Report: U.S. Warns Hezbollah It Won’t Be Able To ‘Rein In’ Israel If Terrorist Escalation Continues
Hezbollah Foreign Relations Chief: “Israel is just a tool, our real war is with America.”

The Biden administration has warns Lebanese terror group Hezbollah that it won’t be able ‘rein in’ Israel if terrorist escalation along Lebanese border continues, media reports say.
“US President Joe Biden’s Mideast envoy Amos Hochstein warned Lebanese officials last week that Washington would not be able to stop Israel from invading should Hezbollah continue its attacks, according to several reports,” the Times of Israel reported Tuesday.
The U.S. warning comes after Hezbollah terror chief Hassan Nasrallah threatened to unleash an all-out war against Israel after relentlessly firing missiles and mortars for months. Armed, Funded and trained by Iran, Hezbollah boasts of a huge arsenal of missiles and weapons — hoarded largely near population centres. The terrorist group has set up missile launch sites in Beirut’s busy neighborhoods and amassed arsenal in city’s main airport.
Why does Team Biden believe that Hezbollah and Iran are in danger of assuming that the US will restrain Israel? Because for the last 8 months Team Biden has been restraining Israel — publicly and vocally.
— Mike (@Doranimated) June 25, 2024
In recent years, the Shia-Islamic terrorist group “has significantly expanded its arsenal and capabilities, including acquiring suicide drones which Israel has struggled to counter, an anti-aircraft missile capability and a widely expanded array of missiles which experts now believe number between 120,000 and 200,000,” the British newspaper Guardian noted Sunday.
Politico reported U.S. warning to Hezbollah:
U.S. officials trying to prevent a bigger Middle East war are issuing an unusual warning to Hezbollah: Don’t assume that Washington can stop Israel from attacking you.
The American message is designed to get the Lebanese-based Shiite militia to back down and de-escalate the brewing crisis along the Israeli-Lebanese border, a person familiar with the discussions said.
The blunt message comes as many U.S. officials appear resigned to the possibility that Israel will make a major move against Hezbollah inside Lebanon in the coming weeks.
Two U.S. officials told POLITICO that the militia needs to also understand that Washington will help Israel defend itself if Hezbollah retaliates. They stressed that the militant group should not count on America to act as a brake on Israeli decision-making.
The message is being conveyed indirectly, the person said; the U.S. doesn’t engage Hezbollah one-on-one because it is a designated terrorist organization, and it relies on public communications or intermediaries.
Nonstop rocket fire from Hezbollah in Lebanon has set northern Israel on fire.
Has anyone heard the UN call for an emergency session?? Has the UN condemned Hezbollah?
Of course not.
— Aviva Klompas (@AvivaKlompas) June 25, 2024
Tens of thousands of Israeli civilians along the Lebanon border have been forced to flee their homes amid indiscriminate rocket and drones attacks by the Iran-sponsored terrorist group since October 7. “Israel has evacuated 60,000 residents from towns nearest the border, where there’s no warning time for rocket launches because of the proximity of Hezbollah squads,” the Associated Press noted Thursday.
Hezbollah foreign relations chief: ‘Our real war is with America.’
As Hezbollah drags Lebanon into a war with Israel, one of its leading operatives disclosed that the main target of the terrorist group is the United States. Khalil Rizk, who heads Hezbollah foreign relations department, admitted that “this is not a war with Israel. Israel is merely a tool. The main war, the real war, is with America,” the transcript of the video translated by the Arabic media watchdog Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) shows.
Rizk echoes past statements made by Hezbollah chief Nasrallah and Ayatollahs in Iran, who have repeatedly painted the the U.S. as their main ideological enemy in their jihad for global Islamic domination. “America is the Great Satan,” Nasrallah declared in a speech weeks after the October 7 massacre.
