House GOP Uncovers More Disturbing Info on J6 Committee, Including Delay of Secret Service Driver Testimony
The revelations involve Liz Cheney. What a shock.

Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-GA), chairman of the Committee on House Administration’s Subcommittee on Oversight, wants answers from former Rep. Liz Cheney regarding the January 6th investigation.
Secret Service Driver
The left and the J6 committee marched Cassidy Hutchinson, a former aide to then-White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, around as if she had the golden ticket to take down Trump.
Hutchinson’s testimony included a violent struggle between Trump and the Secret Service limo driver. She got the story from Tony Ornato, White House deputy chief of staff for operation:
“I looked at Tony, and he had said, ‘Did you f-ing hear what happened in the Beast?'” Hutchinson recalled, using the nickname for the presidential vehicle. “I said, ‘No Tony, I just got back, what happened?’ Tony proceeded to tell me that when the president got in the Beast, he was under the impression that the off-the-record movement to the Capitol was still possible, and likely to happen, but that Bobby had more information.”
“So once the president had gotten into the vehicle with Bobby, he thought that they were going up to the Capitol, and when Bobby had relayed to him, ‘We’re not, you don’t have the assets to do it, it’s not secure, we’re going back to the West Wing,’ the president had a very strong, very angry response to that.”
Hutchinson said Ornato described Trump “as being irate.”
Trump “said something to the effect of, ‘I’m the f-ing president, take me up to the Capitol now,'” Hutchinson testified. “To which Bobby responded, ‘Sir, we have to go back to the West Wing.’ The president reached up towards the front of the vehicle to grab at the steering wheel. Mr. Engel grabbed his arm and said, ‘Sir, you need to take your hand off the steering wheel, we’re going back to the West Wing. We’re not going to the Capitol.'”
Hutchinson added that Trump “then used his free hand to lunge towards Bobby Engel, and when Mr. Ornato had recounted this story to me, he had motioned toward his” collarbone.
Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., then asked Hutchinson if [Head of Trump security detail Bobby] Engel disagreed with any part of the story Ornato relayed. Hutchinson said he did not.
Well, Loudermilk revealed to Just the News that the J6 committee delayed and suppressed the driver’s testimony.
Interesting. Why would they do that?
Oh, probably because it contradicts Hutchinson’s testimony. The transcript shows the driver “testified Trump never tried to reach for or grab the wheel of the SUV as Hutchinson, who wasn’t in the vehicle, alleged in her testimony.”
The committee didn’t interview the driver until after the November 2020 election, even though he offered to testify in July, August, and September.
Loudermilk said the driver’s attorney started the session “by chastising the select committee” for delaying the testimony for so long.”
“So we found out for the first time that the driver had been offering to come in and testify under oath as far back as just a few weeks after Cassidy made these claims, but the select committee would not bring them in,” Loudermilk told the outlet.
Cheney claimed the committee wanted all Secret Service documents before allowing any detail to testify. However, she didn’t say why they allowed Hutchinson to testify before all documents came to them.
Loudermilk is ticked off:
During his interview Tuesday, Loudermilk made clear that he has deep concerns about the way Thompson and Cheney conducted the January 6 investigation, noting they kept transcripts from his committee for months after he took over and still have not produced videotapes of many of the interviews.
“Well, it’s kind of clear that it either was the worst case of preserving documents in the history of the House of Representatives, or that they were only trying to keep those testimonies away,” he said. “Because, you know, immediately they bring Cassidy Hutchinson to the forefront, then they wait until November to even bring in the Secret Service agent.”
Alyssa Farah Griffin Acted as a Conduit Between Cheney and Hutchinson
It gets better.
The committee wants Alyssa Farrah Griffin, the former White House director of strategic communication under Trump, to hand over all communications with the following:
- former Vice Chair of the Select Committee Liz Cheney,
- former Special Assistant to the President and Coordinator for Legislative Affairs Cassidy Hutchinson,
- former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows,
- any Secret Service agent assigned to Chief of Staff Meadows or President Trump,
- with any representative of the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office in Georgia,
Loudermilk is most interested in communications with Hutchinson because, in her memoir, she suggested that Griffin at least initially acted as a conduit between herself and Cheney.
