Patriotic American College Students Pushing Back Against Anti-Israel and Anti-American “Pro-Palestinian” Encampments

It’s been easy to feel a sense of despair (along with rage) after seeing the anti-Israel campus “protests” over the last several weeks, demonstrations that were made even worse by the fecklessness of woke faculty types and administrators at some of the higher ed institutions in question.

But in the midst of it all, patriotic students have begun to stand up and say “Enough is enough,” with pushback efforts being undertaken at universities, many of which are in the South because that’s just how we roll down here.

Some, like LSU, are injecting humor into the mix:

I believe this is LSU as well, where “USA, USA!” was chanted at the activists:

At Ole Miss, the pro-Hamas agitators were serenaded with the “Star-Spangled Banner”:

Meanwhile, counter-demonstrators at Alabama sang the National Anthem to the pro-Hamas mob:

And in a rare moment of unity, both sides chanted “FJB!” together:

Michigan students, as we reported Saturday, were having none of it when protesters tried to interrupt graduation ceremonies:

Three guys at George Washington University replaced the Palestinian flag that had been unfurled with the American flag:

At the University of Chicago, “Born in the USA” was played on the loudspeaker:

Then there was this:

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill was the scene of two pretty iconic moments earlier this week, with the first one being interim Chancellor Lee Roberts personally walking to the campus flag pole and re-raising the American flag after the Palestinian one that had been raised by pro-Hamas protesters had been taken down by police:

Roberts also gave a defining statement to the media after all was said and done, declaring, “That flag will stay there as long as I am chancellor.”

A group of frat guys was also later seen holding up the American flag so it didn’t touch the ground after the campus agitators attempted to take it down again:

One of them, political science student Dan Stompel, was interviewed by Fox News, where he stated that he and his fellow students had been willing to do much more than hold the flag up if the situation had called for it:

“It shows that, …based on the people there, nice, normal, strong boys protecting America’s flag. There’s nothing more patriotic, nothing more genuine, nothing more inspiring than that,” he said.At one point, the junior made a “joke” about how they would respond if the mob tried to stop them.”I was like, ‘I’d die for this flag.’ And everybody was like, ‘Yeah.’ If they got any closer that we’re going to start throwing hands. We’re not going anywhere, I don’t care. They’re going to have to tear me off this flag over my dead body,” Stompel said.


I admit I certainly didn’t have “frat dudes defend America” on my bingo card this week, but after the insanity we’ve all been witness to over the last month or so, I’ll take it.

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —

Tags: Conservatives, Democrats, Gaza - 2023 War, George Washington, Hamas, Higher Education, Israel, Protest