Cross-border Hezbollah rocket, drones strikes continue
Meanwhile, Hezbollah continues rocket and drones strikes into northern Israel. “Following the sirens that sounded regarding a hostile aircraft infiltration in northern Israel, the IDF Aerial Defense Array successfully intercepted two suspicious aerial targets that crossed from Lebanon into Israeli territory,” the Israeli military said in a press release Tuesday. “No injuries were reported. Sirens regarding rocket and missile launches were activated in the area due to the danger of falling shrapnel from the interception.”
IDF: Following the sirens that sounded regarding a hostile aircraft infiltration in northern Israel, the IDF Aerial Defense Array successfully intercepted two suspicious aerial targets that crossed from Lebanon into Israeli territory. No injuries were reported. Sirens regarding…
— Joe Truzman (@JoeTruzman) June 25, 2024
The military responded by hitting Hezbollah terror targets in Lebanon. “Earlier today, IDF fighter jets struck Hezbollah military structures, as well as terrorist infrastructure in the areas of Khiam and Odaisseh in southern Lebanon,” the statement added. ‘In addition, IDF artillery struck in the areas of Blida, Labbouneh, Naqoura and Kfarchouba in southern Lebanon.”
IDF hits Hamas terror base at Gaza’s Islamic University
An Israeli airstrike destroyed a Hamas terrorist base at the Islamic University in northern Gaza, the IDF said Tuesday. The presence of Hamas terror infrastructure inside a university once again highlights the terrorist group’s use systematic of schools, universities and other civilians facilities for its terrorist activities.
Israeli fighter jets struck yesterday a building at Gaza City's Islamic University, where Hamas operatives were gathered, the military says.
According to the IDF, the university building in the Gaza City neighborhood of Sabra was used by Hamas operatives to launch anti-tank…
— Emanuel (Mannie) Fabian (@manniefabian) June 25, 2024
The Israeli TV channel i24NEWS reported:
The IDF conducts airstrikes on Hamas facilities in Gaza, targeting a building at the Islamic University used by Hamas terrorists for planning attacks
The operation, carried out overnight, aimed to disrupt terrorist activities including anti-tank fire and planning operations against Israeli forces.
Simultaneously, IDF forces in the Rafah region eliminated armed terrorists and destroyed underground routes. The airstrikes also targeted military installations near rocket launch sites and other terrorist infrastructure in central Gaza.

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why does the left want to stop israel from ending the war quickly??
thattt is the real question
The only way to end it quickly is for Israel to incinerate all its enemies with thermonuclear weapons. The enemies are too numerous and motivated to end it any other way. Biden certainly doesn’t want that on his watch.
doesnt have to be that kind of weaponry
there will always be pro hamas /na zis
but the population wont be as likely to want them in charge when a free market is allowed to takeover their once ravaged lands ( see germany and japan for that)
plus when you think of how many pro hamas that fjb /omar are inviting to the USA
we are going to be the ones having to take care of business
Hamas has had nearly 20 years to indoctrinate gazans in to their death cult. It is going to take a lot more than just a free market to get them to step away from their pathological hatred of Jews and bloodlust.
Which means for this to really come to an end Israel needs to be allowed to go full on British Malaya Emergency or Sri Lanka Tamil Tiger on Hamas’s ass and really grind them and their ideology in to the ground.
Remember, a belief cannot spread if the brain carrying that belief has been aerated by the good old 5.56 attitude adjustment tool.
A little correction – hamas did not indoctrinate gazans. Gazans chose – overwhelmingly – hamas. Hamas is a faithful representation of gazans.
Now, it is not a totally hopeless situation. Gazans can be reaculturated, as the US did with German and Japanese societies. However, that was only done after a full-on war against them, near annihilation – only stopped by unconditional surrenders – and the complete social and governmental takeover of those societies by American caretakers (essentially made dictators, in the old Roman sense) to reshape their cultures. It worked and was among the most successful programs ever undertaken by Man … but it is bloody and rough and requires adults with morals and intestinal fortitude to carry out, while ignoring any of the joke countries of the world that like to act as if they are real nations and not merely useless paper entities.