Loudermilk wrote to Griffin:
According to public reports, numerous sit-down interviews, and Cassidy Hutchinson’s memoir Enough, you spoke to Ms. Hutchinson about her testimony to the Select Committee during the summer of 2021. A review of the documents provided by the Select Committee resulted in questions about the veracity of Ms. Hutchinson’s public and private testimony to the Select Committee. Ms. Hutchinson specifically cites her conversation with you as one reason her testimony changed so dramatically.
For example, in Enough, Ms. Hutchinson claims that you and her “talked over [her] options, and [you] agreed to contact Liz Cheney on [her] behalf about scheduling another interview [with the Select Committee].” She then recounts that during this conversation, she shared that the Select Committee “never asked if [she] went to the Oval [Office] dining room on January 6, or whether [she] heard about Trump’s reaction to the rioters chanting ‘Hang Mike Pence.’ According to Mark [Meadows], Trump said, ‘He deserves it.’” These stories Cassidy has later claimed to have been privy to were never discussed prior to this meeting at your Georgetown row house. There are no texts, emails, or verbal exchanges that have been verified where Ms. Hutchinson discussed these explosive claims, apart from your conversation, before testifying to the Select Committee.
In September 2023, Griffin admitted “that she acted as a back channel between Hutchinson and the Jan. 6 committee before her third closed-door interview and subsequent bombshell testimony.”
For some reason, Hutchinson told Griffin, and not the committee, some “damning” information, including Meadows burning documents at the White House.
Lawyers linked to Trump represented Hutchinson.
The committee only found out when Griffin told Cheney:
“What we ultimately came up with is I said, ‘What if I can take this information to Congresswoman Liz Cheney, and see if she can call you back, and in the meantime, we can look at trying to get you representation pro bono,’” Griffin recalled.
It ultimately led to Cheney asking Hutchinson questions at their next meeting about details that were more revealing and painted a darker picture than her previous sit-downs with the committee, including accusations that Trump said his then-Vice President Mike Pence “deserves” rioters calling for his hanging.

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as soon as tucker showed the video of the shaman….
lefty let him go
now shine the light on lefty roaches!!!
There is no way to blame the leftists for this: these corrupt roaches call themselves Republicans.
As I recall only two members of the GoP served on the J6 Commission, neither were appointed by by the GoP Minority Leader as has been long standing practice but instead were hand picked by Nancy Pelosi.
That isn’t to say that many in the DC establishment wing of the GoP weren’t in many ways just as excited for this anything but evenhanded display of power by the d/prog and their establishment enablers. They absolutely were. See Sen Graham calling upon Capital Police to fire upon the J6 crowd ‘…you have
guns, use them!’
It is well past time for the DC establishment wing of the GoP to either step aside or have their constituents shove them aside in favor of candidates who want change. If those candidates become corrupted in DC by the trappings of power and prestige then shove their ass out. Repeat until we get a majority willing to do the very heavy lifting required to solve problems.
b/c the gop has for decades now caved into the leftists
gop have assisted the welfare state
the welfare state has allowed the government more control over the people…parents…schools….children..msm and so on
The GoP base voters and the elected members of Congress in DC are not the same thing at all. Did many of the elected GoP members of Congress assist sometimes eagerly the expansion of the ‘welfare state’? Yes absolutely. See Agriculture subsidies as one example. The ‘swamp’ linked Farm/AG programs with ‘welfare’ creating an alliance in Congress of rural and urban members to vote for the authorization of both in one yearly piece of legislation.
That brings us to the question of what is ‘welfare’? IMO, it is any unearned benefit. So VA programs earned by Veterans via their military service so these are an example of Earned benefits but WIC, TANF, food stamps, grants, subsidies, various tax exemptions and credits for corporations and individuals are Unearned and IMO a form of ‘welfare’.
