The International Criminal Court is Blatantly Anti-Israel

This has never been more obvious than in the last several months.

From the Wall Street Journal:

The ICC’s Brazen Anti-Israel BiasThe House passed a bill last week to impose sanctions against officials of the International Criminal Court if it issues arrest warrants against Israeli leaders. The move came after ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan applied for warrants in late May based on war-crimes allegations against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. The bipartisan outrage is justified. By targeting a country with a well-functioning legal system that is taking unprecedented humanitarian precautions in an urban war, the ICC is making it more difficult for Western democracies to defend themselves against lawless terror groups. Further, Israel, like the U.S., hasn’t accepted ICC jurisdiction.The rot within The Hague runs deep. The prosecutor’s decision to issue warrants was based in part on the advice of several consultants he had handpicked. Many of them already had a longstanding bias against the Jewish state; they’ve been publicly condemning Israel and declaring it guilty of war crimes for years. By picking experts who had taken clear positions on the questions they were being asked to consider, Mr. Khan further undermined the credibility and neutrality of any prosecution.A particularly egregious example is University of Copenhagen professor Kevin Jon Heller, a special adviser to the prosecutor whom Mr. Khan singled out for thanks when announcing the charges. Mr. Heller’s strong views on Israel are evident in his social-media and blog posts. In 2015 he wrote in an article: “I wholeheartedly support BDS”—the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement—“in its economic and cultural forms.” He elaborated in a comment, describing Israel as “committed to systematically depriving the innocent of their most basic rights.”Mr. Heller wrote in 2016: “Israel is truly the Donald Trump of repressive states—unable to tolerate any criticism that doesn’t stay within the bounds of what it considers ‘legitimate.’ ” In 2020, when he shared a link to a news story about Messrs. Trump and Netanyahu’s Middle East peace plan, he tweeted: “Two criminals conspiring to commit criminal acts against #Palestine and #Palestinians.” Mr. Heller has also given the presumption of credibility to groups that are consistently critical of Israel while dismissing more pro-Israel nongovernmental organizations for spreading “fake law and propaganda.”

Tags: Antisemitism, Gaza - 2023 War, Hamas, International Criminal Court, Israel