WWII showed that the most aggressive and intractable and violent enemies can be turned into trusted and respected allies … but it is the sort of work that current Western society is seemingly incapable of. It’s like needing surgery to be performed but having to do it with a group of people who, at best, faint at the very sight of blood.
Adding to PrimordiallyOrderedPair’s observation, the UNWRA schools have been engaging in that same incitement for several generations before Hamas took over Gaza.
“‘Our real war is with America.’”
Yep, now might be a good time to manufacture glass in Iran.
Hezbollah Foreign Relations Chief: “Israel is just a tool, our real war is with America.”
Geez, Joe, whatchoo waitin for? Send that boy some MONEH!!
has fjb called for hamas/iran etc to surrender??
why not???
He is more likely to send John Kerry and James Taylor to Iran to sing, “You’ve Got A Friend”.
How about
Iran has been asking for a bruising, they have earned it.
DC– That would be interfering in the affairs of another country. State Dept. would get apoplectic.
At some point Iran is going to need to be taken out. It’s oil and gas fields must be seized, its leadership liquidated and the country left in a state of abject poverty. Along the way, all of its clients and satellites need to also be liquidated, though they will necessarily wither away and die shortly after Iran is neutered and left in ruin.
And NO REBUILDING or help for these dirtbags afterwards. They must be left to rot.
This should have been done decades ago. And the simple fact is that all of the threats to the civilized world from the arab/persian/muslim world start and stop with control of the gulf oil fields. That is the whole ball of wax. So long as any of them have control of the fields (that none of them built or had any hand in before they stole them in the forced nationalizations of the 50s and 60s) the free world will have to live with insane, lunatic threats to civilized societies. In the end, this is what it all comes down to … and it could be taken of in the most bloodless fashion possible, since oil fields are devoid of people and those nations couldn’t fight off a handful of girl scout troops on red bull. But … instead, we let those joke nations push the world to the brink of total devastation for no reason.
but its tough to do when obamabiden are supplying the money to buy and build back better bo. mbs for them to attack Israel with
The Persian people are our friends, not our enemies. Once they’re freed of the mullahs’ rule there is no reason to want them to live in poverty; we should want them to achieve prosperity quickly, so they can be our allies.
Friends like Germany?
Isn’t Iran like Japan, the difference being Japan caused a lot of damage in one sneak attack & Iran has committed more sneak attacks than I an count, It might be poetic if Iran’s reign of terror is ended the same way as Japan.
The Shah was our friend. He was Westernizing Iran and building its wealth and sophistication. He was brutal, but no worse than any Shah had been and no worse than any of the comparable leaders in the vicinity or within the muslim world. The Persian people tried to vote for forced nationalization of the oil fields. The Persian people helped the Ayatollah come into power – with assists by the French and Jimmy Carter and the Democrats. The Persian people, sadly, cannot be trusted with the money and power that the oil fields provide. Tough. They had their chance and they have proven themselves one of the biggest threats on Earth … for no particularly good reason, on top of it.
There are Persians and Iranians who that is 100% true of and there are very large numbers of those (in the West they often get the “far right” label for it from the same press who tries to erase them during their hour of need when they are risking their lives to protest their regime) and any discussion of the people instead of the polity needs to mention them and remember they exist.
I wish I could be as optimistic as you are in believing it is a majority.
Useless threat from the Paper Tiger… formally known as the USA. The FJB admin is totally worthless as it doesn’t understand nor grasp the intent of Israel’s (and by extension… the USA’s) enemies. They love death more than life and the FJB loves make believe more than reality.
What I find most amazing is that Hezbollah is open about this and yet the wokeists in the Biden Administration and Academia still can’t hear them.
