Animal Rights Protester Attacks Harvard Interim President With Glitter Bomb During Alumni Day Speech

Harvard’s interim president Alan Garber was trying to give a speech at Alumni Day on Friday, when a student animal rights protester hit him with a glitter bomb. This used to be a popular form of attack for the left, but people started to point out that glitter can be very harmful to the eyes or if it’s accidentally inhaled by the person being bombed or those in the vicinity of the attack.

There should be legal consequences for this.

Joel B. Pollak of Breitbart News:

Protesters interrupted Harvard University interim president Alan Garber Friday during “Alumni Day” proceedings in Harvard Yard, with one person storming the stage and dumping green glitter all over Garber as he delivered a speech.Video of the proceedings appeared to have been taken offline, though not until Breitbart News saw the footage.Garber was appointed after the resignation of Claudine Gay, whose short tenure was marred by prevarication over antisemitism, and a plagiarism scandal about her earlier academic publications. As he began his remarks, he was approached by a woman who screamed about “monkey labs” and threw green dust on him. Garber ducked but did not react otherwise.Later, pro-Palestinian protesters interrupted Garber’s remarks, earning boos from some of the alumni present.

Watch below:

The Harvard Crimson has more details:

The protester, Brittany Drake, who appeared to be wearing an event badge, poured gold glitter over Garber as she shouted: “For the baby monkeys, for the animals in the labs, Harvard, shut down the baby monkey labs now.”Harvard University Police Department spokesperson Steven G. Catalano wrote in a statement that the protester was immediately escorted off stage and arrested by HUPD officers.“Harvard University Police Officers immediately detained the individual and escorted her out of the area,” Catalano wrote. “The individual was arrested for assault and battery, trespassing, and disturbing a public assembly.”Catalano wrote that the protester was not affiliated with the University and that the glitter was not hazardous.People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, the animal rights group that organized the demonstration, wrote in a press release that Drake had been charged with trespassing and “failure to disperse a riot.”

The report goes on to say that Garber basically laughed off the attack.

This was more awful behavior from bratty, entitled, and privileged students. The hits just keep coming for Harvard’s brand.

Featured image via Twitter video.

Tags: Animal Rights, College Insurrection, Crime, Harvard, Protest