Debate Strategies: Biden vs. Trump – Insights from Legal Insurrection
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Debate Strategies: Biden vs. Trump – Insights from Legal Insurrection

Debate Strategies: Biden vs. Trump – Insights from Legal Insurrection

A new thing is happening at Legal Insurrection

We’re working on a new thing here at Legal Insurrection. Professor Jacobson and I will have weekly installments going behind headlines, sharing our thoughts, our successes, and anything else we think y’all might want to hear.

We’re still working out the details but are excited to be able to share with you in a different way. We will have our discussions available both in video and in audio format.

In our first mini installment we discuss the upcoming presidential debate.


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“Fine people on both sides.” Trump should calmly point out that Biden’s whole rationale for running is based on a falsity, and he therefore has no reason to be running for president, let alone being president.

Like others have pointed out, Trump should allow Biden to self-destruct. However, there is so much meat, it will be hard to fast.

Women vote for the guy who seems to mean well. That’s all Biden has to do.

The Leni Riefenstahl act has to go as it defeats that.

Trump has to portray that Don Rickles always in fact meant well in his entertainment. Seem to mean well as you point it out.

    Dimsdale in reply to rhhardin. | June 24, 2024 at 9:33 pm

    That gets wiped out the next time the parents go out food shopping.

    Aarradin in reply to rhhardin. | June 25, 2024 at 1:34 am

    Biden YELLS at his opponent during debates. We’ve been through this before.

    It’ll be worse now that his dementia has progressed to end stage.

    Interesting that his team agreed to the muted mics during the other candidate’s turn to talk. That obliterates Joe’s entire “strategy” of yelling over his opponent every time they start speaking.

    He’ll do it anyway, even with the muted mic.

    No one’s going to imagine that he “means well”.

      WindyHill in reply to Aarradin. | June 25, 2024 at 9:02 am

      Unfortunately, the same could be said for Trump. I voted for him last time, but I do recall how unlikable he was in the debates. Granted, that was with Hillary – but he always tries to control and monopolize the narrative. I would hate for Biden to come out of this debate looking like a victim…

henrybowman | June 24, 2024 at 7:32 pm

Not a fan of video/audio content, podcasts, the whole shtick. Maybe it’s just the thing for people who have hour-long car commutes to and from work, but that isn’t me and never will be (again).

Compared to text, the information density (per unit time) is just too low. Let’s face it: the work involved in writing a piece down injects order that every reader (listener, whatever) then doesn’t have to assemble for himself as talking heads just go rattling on.

I actually subscribed to Tucker, then found myself watching very few of his presentations because (compared to his shorter pieces on Fox News) they were too long, drawn out, and comparatively unfocused.

Now, text I can consume at my own (quicker) speed, and can always go back to an earlier paragraph for clarification as needed, with comparatively minimal effort.

That’s JMHO.

    Tom Orrow in reply to henrybowman. | June 25, 2024 at 12:14 am

    I agree. Also, no offense intended, but maybe I just don’t need or want to see your faces.

    Ol' Jim, hisself in reply to henrybowman. | June 25, 2024 at 8:44 am

    Agreed! My retention span for the spoken word (lecture, sermon, etc.) is about 3 minutes. If I read it, I remember forever, it seems. Just sayin’

Why is Trump supporting the mandating of posting the Ten Commandments in public schools? I believe in the Ten Commandments, but isn’t that a violation of the separation of Church and State? And since Trump is not even a Christian, because he endorses gay marriage, trans rights, and abortion, why is he even doing this?

    henrybowman in reply to JR. | June 24, 2024 at 9:10 pm

    You don’t REALLY care about the answer to these questions, especially since you must be aware that half of them are built on phony premises to start with. There are Christian denominations that have no problem with gay marriage and trans rights, and I daresay I could find some that were “pro-choice.” And you know that the “separation of Church and State” exists nowhere in our founding documents (though the Bolsheviks decreed such a separation using precisely that language in 1918).

    Dimsdale in reply to JR. | June 24, 2024 at 9:35 pm

    It’s no more an “establishment of a state religion” than the gushing worship of transgender flags etc. in schools right now.