The US Foreign policy ‘establishment’ for decades under both d/prog and GoP admin have allowed Iran to operate with near impunity. The DC elite /permanent Washington cabal allowed Iran to run buck wild in Lebanon for decades. They allowed them to directly target US and coalition forces in Iraq. The Iranian gov’t supplied personnel, equipment, training to the insurgency in Iraq. Iranian agents operated in Afghanistan doing similar actions.
I agree 100% with no reservations. By word and deed Iran has and continues to be the enemy of this country.
Even an ally of America like India will have major policy disagreements (i.e. India is not willing to stop trade with Russia) but India aligns with America a vast majority of the time, and is in no way hostile let alone attack our troops hostile.
Glad to hear it. The problem is why should we listen to the policy recommendations of this cabal about where the true National Security interests of the USA exist? By that I mean the direct threats not indirect, multiple degrees of separation scenarios that are more theoretical possibilities used to bolster DoD, State.Dept and 3 letter agency budgets/power than anything concrete. To wit Ukraine. The same foreign policy establishment drove the train of events and provocations of Russia that created the conditions and circumstances Russia found not only intolerable but that they specifically announced were red lines for them.
IMO these morons chose to cuddle up to China instead of working with Russia. I suspect that’s a result of the these folks seeking to avoid a professional extinction event with fall of the Soviet Union. Hard to be relevant in DC corridors of power as Soviet expert with Russian language skills and a PhD in Russian History unless the Russians /Soviets remain as the strategic boogeyman. IMO that’s a large part of the failed policy choices our Nation made….that and opportunity for grift, graft and payola from China. After all what Nation most benefited from our elite insisting Russia, in the post Soviet era, was a strategic competitor while our gaze remained fixed on Russia?
NATO was nearly dead before Russian actions in Georgia and Ukraine revived it. Russia failed to live up to it’s own agreements.
NATO should have died and been buried within three years or so after the fall of the Soviet Empire…. which was the justification for the creation of this ‘entangling alliance’ of exactly the sort Washington cautioned against.
Unfortunately the neocons (largely chicken Hawks) and their defense contractor buddies deep pockets combined with plain old fashioned log rolling of voters ‘we gotta fight to keep Fort X’ or get this big defense project built in our Congressional District/State’. Get our fair share of the Federal budget spent back home ‘for the folks’.
You give The Wad too much credit. They couldn’t have done it without the help of Russia’s post-Soviet hegemony habit, China’s righteous mercantilism ascendancy, and “the international order’s” bizarre amalgam of fecklessness and scope.
Biden wants to portray Israel as the crazy ones and himself as the voice of reason.
Is it just me or does it seem a bit odd for a terrorist organization to have a “foreign relations chief?” And why exactly is he described that way instead of, “Terrorist negotiator for evil?” Or something?
?Because evidently blinkon and sulliman and Senator Warren and too many others REALLY BELIEVE that “everyone has a point of view” and “everyone has their truth”??
Has anybody on tv or in Hollywood or at the UN mentioned that
Muslims are now slaughtering raping kidnapping nonMuslims pretty much on the regular?
Has anybody suggested that maybe just maybe as a goodwill gesture the gazans might consider releasing one or two of the Israeli girls that they’re currently raping?
:- – –
Here’s an idea: The reason that they continue to fight is because they believe that they can in fact win.
Who’s going to stop them? Kumala? Sullivan, ? Blinken with all their military experience? The UK? France? Our trans’ed cardiac-disabled DOD?
Maybe somebody really needs to tell Nasrallah that Ben Stiller says that the war needs to end.
The war does need to end, with a bunch of dead terrorists.
Nobody should be reining anybody in. This crap has gone on for centuries and they all need to get it out of their system. Let them have it out
I hope Israel has hydrogen bombs, because if they do they can produce neutron bombs. They cause no damage to real estate and the kill zone is fairly small, but 100% effective above ground and even 10-20 feet into the ground. There would be fewer Israeli soldiers being killed or maimed.
Does this mean Biden has released the weapons?
Along with a kraken?
Dont the Clooneys support these terrrrorists???!!!!!
