Wells College Closing at the End of Semester

Wells College, a former all-women’s college, told its students it will close at the end of the semester…in one week.

Hot Air’s Jazz Shaw wrote about it, mentioning his wife earned her B.A. there. Low enrollment and finances. Jazz’s wife stopped giving in 2004 when it ceased to be all-women’s:

However, that single-sex environment also meant that the school’s potential pool of applicants was cut in half. Also, an education at Wells was not cheap. They wound up competing against state schools in the region. Over the decades, they struggled. That appeared to change in 2004 when the school announced that it would begin accepting students of both genders. They actually included something about “gender not specified,” but that was before the word transgender became all the rage like it is today.That was a bridge too far for many. My wife stopped donating money to Wells on the day the announcement came out and many of her fellow alumni did likewise. She didn’t see it as a “woke” move during that period. The school was just trying to drive up admissions and stabilize its financial situation. Apparently, the plan didn’t succeed. They managed to remain open for twenty more years, but now it’s over.

Tags: College Insurrection, Economy, New York