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Confirmed: Three Rescued Israeli Hostages Were Held Captive by Gaza Journalist

Confirmed: Three Rescued Israeli Hostages Were Held Captive by Gaza Journalist

Daring rescue mission renamed “Operation Arnon” in honor of fallen commando Arnon Zamora.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) on Sunday confirmed that three of the four hostages rescued in the recent raid were held at the house of a Gaza ‘journalist.’

Abdallah Aljamal, a Hamas terrorist, posed as a journalist and has written for several media outlets in the past, including Qatari state-owned Al Jazeera.

“Following the completion of [Israeli military and security agency Shin Bet] agency and ISA examinations of reports on the subject, it can be confirmed that Abdallah Aljamal was an operative in the Hamas terrorist organization, who held the hostages Almog Meir Jan, Andrey Kozlov, and Shlomi Ziv captive in his family home in Nuseirat,” the IDF disclosed Sunday.

“The hostages were held captive by Abdallah Aljamal and members of his family in their home,” the IDF statement added.

Despite having his profile on its website, Al Jazeera denied any links to the slain Hamas terrorist and captor. “He wrote one column for Al Jazeera in 2019, prompting rumors that he was a Gazan correspondent for the Qatari news outlet who had been detaining a hostage in his home — an unsubstantiated claim that the network stridently denied on Sunday. He has written for other news outlets since then,” The Times of Israel reported.

IDF releases more details, footage of Gaza hostage rescue operation

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) revealed more details and video footage of the military raid that rescued four Israeli hostages from Hamas captors in central Gaza.

A daring daylight raid by the IDF and Israeli security services on Saturday morning freed the hostages Noa Argamani, Almog Meir Jan, Andrey Kozlov, and Shlomi Ziv — all four kidnapped by Hamas terrorists on October 7.

The joint operation by the IDF and security services was spearheaded by Yamam counter-terrorism unit of Israel Border Police. Yamam Squad Commander, Chief Inspector Arnon Zamora died from the wounds sustained during hostage rescue.

Saturday’s operation was reportedly the result of months of surveillance and intelligence gathering. The Times of Israel reported the details of the raid:

In the days leading up to the rescue, the police’s elite Yamam counter-terrorism unit drilled various models of the extraction from central Gaza’s Nuseirat, which military officials said were “similar to the Entebbe raid” of 1976, when Israeli commandos rescued more than 100 hostages in Uganda.

Also in the days before the mission, the military launched a new operation in eastern Bureij — to the east of Nuseirat — and in east Deir al-Balah — to the southeast of where the hostages were rescued — in an apparent feint to reduce Hamas’s defenses in Nuseirat.

The IDF in a press release revealed the details of the units of the military and security services involved in the operation:

Troops of the 98th Division are continuing operational activities in eastern Deir al Balah and eastern Bureij after taking part in the operation to rescue the four hostages over the past day. During the operation, the troops eliminated multiple terrorists, and dismantled terror infrastructure sites.

IAF fighter jets and additional aircraft assisted the troops, striking numerous terror targets in the area, as well as armed terrorists who posed a threat to IDF troops.

Troops of the 162nd Division are continuing intelligence-based, targeted operations in the Rafah area. During targeted raids, the troops located numerous additional terror tunnel shafts, mortars, and weapons in the area. During a targeted raid on a military structure, the troops located large quantities of weapons, including firearms, RPGs, explosive devices, cartridges, grenades, and additional military equipment.

Troops of the 99th Division are continuing operational activities in central Gaza, dismantling terror infrastructure and eliminating terrorists. During one of the activities, a terrorist cell opened fire at IDF troops and was struck and eliminated by IAF aircraft.

Over the past day, numerous mortar shells were launched from the area of the Islamic University in southern Gaza City at IDF troops operating in the area of the central Gaza corridor. No IDF injuries were reported. IDF aircraft struck and dismantled the launcher.

Furthermore, IAF fighter jets and additional aircraft struck numerous terror targets throughout the Gaza Strip, including an Islamic Jihad tactical-level commander.

Hostage rescue mission renamed “Operation Arnon” in honor of the fallen commando

The hostage rescue mission was renamed “Operation Arnon” in honor of the fallen elite commando. “The Chief of the General Staff and the commander of the ‘Yamam’ Unit concluded that the operation would be called “Operation Arnon” in the IDF, in recognition of the unit’s performance throughout the war and the sacrifice of ‘Yamam’ Squad Commander, Chief Inspector Arnon Zamora,” the military said in a press release Sunday.

