Obama Begs Social Media Influencers to Promote Biden Before Awkwardly Leading Him Offstage
“I need you guys to use your influence, and it doesn’t have to be boring.”

Former President Barack Obama begged and pleaded with social media influencers to use their accounts to promote President Joe Biden.
“We live in a cynical time,” Obama said, according to Axios. “Let’s face it: I think a lot of the people who watch you, listen to you, who are fans of you — a lot of times they feel turned off by the political discourse. I get it. You know, I frankly watch sports, mostly. Because it feels like everything is slash and burn.”
Because people are tired of politics. I’ve noticed Leslie’s space and nonpolitical posts receive a lot of traction.
Let me guess. They’re a nice break from politics, right? I find them a breath of fresh air.
“Joe Biden, you may not agree with everything he does,” Obama told them. “By the way, you didn’t agree with everything I did. And that’s OK. Because in a big, messy, complicated country like this, there are going to be disagreements.
Obama added: “But Joe Biden’s basic trajectory — what he believes in his core … nine times out of 10, he’s going to make decisions that accord with your core beliefs.”
Poll after poll has shown Biden losing ground with younger voters. The University of Chicago’s GenForward survey from May revealed 33% of those aged 18-26 backed Trump and 32% chose Biden.
However, 21% responded “someone else” for their choice.
“I need you guys to use your influence, and it doesn’t have to be boring. I don’t expect you to have a bunch of charts and graphs,” Obama continued. “I understand folks are swiping or scrolling, and you’ve got to use humor and you’ve got to use other things that are engaging people.”
The fundraiser ended with George Clooney and Julia Roberts wrapping their arms around Biden and Obama.
Gag me.
I am one of the few who did not find much of a problem with the viral video of Biden at the G7 Summit because he went over to talk to the skydivers.
But the video of Obama leading Biden off the stage at the fundraiser has become another example of Biden’s old age.
Biden froze. Obama had to grab Biden’s wrist and lead him off the stage.
NEW: Former President Barack Obama has to help guide a confused President Biden off stage as he appears to freeze at an L.A. fundraiser.
The incident happened at Peacock Theater in L.A. where Biden raised $28 million.
Obama was seen handling the president off stage who was… pic.twitter.com/3EhZOjtV9l
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) June 16, 2024
What strikes me is Obama handling this so poorly. Barry isn’t dumb. He understands stagecraft. He wanted this nursing home moment. He had to. Because he could’ve easily went to Biden’s right, clapped and waved with him, and said something, which would’ve snapped Old Joe out of… https://t.co/zNxQBRnlcn
— John Ocasio-Rodham Nolte (@NolteNC) June 16, 2024

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I’m thankful to say that none of my core beliefs intersect with that pedophile
These are the people who would be relieved to get confirmation that re-election of Biden would mean an Obama fourth term.
That looks like the same Biden cardboard cut out that was used for the Juneteenth celebration at the White House. What a Weekend @ Bernies moment.
Indeed. Obama’s hand was much higher than it usually is when leading him away…
Room temperature was set too low and Biden froze.
Obama, quick thinking genius that he is, grabs Biden’s wrist making a show of awkwardly leads the poor man offstage. The brilliant Kenyan then asks social influencers to do their promotion thing – secretly hoping they will promote him.
It’s like watching the old telethons, except that Barky’s no Jerry Lewis.
“nine times out of 10, he’s going to make decisions that accord with your core beliefs.”
I can’t think of a single decision that old son of a bitch has made that wasn’t the calculatedly maximal wrong decision.
So you were opposed to Biden’s decision to send $17 billion dollars to Israel to aid in its war against Hamas? Really?
It’s the other BILLIONS tied in to the same spending bill that money comes out of that goes to the Ukraine that IS the problem…ON TOP of Bidens open hostility towards Israel you fucking mental midget!
You mean the guy who also sent $16 billion to Iran plus $1.5 billion to Hamas?
That’s one I couldn’t think of, and for good reason.
Now name five more I should like.
I’m glad that you revealed to all of us that your are a supporter of Hamas. We need to know here on LI who supports Hamas and that you are one of them.,
Where exactly did he do that, dingus?
Out of all the commenters here, only you and FartE are the likely Hamas supporters.
Any chance we could entice you onto a Pinochet Airways helicopter?
Today: “the Israeli prime minister stressed that it is “inconceivable that in the past few months, the administration has been withholding weapons and ammunitions to Israel.”
You’re a gaslighting, illiterate moron.
Considering that that 17 billion dollars was a company by a bunch of backstabbing I can disagree with it easily.
Henry’s post ain’t the “gotcha” you think it is, dingus.
Piss off, JR.
A war in which BuyDem is funding both sides??? Israel and the terrorists???
Spot on, Henry.
Despite what that pimply-faced teenager JR says.
They should put “Bernie” Biden on a remote-controlled Segway so that they can control his movements better.
I’d ante up for putting him on a remote-controlled Minuteman.
These celebs hugging the tailor’s dummy made Clint Eastwood talking to a chair look inspired.
The chair was far more animated and intelligent.
Obama is purposefully showing himself to be the face behind the curtain in order to drum up support. He led Biden offstage purposefully to signal to those that think he is black jesus that Biden just has the same strings as Obama did.
Yeah. Probably a good deal of truth to the notion that there is no urgency to peek behind the curtain b/c the puppeteer and the strings are being hidden in plain sight.
… but he says politics is so boring and he is just watching sports
Barack Obama Describes his Ideal Third Term
IMO these Hollywood folks may really identify with Biden – ability to transmit words written by others.
It was genius to place this story next to the one on …
Rhode Island House Approves ‘Human Composting’ Option for ‘Deathcare’
Implies that Joe Biden is Composted In Place
“He might act like a doddering incompetent, look like a wax effigy and walk like a robot, but the president has the uncanny ability to exceed all expectations when it counts, politically.”
So says Miranda Devine.
“Biden is used to being written off as a dud because of his history of preposterous boasting, plagiarism, dishonesty, and chip-on-the-shoulder combativeness.
No serious man behaves like that. Yet, every now and then, when his opponents are lulled into complacency, he pulls off a political masterstroke.”
Moment to moment he may mistake in his pants, but he sees the forest through the trees and is surrounded by purposeful sycophants that hate any opposition like good authoritarians.
Just ask Dr. Jill.
“Yet, every now and then, when his opponents are lulled into complacency, he pulls off a political masterstroke.”
The only masterstroke he contributes is signing his name to other people’s work before taking the credit, just like he’s done all his life.
Imagine being Joe in this situation; all you have to do is smile, clap, laugh and walk at the right time. He couldn’t even manage that.
Don’t even think of asking him to chew gum.
In an absolutely shocking – but wholly believable – story breaking this afternoon:
Scripps News Exclusive: Secret Service confirms agent was robbed at gunpoint during Biden’s California trip
Chef’s Kiss.
Binder claimed it was a deep fake. And if you don’t believe that, then it was because Barry and Joe are like family. Multiple choice propaganda.
The vile narcissist-incompetent-hustler-dunce, Obama, leading the crime boss lackey-dotard-oaf, Biden, by his leash.
The two most manifestly destructive and inept presidents in U.S. and world history.
That’s so cute…I never saw them holding hands before.
I’ve never been in a bathhouse. Do they have showers?