Academic Study Bemoans Lack of Climate Change Themes in Modern Movies
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Academic Study Bemoans Lack of Climate Change Themes in Modern Movies

Academic Study Bemoans Lack of Climate Change Themes in Modern Movies

“We are living through a crisis that touches every aspect of our lives, and therefore has a place in every contemporary story”

The film industry is already suffering because people are tired of preachy, woke messaging. The people behind this study want more of it.

The College Fix reports:

New study miffed at lack of climate change themes in modern movies

If it wasn’t bad enough modern Hollywood has foregone actual entertainment in lieu of political correctness, a professor at Colby College wants movies to beat you over the head even more with the “message” — in this case climate change.

According to the Associated Press, Colby’s Matthew Schneider-Mayerson and a team of students (most of whom attend Colby) looked at 250 films from the past decade (which omits gimmes like “The Day After Tomorrow” and “The Thaw“) and found more than 90 percent got a grade of “F” in “climate reality check.”

How that “check” was determined: Does a movie “present a story in which climate change exists,” and is a character aware of it?

Movies set before 2006 or after 2100 were excluded from the study, as were those “not set on Earth.”

For Schneider-Mayerson (pictured), the paucity of films mentioning climate change means viewers are seeing a bogus reality, “a world in which climate change is not happening.”

“We are living through a crisis that touches every aspect of our lives, and therefore has a place in every contemporary story,” the study’s executive summary reads. “Today, films set in the present or near future that do not include climate change can be considered what they are: fantasy.”

From the story:

Some results were surprising. Movies that at first glance appear to have little overlap with climate or the environment passed the test. “Marriage Story,” Noah Baumbach’s emotive 2019 drama about the collapse of a relationship, passed the test in part because Adam Driver’s character is described as “energy conscious,” Schneider-Mayerson said.

The 2022 whodunnit “Glass Onion” and the 2019 folk horror movie “Midsommar” were others to pass the test. Some that were more explicitly about climate change, such as the 2021 satire “Don’t Look Up,” also passed. But “San Andreas,” a 2015 movie about a West Coast earthquake disaster, and “The Meg,” a 2018 action movie set in the ocean, did not.


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The Gentle Grizzly | June 1, 2024 at 10:08 am

Maybe, just MAYBE, the audiences don’t want to be beat to death with yet still another further different social justice hammer.

We already have inter-racial couples, Magic Negroes who solve all of the cases, all-wise women who provide the solution to [some problem], and music sound tracks that sound like something out of the jungle.

Leave us alone. Please.

henrybowman | June 1, 2024 at 1:48 pm

You know what else I haven’t seen come out of Hollywood in forever?
A spectacular blockbuster Bible epic!
“If there is no shame in me, how can I feel shame for the woman who bore me, or the race that bred me?”
Yeah, good times! If we’re gonna preach, then PREACH!

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to henrybowman. | June 1, 2024 at 2:49 pm

    I’d be happy with straightforward acting, a good script, good cinematography, good editing and continuity, A script with language that isn’t in the gutter.

    That are a good old-fashioned, spectacular slam, bang, colorful and really beautiful musical.

      drednicolson in reply to The Gentle Grizzly. | June 1, 2024 at 3:25 pm

      One of my mother’s favorite movies is Seven Brides For Seven Brothers.

      Wholesome, bright, colorful, well-performed, and guaranteed to make your average woke activist’s head steam in the first ten minutes.

drsamherman | June 2, 2024 at 9:41 pm

For the love of Gawd, we’re over it. Hysteria overload, DEI overload, climate overload, you-name-it overload. OVER & OUT. We tuned in, sorry we turned on the channel(s), and we’re dropping out of the messaging. Sorry leftist hysterics of the world. My family turned on Duke Wayne movies. Seen ‘em all before, and still love ‘em all.

destroycommunism | June 3, 2024 at 10:10 am


and start spending money and have that power

allllllll these movies will be #1