Senator J.D. Vance and Other Republicans Introduce Bill to Ban DEI Policies in Government
“The DEI agenda is a destructive ideology that breeds hatred and racial division”

Senator J.D. Vance (R-OH) and other Republicans have introduced legislation abolishing DEI policies across the government and even with government contractors.
This is a wise move. These destructive policies moved from college campuses into almost every facet of our lives at lightning speed.
Get them out now before they evolve into something even worse.
BREAKING: Senator @JDVance1 has introduced the Dismantle DEI Act, which would abolish the DEI bureaucracy across the federal government.
Vance has set the stage. If Trump wins, DEI is gone.
— Christopher F. Rufo
(@realchrisrufo) June 12, 2024
Aaron Sibarium reports at the Washington Free Beacon:
Republicans Introduce Bill To Ban DEI in Government, Federal Contracting
Congressional Republicans introduced a bill on Wednesday that would eliminate all diversity, equity, and inclusion positions in the federal government and bar federal contractors from requiring DEI statements and training sessions.
The Dismantle DEI Act, introduced by Sen. J.D. Vance (R., Ohio) and Rep. Michael Cloud (R., Texas), would also bar federal grants from going to diversity initiatives, cutting off a key source of support for DEI programs in science and medicine. Other provisions would prevent accreditation agencies from requiring DEI in schools and bar national securities associations, like NASDAQ and the New York Stock Exchange, from instituting diversity requirements for corporate boards.
“The DEI agenda is a destructive ideology that breeds hatred and racial division,” Vance told the Washington Free Beacon. “It has no place in our federal government or anywhere else in our society.”
The bill is the most comprehensive legislative effort yet to excise DEI initiatives from the federal government and regulated entities. It offers a preview of how a Republican-controlled government, led by former president Donald Trump, could crack down on the controversial diversity programs that have exploded since 2020, fueled in part by President Joe Biden’s executive orders mandating a “whole-of-government” approach to “racial equity.”
You can read the bill here.
Ward Clark of RedState makes some great points about this:
These programs, just to belabor the obvious for a moment, not only violate the basic principle of equal treatment under the law by forcing federal hiring offices to use preferential hiring practices for selected groups, practices which have nothing to do with the job but with specific, irrelevant characteristics of the applicants, but may also actually endanger the country when put in place in institutions like the military services…
What does it profit the country to have nuclear engineers training on the “roots of white male culture,” which evidently includes a “can-do attitude” and “hard work?” People with those attitudes are precisely the people we should want overseeing and maintaining our nuclear arsenal. And it doesn’t make a lick of difference how much melanin they have or whether they are setters or pointers.
And kudos to Senator Vance for taking this on.
DEI is racism, plain and simple. It’s time to outlaw it nationwide, starting with the federal government.
— J.D. Vance (@JDVance1) June 12, 2024

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Chances of passing
Well, yes. Today that’s true. Today.
And it brings the issue into very clear public view for the ’24 election as a part of the agenda so that a GoP victory is arguably a public show of approval.
DEI forgets the Peter Principle, people are eventually promoted to the level of their incompetence. DEI doesn’t even start at a competence level, so presumably everybody is at least two levels incompetent instead of just one.
You see it all over now.
C. Northcote Parkinson observed the behavior of bureaucrats:
1) Officials want to multiply subordinates, not rivals.
Good for J.D. Vance. He should be Trump’s VP.
I’d rather he had a real job, or at least stayed in the Senate. Any shlub can be VP, if he/she can bring in a few votes.
Maybe, certainly he isn’t objectionable as a choice. He is a more doctrinaire populist than Trump, is a Veteran of GWOT so understands the sacrifice/consequences of forever war foreign policy, is generally more ‘conservative’ than DJT, is willing to ruffle feathers of the DC establishment, is a smart guy. All of those are plus and an improvement over Pence.
His selection will to some degree eventually puts
a Senate seat into play or at least at risk if vacated and he doesn’t really expand the vote count for the ticket. Pretty much everyone who would approve of JD Vance as VP is already on the Trump train so there’s no expansion of vote count or bringing in a particular State win in the electoral college vote.
IMO a potentially better choice is Glen Youngkin of VA. He is popular and effective Gov of a Purple State who’s selection as VP nominee may be enough to pull VA in the electoral college. The key is to win the damn election. Can’t implement many policy priorities without that happening first, no matter how much better those polices might be than the alternatives.
I came to post that. Sounds like JDV won the veepstakes.
DEI in the military is quite possibly our greatest national security threat.
It has very badly weakened our mission focus and unit cohesion as well as emasculated our warriors
It may well be too late to fix short of suffering some major and bloody national defeats to force a reality flush of the BS out of the system. I don’t want myself or my family to be anywhere near it (or dependent on it) when that happens.
Election year posturing.
Bring it to the floor when it’s not the other side in control.
Make it a crime to discriminate on the basis of race.
go back wayyy back and get rid of the root laws that are the foundation of the lefts power in this country…the welfare state
stopping dei is stopping ( pretending to) the blmplo rioters after they went home AFTER THEY LOOTED AND BURNED DOWN THE CITY
Rather than just eliminate the policy, it should be replaced by a new one, HMD- Homogeneity Merit and Distinction.
Replace DEI with Catholic and what do you get?
A black pope who lives with his baby momma and steals from the collection basket?
really not much difference
sad to say
A ban is only relevant if you can fire those involved in violating it. What is the penalty here? Furthermore, I doubt the Federal courts, like California state courts, would allow the law to be supreme over union contracts that make firing effectively impossible.