Democrats and the Media Have Spent Years Pushing Real ‘Cheap Fakes’
The same people who pushed every anti-Trump hoax that crossed their desks now suddenly want context and careful analysis for Biden’s sake.
Now that videos of Joe Biden freezing up and seeming genuinely too old to hold office are going viral, Democrats and their many media allies are leaping to his defense and calling these videos ‘cheap fakes.’
There is nothing fake about these videos, and this claim is especially offensive when you consider all of the completely false narratives these same people have pushed in recent years.
Joseph A. Wulfsohn writes at FOX News:
From Covington Catholic to border whips, liberal media has recent history of peddling ‘cheap fakes’
“Cheap fakes” are suddenly all the rage.
Since the term was pushed by the White House earlier this month, the liberal media has used the phrase to describe unflattering viral videos of President Biden which his critics say show signs of his mental decline.
Various experts cited by the media have defined “cheap fakes” as the manipulation of video or audio content that misrepresent the facts, such as one where Biden was led off-stage by former President Obama earlier this month.
The sudden concern with allegedly out-of-context video clips comes after liberal media outlets pushed several “cheap fakes” of their own over the years.
Trump’s ‘bloodbath’ comment
At an Ohio rally in March, Trump warned about China winning the war on car manufacturing, telling voters “Now if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath for the whole – that’s gonna be the least of it. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country. That will be the least of it. But they’re not going to sell those cars. They’re building massive factories.”…
The smearing of Covington teen Nicholas Sandmann
One of the most infamous “cheap fakes” in recent memory concerned a group of students from Kentucky’s Covington Catholic High School who visited Washington D.C. for the annual March for Life in 2019 and were portrayed as virulent racists.
Wulfsohn goes on to cite the time that Democrats and the media distorted Trump’s comments about MS-13 gang members and the ridiculous claims that Border Patrol agents were ‘whipping’ migrants from Haiti.
There are so many more examples.
Last week on The Five, Greg Gutfeld used this same line of argument and mentioned other instances. Watch:
WATCH: Fox’s @GregGutfeld calls out liberal media over claims from White House that Biden videos are ‘cheap fakes’: "Where were these anti-hoaxers in the ‘fine people hoax’, the ‘drinking bleach hoax’, the ‘koi pond hoax’, the ‘migrant kids in cages hoax’, the ‘border patrol…
— TV News Now (@TVNewsNow) June 18, 2024
The same people who pushed every anti-Trump hoax that crossed their desks now suddenly want context and careful analysis for Biden’s sake.
Sorry, it doesn’t work that way.
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Unfortunately, it does work that way.
Prior to this week I had never heard the term “chèap fakes.” I would not be surprised if this term was created soley for the purpose of a talking point to defend Biden. Couldn’t use “deep fake” because that is a well defined term and could easily be checked. So they created a term that sounds very similar ( to keep the negative connotations) and started accusing those showing the videos of this poorly defined term of being guilty of “cheap fakes.”
I’d heard of the phrase “chèap fakes,” but usually in regard to breast enhancement.
Similar to how nobody had ever heard of the term “fake news,” until crone Clinton and her lackeys and media sycophants contrived it in the aftermath of her shocking 2016 election loss to candidate Trump, as a mechanism to help rationalize and shift blame for her manifestly arrogant, elitist, entitled, tone-deaf and awful campaign.
Never presume malice in what can be adequately explained by incompetence. Pretty sure the current administration’s spokescreature just bobbled the phrase and acted like she intended on using “cheap fakes” instead.
“Never presume malice in what can be adequately explained by incompetence” -Hanlon’s Law
Bonk’s Corollary to Hanlon’s Law: “Malice and Incompetence are not mutually exclusive.”
News was made a profit center in the 70s, no longer running as a loss leader. They discovered that here’s no market for news (think city council meetings) but found their audience with Jessica in the Well, wall to wall soap opera women 24/7.
Since then news has been an entertainment choice, falling into two camps: soap opera women, and sites reporting on the latest stupid thing that the soap opera channel has said. One is an empathy track and one is a ridicule track.
The ridicule track was the right and the empathy track was the left.
Nowadays both are tending to clickbait and so a lowest widest audience they can get. Think National Review under Buckley transitioning to any right wing site today. The self-awareness is gone in the audience.
But everything can be called fake when it relates to audience, with a few intellectual right wing people here and there.
“a profit center”
making money legally is not an issue
but you are correct about the rest
it became entertainment as they TOOK THE MANTLE with their Nixon coverage and turned it into a non journalistic but a pro soap opera event
lol AOC is one big cheap fake!
The Dems are probably at it again now. Lots of Dems want to slip a committed communist / Obama clone in in place of Biden, which would be worse. We’re at peak crazy now, the Dem convention is not far off.
Trayvon Martin 911 call?
there was a battle in Vietnam that WE WON but the media portrayed as a major loss. The name escapes me – was it the Tet Offensive, or was that something else?
Yes, it was the Tet Offensive. The NVA used the VC as a spearhead in a major offensive against RVN and US ground forces, and the VC were broken as an effective military force. This was, however, only a tactical victory. The NVA planned the battle with the strategic goal of having breaking the VC, eliminating them as a rival to North Vietnam’s eventual control of the south.
CNN has as much integrity as pro wrestling nowadays.
