Inverting Reality: Politico Bizarrely Claims Alvin Bragg “Reluctant” To Go After Trump

Understandably, from now until Election Day, and probably well beyond that, former President Donald Trump and his supporters are going to assert that the Manhattan trial brought on by Soros-funded District Attorney Alvin Bragg was rigged at the highest levels against him and politically motivated, designed to hamstring his candidacy against the current Oval Office occupant, Joe Biden.

It was a drum first banged after the infamous August 2022 FBI raid of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home, and which has only gotten louder as each of the four indictments was announced.

For instance, in a statement made after the verdict was read, Trump said “It’s a rigged, it was a rigged trial.”

A blistering ad, released by the Trump campaign and called “Biden’s political prosecution,” referred back to the look on Joe Biden’s face when he was asked what he thought of Trump blaming his prosecution and conviction on him:

In a powerful two-minute ad, they expanded on the “political prosecution” message by pointing to what they say have been deliberate attempts by — among others — Bragg, Judge Juan Merchan, DOJ Attorney General Merrick Garland, and Biden to keep Trump off the campaign trail by way of lawfare at its most corrupt, dangerous, and unconstitutional:

In light of all this, it should surprise no one to learn that the Usual Suspects in the mainstream media are rushing to revise Bragg’s history of promises to prosecute Trump, with Politico portraying Bragg as a “reluctant prosecutor” of the presumptive 2024 GOP presidential nominee:

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg won more than just the case when a jury found Donald Trump guilty of 34 felony counts.

The Harlem Democrat, who at times seemed like a reluctant participant in a trial he launched, secured a place in history as the first prosecutor to land the conviction of an American president.

It’s easily one of the most dazzling feats of jurisprudence the nation has seen — and the sort of accomplishment that could launch him on a political rocket ship to Washington. Indeed, the conviction Thursday drew immediate praise and gratitude from Democrats, who see the former president as a unique threat to democracy — while also intensifying attacks from his supporters and the freshly convicted candidate himself, who has called the case a “witch hunt” and a “sham trial” organized by President Joe Biden.

As readers can see, though, the tweet was Community Noted with links that confirm that Bragg was not a “reluctant prosecutor” for Trump and in fact campaigned on it.

For instance, in December 2021, just weeks before taking office, Bragg said “This is obviously a consequential case, one that merits the attention of the DA personally.”

And on the campaign trail, this is how Bragg framed answers to questions about Trump:

While campaigning, Bragg said: “I have investigated Trump and his children and held them accountable for their misconduct with the Trump Foundation. I also sued the Trump administration more than 100 times for the travel ban, the separation of children from their families at the border. So I know that work. I know how to follow the facts and hold people in power accountable.”He also said that he would continue with Vance’s investigation and hold Trump “accountable by following the facts where they go.”Bragg continued to make frequent reference to his legal experience with the Trump family throughout the campaign.

And it’s not just Politico that has gotten in on the act. So, too, has the Washington Post, with their headline proclaiming that the “Trump verdict vindicates N.Y. prosecutor who quietly pursued a risky path.”

The DC Examiner‘s Byron York alluded to what’s behind the media’s Bragg pillow-plumping here:

There appears to be some urgency in anti-Trump world to protect Alvin Bragg’s motives, to deny that the elected Democratic DA had a political motive to come up with a novel theory by which to prosecute Trump. Some are even denying that Bragg won the Manhattan Democratic primary by pledging to pursue Trump. Seems very important to them.

Yes, it’s “very important to them” because they, like their Democrat comrades, are concerned that the Trump Team’s continued claims of a politically motivated witch hunt are going to hold weight with just enough of the American electorate to send Joe Biden and Kamala Harris packing in November.

The thought of this happening absolutely terrifies the media/Democrat industrial complex, so they are of course pulling out all the stops in hopes of neutralizing the message, and part of that includes insulting the intelligence of everyone by declaring they didn’t see the things that have so clearly happened over the last two years.

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —

Tags: 2024 Presidential Election, Alvin Bragg, Democrats, DOJ, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Media, Politico, Trump Manhattan Indictment, Washington Post