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U. Buffalo Accused of Restricting Free Speech by Blocking YAF From Accessing $6,000

U. Buffalo Accused of Restricting Free Speech by Blocking YAF From Accessing $6,000

“We are grateful for the opportunity to argue before the court to affirm that universities can’t force student groups like YAF to give up their constitutional freedom to receive official recognition and the benefits that flow from it.”

The Alliance Defending Freedom is representing Young Americans for Freedom in court. From The College Fix:

“It’s unfortunate that University at Buffalo is penalizing Young Americans for Freedom from pursuing their group’s mission,” attorney Logan Spena told The College Fix via a media statement on Monday. “We are grateful for the opportunity to argue before the court to affirm that universities can’t force student groups like YAF to give up their constitutional freedom to receive official recognition and the benefits that flow from it.”

“We hope that the court will support the reality that universities should not be limiting YAF’s voice,” Spena said.

The public university’s student government “has blocked the student group from accessing more than $6,000 in student-fee funding in its account, using authority given it by university officials,” according to an April 25 news release.

The Student Association originally wanted to require the group to disaffiliate from the national Young America’s Foundation. Following a federal lawsuit, this policy changed.

However, it was replaced with another one that would require the group to forfeit its right to sue and turn over financial accounts and “enter into agreements with other individuals or organizations,” according to a prior news release from ADF.

The Student Association and university declined to change the policies in early April, leading to the hearing on Friday. Neither responded to multiple emailed requests for comment sent in the past several weeks. The Fix asked the media team, including Vice President for University Communications John Della Contrada, for any additional context on the situation and if a university attorney regularly reviews the student government actions.


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destroycommunism | May 1, 2024 at 12:32 pm

the university responded

if we upset the protected crowd then we will be sued by the government who wrote the laws that have allowed for their protected status

the yaf doesnt have protected status due to the rino assisted downfall of the 1st and soon to be 2nd amendments

thank you

floyd george

The universities are covering themselves with shame, in their reactions here and obviously in the pro-Hamas protests. They don’t do a damned thing unless their real estate is threatened. They shelter rump groups like this student government that, if they were exposed directly to the courts, would be sued or held in contempt. Students should not be a government. They should be learning and trying to qualify for adulthood.

They are a cancer on the United States. All of them, at least to a close enough approximation. We’d be better off with them all shut down and rebuilding whatever could be built anew.

I attended UB for one half a semester in 1970. The campus was shut down due to riots and all classes cancelled. I had already stopped attending my classes and just enjoyed the show. Everybody got a “C” in all classes and I later used those bogus credits to get into law school. Ah the good old days.