That turbaned SOB Nasrallah actually thinks he’ll never end up as an incinerated dismembered corpse.
Big mistake.
make Iran glow
The US has acted to restrain Israel to protect Hamas. And now Hezbollah. The reason is because the current US government is ideologically and domestically politically sympathetic to them in any war with Israel.
There are rumblings of late that the US may abandon Israel if they do not spare Hamas and Hezbollah. There are implications here that most people do not think about. Allow me to note that towards the end of the Cold War I had a sideline of writing for professional defense journals.
First, most people think that only the major powers have nuclear weapons capability. Without going into details, Israel has that capability. There are arguments as to the number, but the estimates range from 90 to 300. I think the latter figure is way high.
Some basic Newtonian physics. If you have the capability of launching a satellite above a certain weight into a pre-selected, orbit above a certain height; what you functionally have is a countervalue ICBM. There are several minor powers with that capability and/or IRBM capability. Israel regularly launches satellites.
The ongoing war between Islam and Israel is a matter of life and death to them, especially for Israel. If the US is seen [from the Israeli point of view] as abandoning Israel, they will consider themselves as being alone trying to survive. Which means that they will not be restricted by trying to avoid offending us.
I will not go down the list that has crossed a number of minds, but how many targeted nuclear explosions do you think it would take to destroy the Ummah; not physically but as a cultural entity? Mind you, there would be worldwide consequences and they would not be pleasant.
Maybe pushing Israel’s back against the wall would not be a good idea.
Subotai Bahadur
Great points. Acknowledging that the other Nations of the world have their own interests, their own ambitions, their own domestic politics, their own strategic red lines is something many people can’t seem to grasp. The US foreign policy establishment and more than few others outside govt seem to believe that the US can simply impose the will of whatever political administration holds sway in DC. In the early post WWII we mostly could, though the Korean war wasn’t exactly something we wanted. It was an early example of the growing hubris of DC’s imperial thinking followed by Bush wars across Africa, Castro in Cuba, all sorts of under the radar activity in Latin America, and ever present Arab/Israeli conflict. Those other Nations decide whether, how, when and how to act. Just occasionally it follows conventional DC predictions but more often than not one unanticipated (by DC) pebble thrown into the pond creates a big ripple, sometimes that ripple acts to dislodge other pebbles which create their own ripples. Soon enough events can take a highly different turn than DC predicted due to inept and arrogant miscalculations that often were pointed out by those outside the decision loop but were ignored.
Some of the same SR folks running the show today at DoD, State and our 3 letter agencies were on hand for the total miss of the Soviet collapse. These goons advised keeping post Soviet Russia at arms length and instead embracing China. Great minds these folks have, you don’t even have to ask them they’ll tell you. IMO, they ain’t all that smart, just well credentialed and well connected. That some folks, even a few commenters here, insist that these clowns are deep strategic thinkers who are totes honest and would never misrepresent the facts to achieve their personal agenda via govt policy despite decades of very clear evidence of their blundering is naive at best.
“Acknowledging that the other Nations of the world have their own interests, their own ambitions, their own domestic politics, their own strategic red lines is something many people can’t seem to grasp.”
Like Joey Mumbles, for one. He’s all the time declaring what other folks may and may not do, not just countries, either. Doesn’t get more traction when he does it from a scene by Riefenstahl.
One reason The Orange Crush was able to get The Abraham Accords when so much genius-just-ask-them managed no such thing for so long, is he recognized, in his florid, orange way, that these other entities had their own interests. His admin also went directly to first parties on this.
“how many targeted nuclear explosions do you think it would take to destroy the Ummah; not physically but as a cultural entity?”
If you’re running a pool, I’m in… but when is the drawing?
Naturally, Biden and the vile Dhimmi-crats would counsel Islamofascists and terrorists attacking Israel, that Israel is the party whose “restraint” is demanded — not the terrorist Hezb’allah thugs.