TRUMP VERDICT WATCH: Jury Deliberations Continue for a Second Day
The jury worked for over four hours on Wednesday.

Hi. As Professor Jacobson said in his newsletter quick hit, I’m glued to the couch. My cats are not thrilled with him. The next time the professor leaves, I’ll post a ton of cat articles.
I also wouldn’t mind it if I were in New York City, covering it from the courthouse. *wink wink*
Anyway! We’re on day two of jury deliberations.
The jury worked for over four hours on Wednesday. The jury sent one note to rehear some testimony and another asking for the jury instructions.
…The breakdown is
1. Pecker testimony regarding telephone conversation with Trump2. Pecker’s testimony on the decision not to fund McDougal’s life rights
3. Pecker’s testimony on the Trump Tower meeting
4. Cohen testimony on the Trump Tower meeting
— Jonathan Turley (@JonathanTurley) May 29, 2024
……The new note at 3:51 is asking to reread the judge’s instructions. They may reflect disagreements in the jury on the standards etc. The only reason to hear the instructions again is to clarify the standard if jurors are in disagreement. They are looking at 30 pages for…
— Jonathan Turley (@JonathanTurley) May 29, 2024
…One last note about today. At the end of the day, there was a notable exchange over a portion of the testimony confirmed what was not discussed at the Trump Tower meeting. The Judge expressed support for the government in saying it was not relevant. It seemed very relevant for…
— Jonathan Turley (@JonathanTurley) May 29, 2024

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It’s not encouraging that a court officer spied a small, waxen, Trump effigy, stuck through with needles, on the jury table.
Who died and made this guy a judge? Horrendous and disgraceful.
He somehow was “randomly” selected for three Trump or Trump adjacent cases. What are the odds?
The odds are about the same as me being taken bodily into heaven.
the way that the Libs explain it is that the selected judge doesn’t want the case you they ask for volunteers
Prayers for the courage of one honest juror who looks at this case and says to him/herself, “What a load of crap. No way I’m voting to convict on any of it.”
The judge will just replace that person with an alternate who will do his bidding.
Perhaps, but that holds its’ own risks.
When that juror (or jurors?!) inevitably speaks to the media and indicates what a shit show the trial … and the rest of the jury … is, the ‘fairness’ mask will be objectively off.
Ha! Like the media would ever report the events in that fashion. It would undoubtedly be “Hardcore right-wing MAGA white supremacist fascist bemoans not being able to free his false orange god from the righteous and just prosecution of St. Bragg in the noble and unerring courtroom of His Holiness, the Honorable Judge, Peace Be Unto Him…”
Im surprised they haven’t found him guilty already???
Im guessing the media absolutely cannot wait for the guilty verdict to come down. They will be blowing their load in to the wind once they finally get the outcome they’ve been whoring themselves for these last 8 years!
Yeah but you know it’s just like eating potato chips, you can’t stop with just one. They will resume their whining if Trump doesn’t get immediately hauled off to jail.
They’re all busy writing the first draft of their trial memoirs during deliberation time.
Strange. I speak multiple languages, however consider Spanish and English to be my “native” languages. Never thought “Roland Freisler” would be pronounced “Juan Merchan”.
Re: Turley’s comments, shown below.
One last note about today. At the end of the day, there was a notable exchange over a portion of the testimony confirmed what was not discussed at the Trump Tower meeting. The Judge expressed support for the government in saying it was not relevant. It seemed very relevant for Pecker and Cohen in testifying what was discussed or not discussed in relation to the charges in this case. The judge indicated that he was not inclined to have the jury hear it again but agreed to take it under advisement.
In my view, it is the jury’s job to evaluate the evidence.
It is wrong to hide this evidence from the jury.
If I were on the jury, I would assume that if this evidence is hidden, it would be harmful to the corrupt state’s case.
Surprisingly, most states – maybe all states – give judges TREMENDOUS latitude with respect to allowing or prohibiting jurors to view evidence once in deliberations. In most jurisdictions, for that to happen, not only does the judge have to agree to it, but both defense & prosecution must agree. What’s curious about this case (but perhaps this is standard in NY, IDK) is that the judge has allowed to jurors to take a laptop into the jury room that is loaded with exhibits (documentary, video & audio exhibits). That’s really unusual. Neither prosecutors nor defense lawyers like to have the jury have access to evidentiary exhibits outside of their presence.
I’ve been on a jury just one time and it was a really minor theft case, but we had a laptop with images of the exhibits.
Just curious, were you in NY?
A New York Magazine unlikely greeting card contest, like “Thank you for the giant sea tortoise” collected in Mary Ann Madden’s book of the same name, also had “Saw your smoke, now you’re Pope, Congrats.”
One should be possible for the Trump verdict watch.
Trivially achieved and entirely spontaneous.
Watch for either fireworks or arson.
“Show trials should glitter, dancing girls and balloon drops.
Judge RuPaul would be far more impartial.”
It’s unfortunate the reporting on this Soviet-style show trial treats it as if something is happening that has to do with justice.
Guilty, Guilty, Guilty! LOL.
So to be clear…. You find the foundational destruction of the US …. “Lol”…
.be careful what you hope for because if they can get the president of the United States on manufactured charges it’s just a matter of time till they will get you
The common man has long been found guilty on manufactured charges and manufactured evidence.
True but you can’t deny it’s been taken to a whole new level under Biden….there are tens of thousands of cases/prosecutions/surveillance/harassment/livelihood/ destroying for the reason of nothing more than basically being a Republican/conservative. And anyone bringing up Communists doesn’t know US history…
msm headlines in the waiting:
trump bribed juror
trump seen at the home of juror
trump guilty but fakes health issue
melania to divorce trump
trump to offer stormy daniels vp position
trump calls on david duke for advice
trump must now stand trial for being trump; di nero to preside as guest judge
Trump gifts jurors condos in Miami and lifetime paid memberships to Mar a Lago
So, what happens if jury deliberations stretch out for weeks? It’s a complicated trial with confusing instructions about 30+ separate charges…
Will the judge continue to rule that Donald Trump cannot leave the building during weeks and weeks of deliberations?
But it won’t
Dunno. Juries are funny things. They can come back with a verdict in five minutes without even sitting down when they get to the jury room, or spend weeks arguing over the minutiae of specific aspects of complicated charges, even after agreeing that the defendant is guilty. I’ve seen both.
Yeah, it won’t stretch past Friday. All they are doing is chewing the fat while they approve the Democrats finding of guilty.
Not this case
It’s not complicated. As many, MANY people have previously said, every one of the ridiculous 30+ separate charges are the same single charge – that he was paying his lawyer for something else, and the corrupt Bragg separated out every single individual claimed payment to an individual charge.
But they are all exactly the same. It is literally impossible for you to believe that only some of the 30+ charges are legal and some of them are illegal, because they are all the exact same thing. It’s all or nothing – which is but one of the many, MANY reasons this joke is going to get thrown out on appeal after they convict him of Campaigning While Orange.
it’s not 30+ charges, it’s him doing the same thing 30 times
What same thing? Did he or did he not submit a fraudulent tax return?
I’m confused.
He did not submit a fraudulent tax return, in fact he OVERPAID what the tax liability technically was. How do I know this? Well, in addition to the fact that government ceded that Trump did not fail to pay the appropriate taxes in their closing argument but also because both the state of NY and the US federal government, after looking at this incident literally for YEARS, refused to charge Trump with filing a false return, an EASILY provable charge….just ask Hunter Biden.
even if he did file a false return, that was not charged in the indictment and is therefore off limits for the jury
One ups Stalin
Find me the man and I’ll make up charges