    Aarradin in reply to JR. | June 25, 2024 at 1:40 am

    As you well know, there is no such thing as “separation of church and state” in the Constitution or in any federal law.

    At the time of our founding, several of the colonies had Established, official State religions. The purpose of the “establishment” clause was to prohibit the Federal Government from interfering with those in any way. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.”

    Those colonies otherwise would not have voted to ratify the Constitution and join the new United States.

    One of the most grossly misunderstood clauses in the Constitution. Its sole purpose was to prevent the Federal Government from abolishing State Establishments of Religion.

    In the event, the States soon, all, abolished their own established religions now no one seems to remember that they even existed, much less that they were recognized and supported by the US Constitution.

“The Trump campaign announced Monday that the former president had begun preparing for his upcoming debate with Joe Biden by visiting nursing homes and arguing with dementia patients.” (Babylon Bee)

The_Mew_Cat | June 24, 2024 at 9:08 pm

Joe Biden won’t be freezing on Thursday because I’m sure they withdrew the phenothiazine that has been mellowing him out (and has freezing as a known side effect). But he will be pumped up to the max, or beyond. Biden will be hopped up and very angry. He is likely to be shouting and screaming and banging his shoe on the podium like Khrushev.

Biden: “Trump is a convicted felon!!”

Pres. Trump: “At least I was deemed competent to stand trial.”

Mic drop.

Saw the other day a suggestion that PDJT to show up an hour late so all the drugs in joie’s system are starting the crash.

It may be important for Trump to make the point that no one thinks that Biden will last 4 more years and to look closely at his cackling backup, whom a Dem is really voting to be President. I also think the supposed claim that he would have his VP pick at the debate would be clever – create his own news cycle and have something that Biden would likely not be prepared for.

Trump accepting Biden’s CNN debate “terms and conditions” is simply foolhardy.

    Tom Orrow in reply to Tiki. | June 25, 2024 at 12:16 am

    Many people have questioned why he did so. I think Trump was offered the debate opportunity “as is,” take it or leave it.
    If he declined, the Regime would say “Trump’s afraid to debate.”
    In addition, perhaps Trump wants to show that he can beat Biden with one hand tied behind his back!

    I pray for Trump and his family daily.

Trump needs to stay calm and on target, not call names, let the drugged up monster rattle on

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to gonzotx. | June 25, 2024 at 5:45 am

    He lacks the self-control to do so.

    Stuytown in reply to gonzotx. | June 25, 2024 at 3:05 pm

    Yes. Can he? My thought is that Trump should give short and concise answers to questions and then ask, “I’d like to hear Joe’s opinion on that issue.” Give Joe every opportunity to sink himself. He’d do it.

E Howard Hunt | June 25, 2024 at 6:41 am

The so-called debates are tricky. One must appeal to the great hordes of ignoramuses and emotional women. This is why the intellectually gifted Romney failed against that dolt, Obama. Romney employed manly discipline in not attacking the black man too forcefully. His team warned him about this and he delivered. He eliminated the negative, but offered no positive. He should have let his shellacked hair down and delivered a sickening emotional appeal to all the stupids and hormonal chicks out there. Instead he looked like a boiled frog of cost accountant.

I am baffled by Trump agreeing to a debate in the first place much less on a network no one watches. He should demand a podcast like Rogan’s where 10x the number of people would see it. I won’t watch but I’ll see a bunch of biased clips the next morning from the corporate media.
Does anyone think WaPo is going to report anything other than a stunning tour de force by Biden?

Biden, under his current pharmaceutical regimen, is a ticking time bomb for stroke.
He just might have one on that stage.

Each has been President for four years,

Just who, exactly, is so out of touch with reality that they need to see a debate between the two in order to decide who to vote for?

All Trump has to do to end the debate is ask, “Since Special Prosecutor Hur said you were unfit to stand trial trial for mishandling classified information and you didn’t contest that finding, why are you even running for reelection?”

How does Biden answer that? Does he claim the finding of being unfit to stand trial was a DOJ coverup?

Does Biden get angry go off on another one of his “Roid Rage” attacks to avoid the question, proving the premise of the question?