Anti-Israel Encampment at Columbia U. Voices Support for Arrested Arsonist of UC-Berkeley

We recently covered the story of the arsons at Berkeley. Columbia students support this?

The Jerusalem Post reports:

Anti-Israel serial arsonist receives support from Columbia encampment protest groupsThe Columbia University Apartheid Divest coalition that led the encampment at the academic institution issued a statement of support for an alleged anti-Israel serial arsonist on Thursday night.Jewish Voice for Peace Columbia, Students for Justice in Palestine Columbia, and CUAD, a coalition of around 100 students groups, published on Instagram a statement of support for Casey Goonan, who was arrested on Monday for involvement in four firebombing and arson attacks at the University of California, Berkeley.”CUAD stands in full support of Casey Goonan and all of our comrades who have bravely undertaken the call to escalate for Palestine,” said the coalition. “Even if Casey G[oonan] is innocent, the entire Palestine solidarity movement must support them as if they truly did take bold and heroic actions to protect millions of lives.”The series of arson attacksGoonan’s alleged June 1 to Sunday arson spree of a UC Berkeley Police Department vehicle, a construction site, a brush area near a library, and a building were described by the coalition as “the rational action of targeting state infrastructure,” in response to US support for Israel’s military operation in Gaza.”The fires on UC campuses have been in direct response to the university’s violent police repression of their own students. The spark ignited on US campuses during the intifada of the last few months cannot be quelled, and further repression will only continue to transform these sparks into flames,” said CUAD.

Tags: Antisemitism, College Insurrection, Columbia University, Crime, Gaza - 2023 War, Hamas, Israel