I suspect that most people who receive some form of govt $ view their own payment as necessary and proper v it being a form of ‘welfare’ which should be eliminated b/c it is an unearned benefit. See the vigorous defense of Social Security despite its funding problems and the fact that 90% of folks get back 100% of their contributions in the first five years of receiving benefits. Even with known a funding cliff of a 25% cut in a decade or less if we do nothing many folks still oppose any reforms to the program.
And when the GOP gets a majority, they do….nothing.
Liz Cheney is a Republican the same way Howard W. Campbell Jr. was an American patriot.
These were the only republicans the leftists would allow on their unselect committee.
If you think the J6 Commission had anything to do with Republicans, then you don’t understand what happened. You should only continue your screed when you do understand the facts. Lambasting the Republicans is your hobby. Find another party.
These fucking morons MUST have known the drivers testimony would eventually get out in to the wild??
No we know Hutchison lied about everything I think she should be prepared to lawyer up when the new President is sworn in next year…and she should lawyer up hard! She deserves to be locked away for the damage she has helped Democrats inflict on America!!
I suspect the goal of the J6 Committee was to keep the testimony of the limo driver out of the public eye until after the Nov 2022 mid-terms. Otherwise, it might harm the chances of re-election for the corrupt Dems on the committee. In that respect, they were successful.
They deluded themselves… all seeing, all knowing, all powerful…
Sunshine would never touch them.
Cheney becomes more disgustingly anti American and anti Constitutional every day.
Crybaby Kinsinger can’t hold a candle to her.
What a hack for the Dems!
Pence was always an inside man, traitor
The minute he insisted Flynn be fired,
I knew
Flynn was fired because he was ready to go to war with the intelligence apparatus and clean that place out. After he was forced out we see what happened what is still going on with them.
And allowed himself to be used/set up by the FBI. Remember that Comey publicly bragged that he had sent over agents in the first days before they had an effective system in place to take advantage of the somewhat chaotic first weeks of the Trump administration who didn’t have a full WH team in place.
That fact seems, at least in part, to undermine the argument that LTG Flynn had a handle on how to effectively confront and dismantle the IC cabal.
I’m so surprised to find out that the kangaroo Court antics of the January 6th unselect committee we’re so blatantly this honest, said nobody ever!
“The committee didn’t interview the driver until after the November 2020 election,”
Why would he be interviewed before the election?
While Pence was responsible for initially bringing this dingbat into the West Wing, she enjoyed a series of promotions that put her in the Trump inner-circle. Trump has to surround himself with better people. It’s as simple as that. Failing that singular mission, there’s no way he’ll find any success in his 2nd term if he’s fortunate enough to win. His Kryptonite/Achilles Heel is his uncanny ability to hire back-stabbing morons.
Bad news: DC is full of back-stabbing little morons of both parties and then some. If we fish in a pond full of carp, don’t be surprised to catch carp. Cassie “Clavicle Girl” Hutchinson had the fortune to be bright and young, willing to work long hours for little pay, and the misfortune to realize that loyalty is a finite resource. Once spent, it never comes back, and spending it to gain influence on the other side of the aisle in the hopes of switching to be a useful employee of the Dems is like pouring gold into a cesspool.
She allowed herself to be fed a made-up story and repeat it under oath that gave her the mythical 15 minutes of fame in the hopes that the Dems would continue to reward her. Instead, she got tossed aside like a used tissue, useless to either party. Bright young kids of many political persuasions have learned this lesson or similar ones every day in the swamp.
I understand what you’re saying. But, we’re now almost 8-years after Obama left office. Can you think of a single person who has turned on him? I really can’t. While there have been a LOT of memoirs written by former Obama staffers, they all drip with Obama sycophancy and would most accurately be described as fellating of their former boss.
Trump had people flipping on him almost from him first month in office. There are people who’ve made careers out of being Trump’s ‘biggest critic,’ a couple of them are named above. George Bush’s tenure wasn’t much better. He had a number of ‘tell-all’ books written by former staffers and even Cabinet Secretaries during his tenure as well and MANY of them painted a wholly unflattering picture of Bush.
Democrats seem to do a MUCH better job of only surrounding themselves with fellow-travelers who will take it to the grave.
