NY Times Under Fire for Blaming Jamaal Bowman’s Primary Defeat on ‘Flood of Pro-Israel Money’
“[Bowman] suffered a stinging primary defeat on Tuesday, according to The Associated Press, brought down by a record-shattering onslaught from pro-Israel groups and a slate of self-inflicted blunders.”

Rep. Jamaal Bowman’s defeat in the NY-16 Democratic primary Tuesday night has sent the woke left into an absolute tailspin, where they’re leaning heavily on the “AIPAC bought this!” talking point because doing a little introspection into why an anti-Israel Congressman could lose in a heavily Jewish district is not exactly their strong suit.
Considering how often the left and the MSM are in lockstep when it comes to political narratives, it was hardly a surprise to see the initial New York Times headline on Bowman losing to Westchester County Executive George Latimer’s run with a similar theme:
I can imagine the NYT trying to decide on the headline. How can we blame this on the Jews and still have plausible deniability? pic.twitter.com/QWTvUZNy3M
— Shaiel Ben-Ephraim (@academic_la) June 26, 2024
The opening paragraph also originally declared that Bowman was “brought down by a record-shattering onslaught from pro-Israel groups and a slate of self-inflicted blunders”:
Representative Jamaal Bowman of New York, one of Congress’s most outspoken progressives, suffered a stinging primary defeat on Tuesday, according to The Associated Press, brought down by a record-shattering onslaught from pro-Israel groups and a slate of self-inflicted blunders.
The opening paragraph has since been altered to say this (as of this writing):
Representative Jamaal Bowman of New York, one of Congress’s most outspoken progressives, suffered a stinging primary defeat on Tuesday, according to The Associated Press, unable to overcome a record-shattering campaign from pro-Israel groups and a slate of self-inflicted blunders.
As has the headline:
Hi @nytimes
Why did you change this headline? pic.twitter.com/ThQzMNa80q
— Marina Medvin
(@MarinaMedvin) June 26, 2024
Though Bowman’s critics were happy about the outcome of the primary race, they sounded off against the Times‘ blatant bias:
Has the @nytimes considered that the people of New York were unhappy with Bowman’s performance as a member of Congress?
Of course not. It must have been the Jews. pic.twitter.com/lkPWgLDAYD
— Aviva Klompas (@AvivaKlompas) June 26, 2024
The New York Times is blaming the Jews for Jamaal Bowman's loss
Did you guys consider that he was a crappy congressman?
NYT: No! It is the fault of the Jooooooooooooos pic.twitter.com/a1QpN6FOA4
— Ari Hoffman (@thehoffather) June 26, 2024
"Overtaken by Flood of Pro-Israel Money"
That's quite a way to write: "More people voted for his opponent than for him" pic.twitter.com/NVxQUmkRy6
— David Silverberg (@DavidSilverberg) June 26, 2024
“Jamaal Bowman Falls in House Primary, Overtaken by Flood of Pro-Israel Money”
You know the drill: They're already laying the groundwork to blame the Jews for their own failure.
Antisemites do what Antisemites do best to avoid responsibility for the colossal failure that they… pic.twitter.com/34z8PJ55Km
— Adam Albilya – אדם אלביליה (@AdamAlbilya) June 26, 2024
This a pretty disgusting headline, and for what it’s worth, @nytimes, he was overtaken by the voters of NY-16. pic.twitter.com/r9p6ovLmwa
— Eli Kowaz – איליי קואז (@elikowaz) June 26, 2024
No. Bowman fell because he was an extremist, had bad policies and was widely disliked in his own district.
But leave it to @nytimes to use a vile antisemitic trope. pic.twitter.com/KFCsVfdG4P
— Arsen Ostrovsky
(@Ostrov_A) June 26, 2024
The NY Times headline Bowman Overtaken by Flood of Pro-Israel Money is outrageous and downright antisemitic . Not only does it suggests that Jews control voters by money but it also suggests that the community is not intelligent enough to make up its mind.
Shame on the NY Times— Ran Avni (@ranavni) June 26, 2024
And though Bowman’s district is indeed heavily Jewish and voters were no doubt motivated in part by his pro-Hamas, pro-ceasefire stance as well as his Hamas rape denialism, there were plenty of other factors at play, as acknowledged by CNN of all places last month:
As @mkraju & I wrote a few weeks ago, seeing Bowman/Latimer race as all about AIPAC — or all about Israel — doesn’t hold up.
JStreet — the AIPAC alternate — pulled its endorsement of Bowman.Or note how few endorsements Bowman had in districthttps://t.co/i2toimPdh1
— Edward-Isaac Dovere (@IsaacDovere) June 26, 2024
From that story:
He’s gone far enough out that even the left-leaning Israel advocacy group J Street withdrew its endorsement of Bowman in January, complaining that he had crossed a line in putting the blame for the conflict too much on Israel and not on Hamas.
Bowman’s response to the war crystallizes larger problems, including pulling a fire alarm in a House office building last fall and public shouting matches with Republican colleagues, who say he has gotten caught up in “Squad”-style politics.
