Oh, look. A video shows professional paid agitator 63-year-old Lisa Fithian canoodling with the pro-Hamas mob at Columbia during the NYPD raid.
Now, maybe people will shut up when we say outside agitators have infiltrated the colleges and are behind all the chaos.
Fithian literally helps the mob break into Hamilton Hall.
My goodness. I wish I could find everything Andrew Breitbart ever said or wrote about Fithian. Have you noticed the right has gone down the drain since he died?
Mother Jones dubbed Fithian “Professor Occupy” in 2012. The article even mentions how the Big Sites ran nine stories about her, “painting her as an anarchist bent on ‘the total annihilation of the American political and economic system.'”
Authors don’t hold back in gushing articles, so we know all about Fithian’s antics back during Occupy Wall Street:
A new problem arose in November when a spate of graffiti and window smashing at a march in Oakland, California, fueled notions that the movement’s tent cities were full of thugs. Some Occupy protesters supported the mayhem, citing the need for “diversity of tactics.” But Fithian countered in an open letter that “diversity of tactics becomes a code for ‘anything goes,’ and makes it impossible for our movements to hold anyone accountable for their actions.”
Unfortunately, I cannot access the open letter. The article also told us she got paid $300 daily to train activists. Her price has probably increased even though she’s with the people. (They’re all capitalists at heart.)
But Fithian admitted it’s about creating chaos, destroying property if needed, and taking down anyone:
“One of the problems is when people are doing different shit, we are starting to disrespect each other because we are thinking that your way is not as rad as our way,” Fithian said. “We are bringing in all these judgments, and it’s very destructive. We have to accept what each movement’s gifts are, and where we can be in alignment.”Union members and occupiers can work together to “interrupt the space between corporate America and democracy,” she went on, to murmurs of assent. “It’s not about getting our elected officials to do something. Shit. They ain’t gonna do shit.”
In 2012, Breitbart News unveiled a video of Fithian in 2010 spewing antisemitic verbiage. She hates Israel.
Fithian has shown off her antisemitism many times, especially with the Freedom Flotilla:
I first became aware of and active around Palestine during the First Intifada in 1987. Over these years I have worked for a Free Palestine. I traveled to the West Bank with the International Solidarity Movement in 2002, helped organize actions in Cario with the Gaza Freedom March in 2010, I was part of the organizing committee for the US Boat to Gaza in 2011 and I provided nonviolence training for that mission and for the Women’s Boat to Gaza in 2016.
“This hateful Israeli occupation of Palestine is not only doing harm and causing death for the Palestinians, it is harming the water, the land and the soul of the Israelis,” she added in her biography on the Freedom Flotilla website.
Fithian also guided the 2018 Flotilla to Gaza.
After Occupy Wall Street, the Chicago Teachers Union welcomed Fithian. Those people are always complaining and whining.
People also spotted Fithian at Ferguson to train Black Lives Matter mobs.