Well, if they don’t toe the company line, they might commit suicide like Vince Foster or get robbed like Seth Rich.
b/c the street armies are (somewhat) less likely to come after you if you are a leftist
That is all there is to choose from…
I assume, unless there’s very good proof to the contrary, that he did things intentionally. Otherwise he would have said he was stabbed in the back.
He never even said that about Pence. I think the whole J6 thing was a trap for MAGA fans. He may not have known what outcome would be announced for the election, but he knew damn well he had to accept it, as it came from powers higher than himself.
What if we find out this whole thing is a big Special Access Program? (classified higher than TS-SCI) I’ll vote for Trump, not really thinking it matters, but just in case it does and what the heck, why not.
I tried to find out about Pete Navarro.. He went to jail because of those quislings.
I don’t see what would be wrong with Trump, if he could, pushing the guy out of the way and grabbing the wheel and going to the Capitol. He’s the president, they are not allowed to kidnap him back to the West Wing or talk to him like he’s a child.
In fact that’s the image that Trump has promoted and why people loved him so much. He was going to throw out the clowns and fix this country. Of course that’s not how his first term went for the most part, because it’s not really his character. I believe he didn’t do that, because he wasn’t up to it.
I would have respected him more if he did. Why are people acting like this “allegation” is something wrong?
Glad you brought that up.
Let’s say, hypothetically, if this tale is true. We have a president who (as the passage of time has shown more clearly) is a prime candidate for a swamp assassination, giving his Secret Service detail a direct order and being disobeyed. This is how a setup begins. The president is being kidnapped to a particular location where he absolutely does not want to go. If this story really happened, and I were Donald Trump, I might’ve done exactly the same thing.
I think Biden’s more at risk than Trump. Biden broke his promise, made shortly after the Dem convention in 2020, to step down and hand the presidency to Kamala if they ever had a disagreement. If Biden were shot, the kingmakers would get what they thought they were promised and the reason they let Biden beat Bernie and be inaugurated: Kamala in charge.
Trump did as he was told to a sufficient degree. And if he were shot, then the freedom movement would gain massive legitimacy with the political middle. To a lesser extent that’s happened already with the lawfare against him.
Trump should have told him, “Stop the car.” The driver may have complied, not immediately understanding Trump’s purpose. As soon as the vehicle stopped, Trump should have dismounted, and walked to the Capitol, warning that any agent who laid a hand on him would be charged with battery.
Of course, this only applies if the incident actually happened. I agree with artichoke (a phrase I never imagined I’d write!), any president should show righteous indignation, and resort to violence if necessary, to get compliance from people who work for him (because he works for the people, anyone standing in his way is standing in the way of the American public).
That would be his DUTY.
His sworn duty to us, to protect the Constitution.
I expect him to have this sort of power, or he isn’t fit.
The vile Dhimmi-crats are all subversive, lawless, treasonous and despicable liars; nothing that they claim is remotely credible under normal circumstances, and, certainly not with respect to their brazen campaign to slander, subvert and sabotage candidate and later President, Trump.
Crone Clinton, being the despicable and miserable reprobate that she is, cursed out Secret Service agents and famously treated them like dirt — interesting how the water-carrying, Dhimmi-crat media never publicized those incidents, which were only revealed years after the wretched Clintons had left the White House.
This is not complicated. If, as the left claimed, Jan 6 was LITERALLY TREASON AND THE WORST THING EVER, then they would want every scrap of video out there to demonstrate how horrible it was.
Instead, they’ve fought tooth and nail to keep every shred of video under wraps, and the RINO trash have obliged.
Every judge and lawyer knows – if there is a recording, the one demanding that the recording be hidden is NEVER the good guy.
This is why tarring and feathering used to be a thing. For some types of behavior, only the threat of excruciating physical pain serves as sufficient deterrent.
I knew they were all nothing but a pack of jackal’s from the outset.
So the FBI can track down grandma, arrest her and imprison her for walking through and praying in congress but they cant find the people who planted the pipe bombs OR the child pedophiles Epstein was trafficking children to for sex??
Things that make you go hmmmmmm!
I know a guy…