Most of Bowman’s endorsements are from other members of the so-called Squad and from House Democratic leaders such as Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, who is from Brooklyn, rather than from local elected officials in his district.
Officials involved say much of their spending will be to attack Bowman for issues that have nothing to do with Israel, such as like his vote against the bipartisan infrastructure act – which some of the congressman’s defenders argue is itself a measure of how unpopular support for Israel is.
It should be noted, too, for the record that the writing was on the wall for Bowman during the 2022 primary:
It was hidden a bit because he had multiple challengers, but Jamaal Bowman’s performance in the 2022 Democratic primary in NY-16 was a pretty big warning sign. He got just 55% overall, and 52% in the Westchester portion, where he was <40% in 6 of 13 cities/towns.
— Steve Kornacki (@SteveKornacki) June 26, 2024
Final thoughts from the NY Post‘s Jon Levine:
Did AIPAC make Bowman pull the fire alarm?
Did AIPAC make Bowman vote against the Biden infrastructure bill?
Did AIPAC make Bowman's colleagues censure him?
Did AIPAC make Bowman promote 9/11 conspiracy theories?
He was just bad at this and the Democratic process works
— Jon Levine (@LevineJonathan) June 26, 2024
‘Nuff said.
— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —

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Meh. I would be astonished if this cost the NYT any subscribers. If its readers don’t know by now the NYT is Stormfront for the lefty trustfundies they never will.
Wasn’t Soros—Jewish— and his money responsible for getting him in there in the first place?
Soros is Jewish only by an accident of birth, the same way Bernie Sanders is Jewish. Soros’ name is a homophone with the Yiddish word tzurus meaning deep trouble. Soros is deep trouble for Jews and non-Jews.
Only if you pronounce the two esses as “s”. In Hungarian a plain “s” is pronounced “sh”, so his name is pronounced Shorosh. The closest Hebrew words to that are “shoresh” (“root”), or “shorash” (“he uprooted”).
The family’s name was originally Schwartz, but his father or grandfather changed it to something that would sound more Hungarian. Much the same way John Kerry’s grandfather changed his name from Cohen.
“ Only if you pronounce the two esses as “s”.”
You got something against Litvishers?
Litvaks confuse the “s” and “sh” sound. Real Litvaks from the Old Country basically couldn’t hear the difference between the two, and would use one of them at random whenever one was called for.
Hungarians do distinguish between the two sounds, but they spell the “sh” sound “s”. The letter “s” in Hungarian is always pronounced “sh”. The “s” sound is spelled “sz”. So Soros is always “shorosh”. If it were pronounced with “s” sounds it would be spelled Szorosz.
To confuse matters even more, in Polish it’s the opposite. “S” is pronounced “s”, and “sz” is pronounced “sh”. So to pronounce a name with an “sz” in it you have to know whether it’s Hungarian or Polish.
I’ll stick with the Anglicized pronunciation of the name.
Soros says ‘soros’ not ‘shorosh’.
So THAT is how it’s pronounced.
For a bunch of wokiestas who endlessly harp about how much more virtuous, tolerant and committed to diversity and inclusion they are than the rest of us simple peasant normies….the over credentialed left is chock full of all sorts of ‘ists, isms and phobes’ whenever push comes to shove about gaining or retaining power.
There is another way to look at his failed campaign. Putting the “blame” on the Jews also means acknowledging the Jews’ political power. Politicians can irritate the Jews at their own peril.
I hope this shows that many Jews are starting to wake up and realize that left-wing Dems are not really their friends. Dems have taken the Jewish vote for granted for many years, even though the Dems keep stabbing them in the back.
Why doesn’t The Times just go “in for a pound”, and run the headline, “Jamaal Brown Overwhelmed by Jew Money”?
Sammy Davis, Jr. was Jewish.
He converted at Temple Israal on Hollywood Boulevard back when my mother compelled my attendance there. I saw him on the corridor near the Rabbi’s office.
A talented man with a good heart, but he was fooling himself about being Jewish. He never had a valid conversion and it is difficult to square his post-conversion life (eg living w/a non-Jewish wife) with a commitment to join the Jewish people.
Whatever flawed religious procedures and/or lifestyle choices were involved in his conversion, I’m still happy to claim Sammy as a member of the Tribe.
We need all the members we can get. Less than 50 million Jews, worldwide, despite Judaism being the oldest major monotheistic faith, with direct offshoots in Christianity and Islam? Even allowing for historical persecution, pogroms, genocide, etc., Jews have had the worst marketing department in theological history.
There’s a common belief that Jews don’t want converts. That’s a misunderstanding. Historically Jews have always wanted converts, but only ones who will stay the distance. We have never been interested in people who will join for a few years and then wander off.
So the traditional “recruiting” method prescribed by the Talmud is more or less like the recruiting scene in Starship Troopers (the book, not the awful movie). The recruiter does everything he can to scare the kids off, not because the army doesn’t want them, but to make sure they know exactly what they’re getting into, have no delusions that will be quickly disappointed, and thus are likely to stay in when the going gets tough.