What do you mean? Pro wrestling has full integrity. It is exactly what it’s supposed to be. As Jesse Ventura said, when asked whether wrestling was fake, “Is Hamlet fake?”
wrestling moves have always been real
its just that outcomes have always been affirmative action
The on-video documentation of Biden’s mental and physical decline is obviously doing damage. The bogus “cheap fakes” damage control is necessary in the absence of an honest and genuine explanation to the impression being made by the videos. Ironically, the “cheap fakes” defense draws attention to the matter (the Streisand Effect).
A million independent cell phone videos can’t be wrong!!
Recall the vile Dhimmi-crats’ outrage at illegal alien “Kids in Cages” during President Trump’s term, with the salient revelation eventually emerging that the photos of the kids and cages in question had been taken during narcissist-incompetent-dunce, Obama’s, wretched tenure (with no Dhimmi-crat outrage summoned at the time, naturally). An instance of classic media deceit and manipulation, a tactic at which the greasy and underhanded Dhimmi-crats excel.
The photo of then-Senator Obama, gleefully shaking hands with Jew-hating, Muslim supremacist bigot, Louis Farrakhan, was dutifully suppressed by Leftist media organs, out of fear it would hurt candidate Obama’s campaign for president. Misinformation by omission/erasure.
The Dhimmi-crats’ swift canonization of attempted murderers, St. Trayvon of the Blessed Skittles and “Gentle Giant,” Michael Brown, involved circulating photos of the thugs as beatific young teens, and, not recent photos accurately depicting the hulking and sinister brutes they had become at the time of their self-inflicted demises.
Whatever moniker one chooses, whether it be “fake news,” “misinformation,” “disinformation,” “deep fakes,” or “cheap fakes,” the Dhimmi-crats are masters of the deceptive media and propaganda arts, and, they are its most adept and willing practitioners.
And let’s not forget the fake video of AOC crying at a chain-link fence bordering… a parking lot.
this is nothing
wait until the deep fake in
deep fake out
criminals/suspects/witnesses etc
from crime scene photos/videos
they deep fake in
The only ‘cheap fake’ I see is Joe Biden*
He’s fake because he’s not really in charge.
And he’s cheap because he whored out the greatest country in the history of the world to enrich himself and his family, and he’s not even a lousy Billionaire.
They left out the most destructive cheap fake of all. George Floyd’s last 8 minutes without the context of the 20 or so minutes that preceded them.
Not sure what the jury was allowed to hear, it’s been a while and more has come out since then, including the actual medical examiner report, which apparently the jury was not allowed to hear.
And yet Chauvin sits in prison. I think they’re going to try to put Trump in prison. It won’t even be easy to get his trial reversed after the new SCOTUS ruling. And the press will say the crazy gameplaying is “the rule of law” or some such.
Partial description of the Koch book.
A Business Man Looks at Communism furnishes a neat overview of the theory of Marxism-Leninism; the late Livshitz had at least been a good preceptor.
At a time when many of the wealthy and well- (or perhaps over-) educated rhapsodized about the supposedly high-minded principles of socialism and of Stalin’s program, Koch, in crisp, businesslike prose, demolished the Soviet cause in a mere 40 hard-hitting pages. But Koch was no reflexive fear-monger; he perceived, correctly as affairs have turned out, the comprehensive character of the communist threat. Where others saw only the military danger, Koch understood, thanks to the indiscreet boasting of Livshitz, that the communists’ aim was to conquer by subversion. He comprehended their patience and their willingness to appear to give ground tactically for strategic advantage. He perceived that the communists were masters at long-term planning:
If you do not think dialectically, you are at the mercy of any trick they pull. They are working it all around the world today — the dialectic thrust and then retreat. They surge in Iraq. We send troops to Lebanon. They retreat, then thrust at Berlin. We react and they smile, and send over the mass murderer Khrushchev breathing smiles and peace one minute and Communist propaganda and threats of nuclear destruction the next…. Words do not mean to a Communist what they mean to you and me. This is a carry-over from the Aesopian language of the revolutionary in Czarist days. When a Communist says he wants peace he means he wants Communism. When he says he wants “peaceful coexistence” he means he wants no outward violence while he bores from within and conquers you by treason and subversion.
Koch warned that American institutions were honeycombed with communist subversives, from labor unions and tax-free foundations to universities and churches. Art and newsprint, radio and television — all these media had been transmuted into vehicles of communist propaganda. Koch declared unflinchingly that the United Nations was a tool of the communists:
The United Nations … has been a rotten core of subversion. It is a haven for subversives and security risks. UNESCO has been spewing forth Communist and World government propaganda into our schools for years. The U.N. was conceived by the Russians during World War II as a device to continue collaboration with the United States which had proven so profitable to them.
Link to the Koch book online.
And the biggest “cheap fakes” of all: the fauxdemic and the 2020 election!
Remember how Dems used to rail against electronic ballot boxes until they got control of them? How about the racist conclusion that blacks simply can’t handle having positive ID?
Mail in ballots, which even the most jaded Third World nation has rejected as too corrupt/corruptible to be used?
J6 as an “insurrection?” How the Federal Bureau of Intimidation infiltrated that whole thing and ran it off the rails? How about the execrable J6 Commision’s exclusion of testimony, and the subsequent illegal destruction of testimonial evidence?
Every book written by a Democrat?
I mean, the list of Democrat deceptions and fakery is endless.