The DEIcline and Fall Of Medical Education at UCLA

We weren’t the only ones warning about how DEI was ruining medical education. But we were among the first and most relentless, with our Medical School database at providing the data to back up why, as I argued:

Our research was amplified at media outlets such as Fox News digital (the website):

The “racialization of medical education” has created a “national emergency” because many of America’s future doctors are being inundated with critical race theory (CRT) and diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), according to the founder of, which monitors CRT curricula and training in higher education, has expanded its Medical School Database to include all 155 accredited U.S. medical schools. Findings revealed a staggering 70 percent provide mandatory or voluntary CRT-related coursework or training for students.

“The extent to which CRT/DEI and related programming has worked its way into medical schools is truly shocking and worrisome. Racial and other activism should not be the focus of medical education,” William Jacobson told Fox News Digital….”The ideological capture of over two-thirds of medical schools demonstrates that CRT/DEI has become a part of the fabric of medical education, We are training future doctors to look at patients through a racial lens, with potentially frightening consequences for society,” Jacobson said.”It’s often said that collapse happens slowly, and then very suddenly. Medical school education is slowly collapsing, but it’s not too late,” he continued. “We need to stop the CRT/DEI medical agenda before that collapse becomes irreversible.”

I made these points in many media appearances:

Our focus at was what happened once students were in medical school, not how they got into medical school.

Aaron Sibarium has a devastating investigative piece at The Free Beacon, ‘A Failed Medical School’: How Racial Preferences, Supposedly Outlawed in California, Have Persisted at UCLA. It’s too long and detailed for a brief summary to do it justice, so read the whole thing.

Here are some of the key findings Sibarium tweeted

It’s not just who they let in, but how the medical education has been degraded by DEI:

This is happening across the country, and the medical establishment deserves much of the blame. The American Medical Association and virtually every major medical association in the country supports DEI.

When I sued the State of NY over its racist anti-white Covid therapeutic guidance, dozens of major physician organizations backed the State’s use of race in medical services.

Our medical care is being gutted. Drastic action needs to be taken before it’s too late, if it’s not already too late.

UPDATE 5-24-2024

UCLA Responds:

Tags: College Insurrection, Critical Race Theory,, Medicine