The IDF released personal details of the fallen hero:

Arnon Zamora, 36, a brave and valuable officer, left behind a wife and two children. On October 7th, he led the battle at the Yad Mordechai Junction, eliminating dozens of terrorists and preventing the terrorists from infiltrating northwards. He then went on to fight in the battle at Kibbutz Nahal Oz and Kibbutz Be’eri. Arnon was part of the force that broke into the apartment where the hostages were being held, was severely injured during a battle, and later died in the hospital.

Arab media cited eyewitnesses claiming female soldiers were part of the hostage rescue team. Shortly ahead of the raid, the special forces appeared in the area dressed as Gazans, reports claim.

The Israeli news outlet Arutz Sheva reported Sunday:

Eyewitnesses to the rescue operation of four hostages on Saturday morning told the Saudi channel Asharq that the operation began when an undercover force disguised as displaced residents entered the Nuseirat refugee camp, from the direction of Netzarim Corridor at approximately 11 am.

The undercover force, including male and female combat soldiers, came in a vehicle full of belongings similar to those the displaced residents in the Gaza Strip had and responded to the residents’ questions that they had escaped from Rafah and were looking to rent an apartment in the market area. (…)

Eyewitnesses said that the operation began an hour later when a truck that rescued the hostages arrived and soldiers from other trucks in the area covered the force.

The rescue operations lasted a little more than half an hour from the moment the forces broke into the buildings until the helicopters took off for Israel. The rescue time included, among others, the arrival of additional rescue vehicles after a truck carrying three of the hostages got stuck due to a problem with the gear.


Israeli hostage Noa Argamani was held in a home of Abdallah Aljamal, a Gaza reporter linked to Qatari state-run Al Jazeera broadcaster

The Israeli news website Arutz Sheva reported:

Noa Argamani, the 26-year-old Israeli woman who was rescued yesterday in a daring raid by the IDF after eight months as a hostage in Gaza, was held in the apartment of an Al Jazeera reporter, according to Open Source Intelligence Monitor.

According to the report, Noa was held by Abdallah Aljamal, “a photojournalist and writer/editor for both Al-Jazeera and the Palestinian Chronicle.

The Palestinian Chronicle reported that Aljamal was one of the Gazans who was killed during the rescue, which it called the “Nuseirat massacre.” OSIM reported that Aljamal and several members of his family were killed while attempting to prevent the rescue.

Noa was held in a separate apartment and a different building from Andrey Kozlov, Shlomi Ziv, and Almog Meir Jan, who were rescued at the same time.

Angered Hamas claims three hostages killed in Israeli rescue raid

Stunned by the rescue mission, Hamas release a video claiming three Israeli hostages, including a U.S. national, were killed in the IDF raid. In the past Hamas has murdered or claimed death of hostages as an act of revenge against Israeli operations to free the captives.

The Jerusalem Post reported Sunday:

The Hamas armed wing announced on Sunday that three Israeli hostages were killed, including a US citizen, during the Israel hostage freeing operation in Gaza on Saturday.

“In exchange for them [the four Israeli hostages], your own army killed three of your own captives in the same attack; one of them holds a US citizenship,” the Hamas statement said. (…)

A video was created by the terrorist organization with text stating that “your Israeli government killed a number of your captives in order to save the other captives.”

IDF hitting Hamas targets across Gaza

A day after the daring mission, the IDF continued operations in Rafah and central Gaza.

“The IDF’s 98th Division launched an offensive last week in east Bureij and east Deir al-Balah — east and southeast of Nuseirat, where the rescue operation took place,” The Times of Israel reported Sunday. “Meanwhile, operations also continue in southern Gaza’s Rafah, where the IDF says troops of the 162nd Division located several tunnel shafts, mortar launchers, and other weapons over the past day.”

The Israel Air Force (IAF) was playing a crucial role in destroying Hamas’s terrorist capabilities. “IAF fighter jets and additional aircraft assisted the troops, striking numerous terror targets in the area, as well as armed terrorists who posed a threat to IDF troops,” the IDF disclosed Sunday.


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Not surprised it was a Palestinian “journalist” holding them. Kind of surprised they weren’t found in a UN school.

    Dimsdale in reply to geronl. | June 9, 2024 at 3:25 pm

    Well, if the IDF doesn’t get him first, he will likely have to decide between the NYTimes, CNN or MSNBC for his next gig.

      Danny in reply to Dimsdale. | June 9, 2024 at 4:50 pm

      How dare you sir you forgot the BBC which he would likely be happy to work at.

