake your head at the brazen denial of reality in the MSM, but it is highly effective with the large percentage of Americans who hear only headlines or the highlights.
They hear “Right wingers deceptively alter Biden video” and rather than see the video for themselves, they believe the headline.
Whether the lead-in or the soundbite tells them “safe and effective” or “convicted felon” or “cops kneel on neck and kill black man”, they absorb just the first bit of the MSM’s available information and ignore anything else.
I have a pack of progressive relatives who do exactly this.
Sadly, this is very accurate, and eventually the big lies they peddle become truth to the uninformed. These are masters of deception and manipulation and they know it works.
Indeed. There are millions of people who will believe anything the Joseph Goebbels media tells them – even when they can see for themselves that it is a lie. I have several like that in my family and no longer try to reason with them since there is a tape recording of leftist propaganda there instead of an intellect to engage with (overall family gatherings go much smoother).
Ironically these are usually the same people who say they are “independent thinking”, “vote for the person and not the party”, etc. Their memories are also depressingly short: just ask them if the 2016 election was legitimate as the 2020 election, or if the Wuflu came from a “wet market”.
The videos of Biden locking up aren’t even the most telling sign of how much he’s deteriorated. Just look at a clip of him speaking in 2020 and then look at him speaking now. The contrast is blindingly obvious.
Not coincidentally I’m sure, this is from the same network that pioneered the ‘fake but accurate’ standard they used to get Bush 20-years ago.
Dems and leftists hope to drag biden across the finish line, have him resign within 6 months for health reasons, and install kamala as president with a new handpicked VP to tell her what to do.
There are still reasonable odds that Biden won’t make it to the election, and I personally expect something close to a 269-269 tie, or a very close contest decided by a Virginia recount.
I can’t believe that. If that were their goal, they’d be way better off going with Kamala NOW, and jettisoning Joe.
What?? Jettison “vital and vigorous” Joe, who Joe Scarborough ASSURED us was “at the top of his game?”
Surely you jest!!
I think the point is that it doesn’t matter how hard Joe S. sells that gas if the Democrat voters aren’t buying it.
I honestly thought this was the plan in 2020… 2022, to be exact — January 21, 2022… which would have given Karmela a day short of 2 years unelected as POTUS, knowing they could cheat her way to 2024 and 2028 election victories and get 9 yrs and 364 days out of her in the Oval Office.
I was wrong, tho.
I hope my prediction that we don’t have a 2024 election is equally wrong. We’ll see.
Biden went off to plant a thankful kiss on this airborne liberator for freeing him from the yoke of nazism. Let’s hope the Austrian corporal is defeated by Christmas.
I want to see a cheap fake of Joe stepping in a pile of dog poo, and falling as he attempts to scrape it off.
Or falling on it while his Depends exploded…
Biden has obviously “had it” physically. What is much more troubling to me is that, despite this, he is tied in national polling. I can’t identify a single policy of his administration affecting most Americans that has been a success and I would challenge anyone else to do so. With tons of money, he can’t even get EV charging stations or rural broadband service installed in years.
Most people simply vote the party label. Swing voters are very few in number, and swing turnout is far more important.
He’s paid off most of the special interests in his constituency one way or another, and they remember it. And since math is rayciss, they’re unable to realize that meanwhile he’s screwed them for way more than he ever “gave them.”
cause thats what they do
they do the same thing when they “fact check”
they create the narrative the post the scenario and then already knowing what answer they want to give
give the “facts” and declare true or false
SO FOR THE 1000000X stop allowing the left to control the narrative
wait until the left announces the election results
and the pro americans announce the election results
Thank you for your comment, Q.
So….. supposedly we have a debate coming up at the end of the month.
How do the Democrats handle this?
Are there drugs that could snap him into alertness for an hour or so to give a sort of a “Dead Cat Bounce” to normality?
Do they dare cancel the debate because a ‘minor flu’ et al?
Do they ‘wag the dog’ and thus require the President’s attendance at a matter of “greater importance”.
Or: Do they just let the chips fall where they may?
Sudden fake assassination attempt by a trans wearing a red cap, a non-lethal wound requires immediate attention at Walter Reed.
Crime boss and dotard, Biden, and, the rest of the vile Dhimmi-crats, enjoy more favorable and protective coverage from the Dhimmi-crat media lapdogs/trained seals/lemmings/shills than Stalin and the Soviet apparatchiks received from Pravda.
If the kewpie doll wants to see a cheap fake she should look in a mirror
I know that as I write this there will be some who disbelieve me. I routinely watch FNC, NewsMax, and CNN because they are 1,2,3, on my remote. msnbc is also there but I cannot stomach anyone on that entire channel. The point I would like to make is that none of these outlets influence me enough to change any vote I would ever cast. I guess there is a large crowd of people who do not read or investigate issues that concern them but I do. I do know when I see fake things that I know about and what I noticed on the MSM is that rather than outright lying, they censor by omission. An example is the Hunter laptop and how none of the MSM even mentioned it and when they finally did it was all lies as the 51 ex-intelligence experts showed us. To me, the msm is like ordering things from China on the internet. You love the price but you know they are lying about its quality and durability.
…he says, as I look down fondly at my 59¢ “Rajah Ring” from Temu — which is by now missing a couple “ruby” chips, whose shank has turned entirely brass, and which is the only one of a series of four whose over-“gem” filigree wasn’t glaringly off-center — but still find it so deliciously tacky that I wear it every day, next to my MIT ring.
Sometimes quality is just not the object. Else why hire people like Whoopi Goldberg?
You are not a “parachuter” or “skydiver” if you are in the military. You are a paratrooper. It’s not an easy thing to earn or do. Yes, I did it many years ago.
I’m not thinking that was much of an example of Brandon going off the rails. I dislike the guy with the fury of a thousand suns but his walking over to a nearby paratrooper and talking to him doesn’t bother me too much.
It doesn’t bother me either, but wandering off when the swells were gathering for a photo-op and being retrieved by a “volunteer” makes him look a little toddler-ish, don’t you think?