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Florida Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Ron DeSantis Decision to Remove Soros-Backed State Attorney

Florida Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Ron DeSantis Decision to Remove Soros-Backed State Attorney

“We cannot agree with Worrel that the allegations in the Executive Order are impermissibly vague, nor that they address conduct that falls within the lawful exercise of prosecutorial discretion”

Last year, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis removed a George Soros-backed State Attorney named Monique Worrell for failing to effectively prosecute crimes. The move was challenged and went all the way to the Florida Supreme Court which just ruled in favor of DeSantis 6 to 1.

FOX News reports:

Florida Supreme Court backs Ron DeSantis on removal of Soros-backed prosecutor

The Florida Supreme Court ruled in favor of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ decision to remove a Soros-backed prosecutor on Thursday.

DeSantis had suspended State Attorney Monique Worrel in August 2023, accusing her of “dereliction of duty” when it comes to crime. Worrel sued for reinstatement, arguing her removal was an “arbitrary, unsubstantiated exercise of the suspension power.” Thursday’s 6-1 ruling shut down her plans.

“We cannot agree with Worrel that the allegations in the Executive Order are impermissibly vague, nor that they address conduct that falls within the lawful exercise of prosecutorial discretion,” the opinion read.

“We have said that a suspension order does not infringe on a state attorney’s lawful exercise of prosecutorial discretion where it alleges that such discretion is, in fact, not being exercised in individual cases but, rather, that generalized policies have resulted in categorical enforcement practices,” the majority opinion reads.

DeSantis touted Worrel’s removal in a press conference last year as he was running for president.

“The practices and policies of her office have allowed murderers, other violent offenders, and dangerous drug traffickers to receive extremely reduced sentences and escape the full consequences of their criminal conduct. In some cases, these offenders have evaded incarceration altogether,” DeSantis said at the time…

Worrel had enjoyed support during her 2020 campaign from Our Vote Our Voice, an organization that received $1 million from the George Soros-backed group Democracy Now, the Orlando Sentinel reported. Our Vote Our Voice spent $1.5 million in support of Worrel, according to the Sentinel.

Here’s a clip of DeSantis announcing her removal.

Worrell responded by trotting out all of the current Democrat buzzwords.

This is technically not over yet. Worrell is running for reelection in November.

The Washington Examiner noted:

While Worrell remains barred from her duties as state attorney, she is still qualified to run for reelection and is the only Democratic candidate on the ballot.

What happens if she wins?

Featured image via YouTube.


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E Howard Hunt | June 7, 2024 at 11:33 am

Remember the college admissions scandal from a few years ago? We need an intrepid reporter to look into how these moronic black attorneys are “passing” the bar exam. We all know how they are admitted and given lenient course grades, but the bar exams are supposed to be rigorous and blind. Something smells rotten here. We have seen the lengths to which once respected institutions have gone to in order to achieve their far left goals.

defenders of democracy denying freedom of choice by jailing opponents on ridiculous allegations that are mere reflections of actual behavior.

up is down, left is right.

This is when Stephen Schwarzman, our 11th hour pale rider, and man of the little people, shows up to save “democracy” by funding an opposition candidate

On to the SCOTUS

And yes, many and I mean many , of these black attorneys are definitely AA

    JohnSmith100 in reply to gonzotx. | June 7, 2024 at 3:27 pm

    I do know a few decent black attorneys, but far more of them to very much like Jessie Jackson.

      NotSoFriendlyGrizzly in reply to JohnSmith100. | June 7, 2024 at 5:28 pm

      The firm I have worked for the last 4 years (I’m in IT) doesn’t have ANY PoC attorneys. They keep hiring them, but then they’re out within 6 months. I’ve personally seen to the tech side of at least 5 PoC terminations in the last 2 years. And my firm is hardly conservative. Heck, we have a huge and very active DEI committee.

      PoC seem to do quite well in support rolls though. Office Services, Legal Secretaries, and the like.

DeathSantis should follow this up with some sweet, sweet criminal charges 😂😂

“What happens if she wins?”

What happens? If she hasn’t learned her lesson, DeSantis will can her again. Why not? He has the backing of the court.

henrybowman | June 7, 2024 at 1:33 pm

Why did you run a photo from Easter Island up top?

Time to cancel Monique Worrell for toxic anti-white rhetoric. BLM/CRT is such a fraud. There will be NO REPARATIONS.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to smooth. | June 7, 2024 at 4:10 pm

    There should be reparations for criminal activity and welfare. A study of value of productive versus those who are not. A balance sheet. It will be negative, the only question how much red ink.

Good for Ron DeSantis. Good for the Florida Supreme Court. And good for Florida. More states should be looking to Florida as an example of how to successfully and fairly govern.

Chalk up another win for the Ronald. I’m proud to be this guy’s constituent.

Morning Sunshine | June 7, 2024 at 2:26 pm

as Trump said, the real verdict is in November. If the people want her to be their DA, they will elect her again. But a smart opponent will point out WHY she was removed, and how that effects the lives of the constituents.

Arthur Chester | June 7, 2024 at 3:21 pm

If you look at this situation with cold detached logic, it would appear evident that, in fact, the voters want what she delivers.

This may seem unimaginable to readers of this blog — because readers of this blog aren’t violent criminals involved in drugs/alcohol, etc.

But the people who support this lady — they know who they are voting for.

Hard as it may be to acknowledge, there are a lot more Americans involved in illegal activities, routinely, than most of us may wish to wrap our heads around.

That’s how this prosecutor can be removed from office for not prosecuting crimes — and then get voted back in by the citizens in her district.

“You want the truth?”
“I want the truth.”
“You can’t handle the truth.”

    mailman in reply to Arthur Chester. | June 7, 2024 at 4:27 pm

    Well then she needs to be removed from the race by being taking a leaf out of the democrats playbook and have her imprisoned.

    Morning Sunshine in reply to Arthur Chester. | June 7, 2024 at 5:58 pm

    interesting point. I had not thought of that.

    henrybowman in reply to Arthur Chester. | June 8, 2024 at 12:21 am

    The older I get, the more I realize that the criminal class doesn’t vote Democrat just for the gimmies… it votes Democrat because Democrats protect criminals’ career interests. “Soros prosecutors” are just (up to now) the most outrageous example of that.

      JimWoo in reply to henrybowman. | June 8, 2024 at 10:10 am

      Exactly what is happening in Chicago. The blacks in positions of law enforcement are protecting their criminal cousins. They have a lot of cousins.

Love Governor DeSantis! Never afraid of being call the “R” word, need more Republicans with a SPINE!

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to MAJack. | June 8, 2024 at 9:59 am

    I am greater than 60 yo. I have only seen a few Republicans with a spine in that entire time.

    When we get republicans who will do what they claim to support, I will change my voter registration from an Independent to Republican.

    But I doubt that I would ever have to worry about that.

Another win for lawful use of power.

RDS for the pole position 2028

Party affiliation entitles you to vote in a primary election for candidates of that party. No Party Affiliation does what for you? Virtue signal that no party is worthy of your vote in a primary?