Yes, Aratina Solar Project Will Down Iconic Joshua Trees in Southern California

LI-33 Joshua Trees

There are a lot of essential lessons real environmentalists can learn from this post.

I have offered post after post proving that the Earth’s climate has continually changed. Any temperature rise observed from reliable temperature stations is likely cyclic and part of the world’s warming after an intense period of glaciation. I have noted repeatedly that carbon dioxide is a life-essential gas in trace amounts, and data shows it has no significant role in global warming.

I have highlighted that fossil fuels and nuclear energy are the only two current energy sources that support civilization. The rest of the sources are substantially less efficient and/or limited to specific regions.

Finally, between a wind project on the Osage reservation and geoengineering experiments in San Francisco Bay, I have shown how politically connected power companies and climate crisis promoters ignore the concerns of locals to move forward with their projects.

Therefore, I was slightly amused when environmental activists began warning that the iconic Joshua Trees around Boron, California, would be downed to make room for a solar farm.

Jason Brown of the Sierra Wave News offers this insight about the project:

In 2023, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service determined that Joshua Trees are not endangered. They concluded they are unlikely to be significantly threatened in the next 50 years.However, a study conducted in 2013 revealed that Joshua trees are experiencing a halt in reproduction across approximately half of their range within Joshua Tree National Park. As temperatures rise and conditions become drier, it is anticipated that the available habitat for Joshua trees will diminish significantly. By the end of the century, as much as 90 percent of the Joshua Tree habitat could vanish due to these environmental changes. You read that right, a reduction of 90 percent.So, in the name of our Solar Agenda, to protect the world from greenhouse gases, let’s destroy another species and wait until it is too late to save them. I am not anti-solar. I am anti-destroying a species for the sake of an agenda.

The trouble is that the “climate crisis” narrative has given those who wish to impose a particular green energy source on us the moral authority to do so.

This particular saga began in 2021 when the Kern County Board of Supervisors approved the Aratina Solar Project despite residents’ objections.

Despite comments and concerns from residence in Boron and Desert Lake, the Kern County Board of Supervisors approved a solar farm project which will include five different sites in the East Kern County area; the board voted on the approval at their October 12th meeting in Bakersfield.8-minute Solar Energy’s Aratina Solar Center would provide 250 megawatts of power which is enough to power 93,000 homes to a pair of community choice organizations that contract electricity on behalf of residential customers in the Monterrey Bay and Silicone Valley areas of California.The agreements represent a new and growing market for a company that’s integrating large photovoltaic solar arrays with battery installations to provide sun power 24 hours a day at prices low enough to compete with natural gas fired power plants.

In fact, on its website, Avantus (formerly 8-Minute Solar Energy) admits it has every intention of chopping down the Joshua Trees on its website:

The kicker…they are destroying the dress to save the trees from “climate change.”

Avantus is working to preserve native Mojave plants like Joshua Trees while also preserving California’s ability to achieve its clean energy goals – and the economic and climate benefits that come with them. While trees will be impacted during project construction, vastly more Joshua Trees are being threatened by climate change caused by rising greenhouse gas emissions, which the Aratina solar project directly addresses.

If California had just not gutted our nuclear power capabilities and looked at next-generation options, and if the state didn’t ludicrously decide “net zero” was a sensible and responsible goal. Perhaps the Joshua Trees and the wildlife end habitat dependent on them would not now be threatened.

If you live by the virtue signal, you can die by the virtue signal. Or your favorite species.

Perhaps it is time for those who genuinely love the environment to reconsider what they have been told about climate and energy.

Tags: California, Energy, Environment