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Climate Change Activist Vandalizes Monet Painting in Paris

Climate Change Activist Vandalizes Monet Painting in Paris

“It was not immediately clear whether the incident damaged the 151-year-old painting.”

I can’t believe this is still being allowed to happen. These lunatics must be made to learn that priceless works of art are more important than their stupid stunts.

CBS News reports:

Environmental activist sticks protest poster to famous Monet painting in Paris

An environmental activist was arrested Saturday after she stuck a protest sign to a Monet painting at the famed Orsay Museum in Paris.

The activist with the group Food Riposte targeted Claude Monet’s “Poppy Field” painting, affixing a sticker that covered about half of the artwork with an apocalyptic, futuristic vision of the same scene, according to The Associated Press.

The group said it’s supposed to show what the field would look like in 2100, after it’s been “ravaged by flames and drought” if more action isn’t taken against climate change.

The museum, known in French as the Musée d’Orsay, is a top tourist destination and home to some of the world’s most-loved Impressionist work.

It was not immediately clear whether the incident damaged the 151-year-old painting. The museum did not respond to the Associated Press’ request for comment.

The woman was detained pending investigation, according to Paris police.

Featured image via Twitter video.


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They need to throw the book at these felons. Make them do hard time.

    MontanaMilitant in reply to TimMc. | June 4, 2024 at 8:28 am

    Their intent is to have the public see them damage visual art. I suggest we take hot pokers to their eyeballs so they can’t see the art anymore.

I will never understand the reasoning. It’s like, “We’ll force them to spend money on our cause by making sure they hate us as much as possible!”

    Durak Kazyol in reply to irv. | June 4, 2024 at 8:18 am

    This kind of action does makes a sort of sense. Extinction Rebellion let the cat out of the bag when they said their objective is repeal of at least 500 years of Western culture. That’s their real cause, getting rid of every advance in human life developed since the dark ages. Ayn Rand called them “anti-life” for good reason.

Charles Martel | June 3, 2024 at 10:56 am

I love what Volkswagen did when some protestors glued themselves to the floor at their visitors center.

They just left them there, turned off the lights and heat, and went home.

From an article:
“According to the protesters, the carmaker supported their right to protest but neglected to give them ‘a bowl to urinate and defecate in a decent manner while we are glued.’”

Total boss move on Volkswagen’s part!

I suggest leaving the protestor, moving the painting, and placing a placard saying something like “Woke Defacer of Art.”

Darn, the French closed Devil’s Island!

    drsamherman in reply to ParkRidgeIL. | June 4, 2024 at 1:45 pm

    There’s always Ilha de Queimada Grande off the coast of Brazil. A nice, lovely tropical island, uninhabited by humans. Oh, but there is the problem that’s it’s inhabited by migratory birds and one of the most poisonous vipers in South America, the Golden Lancehead (the only place where it’s found).

destroycommunism | June 3, 2024 at 5:04 pm


this is no different

viva la middle finger

I noticed that the criminal glued her hand to the wall. If I were on the museum security staff, I would remove the painting, get myself a book, bottle of water, ham sandwich, and stool and just park in front of her until her nature suggests that she just might want to be elsewhere.

drsamherman | June 4, 2024 at 1:42 pm

Just once, I wish one of those boneheads would glue their hand(s) to a Formula One race car and try to keep up when the driver hits the accelerator pedal.