      Milhouse in reply to Dimsdale. | June 9, 2024 at 5:01 pm

      “The Palestinian Chronicle reported that Aljamal was one of the Gazans who was killed during the rescue, which it called the “Nuseirat massacre.” OSIM reported that Aljamal and several members of his family were killed while attempting to prevent the rescue.”

      gonzotx in reply to Dimsdale. | June 9, 2024 at 8:30 pm

      CIA, FBI, CID… so many more choices available, so many , so many

      ahad haamoratsim in reply to Dimsdale. | June 10, 2024 at 12:41 am

      They got him, all right.

Mainstream “journalists” from all over the world will react with outrage. Just watch!

Perhaps Israel ought to hire a P.R. firm to assemble all of these specific cases

For a PowerPoint presentation

That could be shown at small venues – churches, synagogues, clubs, etc.

Duration could vary.

The Friends of SamanthaPower can’t or shouldn’t be able to block alllll of these venues.

It seems Israel is losing the P.R. battles, and it seems something needs to be done.

Will I help? No, I’m too old and deteriorated and deteriorating. Sorry.

    mailman in reply to BL771. | June 9, 2024 at 3:17 pm

    That would just be pissing money in to the wind. The West couldn’t give a fuck about Jews and the Arab world turns a blind to Hamas and the atrocities they commit on a daily basis.

    Israel would be better served just getting in with the business of killing Hamas and ignoring everything else.

      randian in reply to mailman. | June 9, 2024 at 7:29 pm

      Turn a blind eye? Hardly, they cheer it on, because what Hamas is doing is exactly what the Quran and Hadith say should be done. Any Muslim who honestly objected, and said so publicly, would likely be the subject of a self-help execution for apostasy.

    Valerie in reply to BL771. | June 9, 2024 at 3:27 pm

    Israel always loses the early PR battles. That’s because a lie can make its way around the world before the truth gets its pants on, and the Muslim Brotherhood organizations are all big believers in Big Lies. The Palis are the foremost Muslim practitioners of the Big Lies, hence the popularity of terms like Fauxtography, Pallywood, Gazawood and Mr. FAFO.

    There always seems to be a new and gullible segment in the global audience.

    The IDF, however, is reasonably prompt with investigating and unsparing in reporting on events, including Palestinian murders blamed on IDF as well as mistakes and even atrocities committed by IDF troops. Their reports tend to age well, which is more than I can say about the US military.

      CommoChief in reply to Valerie. | June 9, 2024 at 3:49 pm

      Especially true when a significant portion of the lapdog legacy media is openly hostile to Israel and actively assists in spreading Hamas propaganda as unquestioned ‘fact’.

        Valerie in reply to CommoChief. | June 9, 2024 at 9:19 pm

        I get why college kids and harried parents may have no idea, but the Palis pull the same stunts over and over, and the news cycle carries their lies and the rebuttals over and over. Nevertheless. our government funds their genocidal behavior, then pretends to be surprised.

Al-Jazeera media this time, I’ll bet it is an AP Hamas reporter next time.

Those reporting are just the Propaganda Ministry of Hamas

You know just your average Palestinian journalist winning awards for getting thsoe scoops for those pulitizer prize winning outfits like Al Jazerra, Press TV, Al Ariybiya, CNN, The NYT. Ever wonder how they get those amazing photo shots or insider scoops? Hmm, it’s because they are participants in the the murders, violence, kidnapping, and brutality; not just documentarians. But so what, who needs unbiased journalism, not most American journalist schools that for sure.

destroycommunism | June 9, 2024 at 4:45 pm

great find

“journalist” /united nations/dnc

all code words /fronts for communist loving n azi feeding scumbuckets

beautifulruralPA | June 9, 2024 at 5:22 pm

Rest In Peace, Arnon, May your memory be blessed.

Thanks for socking it to ’em.

Israel men are real men

Israel women show the world that Women literally can do it all

American women are shameful purple haired karens, so embarrassing and wrong on 99% of issues… and out “men”, Are soy boys
So over top

I am amazed any of the Oct 7 hostages’ Are still alive. I wonder if there are any more.

Bummer, the palasstinians are claiming only 210 terrorists were killed. I was hoping the number of dead terrorists would be much higher.

Al Jazeera, Al Gores business partners.

So female IDF soldiers were part of the operation? Hmmm, does that mean that Israeli women are more capable than Arab men?

texansamurai | June 10, 2024 at 12:25 pm

they were able to rescue three—excellent—terrific focus to do so in such a confusing / chaotic environment—yet more proof of hamas’ despicable policy of hiding behind civilians

rest in honored peace, warrior

condolences to your family and loved ones

The Gazans who claim they are not responsible for the acts of Hamas are sounding more and more like Germans in 1945 who claimed they did not support the Nazi Party!