In any case, we don’t “need all the members we can get”. We’ve always been interested in quality, not quantity. The Torah says “You are the smallest of all the nations”, and we take that as a permanent description, a Divine prediction that we will always be relatively small in number.
He never became a member of the tribe. He was an ally, a sympathizer, who sincerely thought himself a MOT, but calling him an MOT flies in the face of everything that makes us a tribe.
“We need all the members we can get so we should take anyone regardless of their knowledge, commitment and willingness to live with the rules and to improve their knowledge and commitment, and they are undermining our mission statement?”
That’s a marker of low self-esteem IMHO. I certainly wouldn’t invest in any business that took that approach to employee recruitment.
Well, he thought he was. And a lot of people who didn’t know any better (including sadly many Jews) encouraged his delusion, even though his conversion met none of the necessary elements.
Jamal Bowman openly supports hamas.
Whoa, the NYT morphed into Der Stuermer so quickly I hardly noticed.
It wasn’t that quick, it’s been going on for years.
why is this bad?
only b/c the left says it is and we allow them to control the narrative
jewish money vs arab/muslim money in ny showdown
jews win
cant wait for the following:
vote counters race and religion leaked to media
jammal says this is proof he was cheated
aoc goes on rampage
while the squad threatens to burn down more cities
Bowman, soon Bush. The times they are a changing, as the extremism is being recognized.
The fact of Biden’s criminal acts to conspire with the CIA and intefere with the election, and further corrupt acts, will add fuel to the fire. Biden’s dishonesty, from law school on, may finally catch up with him for real.
One can only hope that the people that fell for the Biden scam will take a second look at Obama, what he was really about, and how he pulled the wool over so many eyes.
He took the Bronx by nearly 85% I think it was on the graph I saw last night.
Lost Westchester 62% to 38%. Westchester being much larger than the Bronx part of his district.
Saw something about aoc was campaigning for him in ?lower Bronx/East Bronx? (not a ny fan) which wasn’t in his district.
They rallied in the South Bronx
which is not part of AOC district (NY#14) nor of Bowman district (NY#16)
Perhaps he is attempting to lay groundwork for a future run in the district that does include South Bronx? CD#15 Rep. Richie Torres , who is at least a grown man unlike the overgrown child Bowman.
“and a slate of self-inflicted blunders”
Like committing a crime that put numerous J6ers in jail for years?
This racist, loud mouthed, criminal punk should have been running his campaign from behind bars.
What crime was that?
Obstruction by Intimidation, Threats, Persuasion, or Deception
18 U.S.C. 1512(b)
And when and how did he commit that?
Tell ya what, you explain how the J6ers did first.
Then we can talk about what Bowman did.
No, you said he committed that crime. Tell me how and when he did so. What did he ever do that fits the description of that crime?
Quick, Milhouse, leap to defend more Democrats!
Quick, Azathoth, leap to tell more lies.
Do you seriously not understand that a lie about a Democrat is still a lie? That slander against Democrats is still slander?
If you’re merely trying to make the point that Democrats routinely engage in lies and slander, so nothing they say should be believed, then the right way to do that is to go over the top with a story that couldn’t possibly be taken seriously, e.g. that Chuck Schumer has killed three prostitutes and buried them in Prospect Park across from his apartment. Nobody hearing that would take it as literally true, so it’s not slander, it’s an appropriate reminder that he is a slanderer. But saying he committed a crime that he might easily have actually committed doesn’t make that point; a listener would just take it to be a factual statement, which is either true or false.
He also denied that Israelis had been raped, despite Hamas videos and victim accounts and despite the perpetrators acknowledging it.
Call me crazy, but I do not think that your Get-Out-The-Vote efforts are helped when you so obviously side with rapists, kidnappers, murderers. whether it’s the Bronx or Belize.
These reprobates at the Pravda Times are utterly vile and despicable.
Recall that these are the same imbeciles who, when narcissist-incompetent-dunce, Obama’s, treasonous, naive, stupid, destructive, farcical and indefensible Iran capitulation — laughably termed a “deal,” by the sycophantic, worshipful Dhimmi-crat media shills/lapdogs/trained seals — was receiving justifiably and legitimately harsh criticism from many U.S. Senators and Congressional Reps — some Jewish, some not — the Times published a despicable table listing politicians who opposed the “deal,” with a column stating whether the politician was Jewish, or, not. Nazi-level yellow star bigotry.
I hadn’t heard that one, about the “Jew table”. What scum is the NYT.
The NY Times using the term ‘flood’ in this context is curious given that “Al-Aqsa Flood,” is what Hamas called their 10/7 attack,
If the headline writer thinks that that’s clever
then one can only hope that that editors life flooded w bad karma, going forward. For a long time.
All the ads did was to inform the public what Bowman had stated or voted about Israel. AIPAC ramps up attack on Jamaal Bowman with ads on antisemitism See the links at a 30-second online ad and a longer, 60-second version. Bowman and friends are informing us that they didn’t like the public being informed of Bowman’s statements and votes on Israel.