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Northwestern U. May Have Violated Federal Law by Not Reporting Crimes During Anti-Israel Protests

Northwestern U. May Have Violated Federal Law by Not Reporting Crimes During Anti-Israel Protests

“This week in Washington, a House committee expects to hear from Northwestern’s president on what he did about the protests and why.”

I suspect Northwestern is not the only school that is potentially guilty of this.

The Daily Signal reports:

Northwestern U. May Have Broken Federal Law by Failing to Report Crimes During Anti-Israel Protests

Northwestern University may have violated a federal law by failing to report crimes on campus at least five times during recent anti-Israel protests.

Northwestern appears to have violated a U.S. law called the Clery Act by not taking and publishing police reports from students who say they were assaulted, battered, stolen from, or witnessed crimes committed by anti-Israel protesters on campus. Failure to do so would allow the university to report lower crime numbers and portray a false picture of campus safety.

Northwestern, a private school that receives hundreds of millions of dollars annually in federal subsidies, contracts, and grants, is already in hot water after capitulating to anti-Israel rioters who illegally occupied both its campuses, in Chicago and in Evanston, Illinois.

This week in Washington, a House committee expects to hear from Northwestern’s president on what he did about the protests and why.

Northwestern capitulated by agreeing to pay Palestinian students and faculty and to establish an advisory committee to reconsider the university’s connections to businesses that operate in Israel, including Coca-Cola and Starbucks.

The House Committee on Education and the Workforce has asked Northwestern President Michael Schill to appear Thursday morning for a hearing regarding these events and administrators’ actions.

A university’s liability could run into millions of dollars with only one violation of the Clery Act, Max Eden, a research fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, pointed out last week in an op-ed for the Washington Examiner. Northwestern, he wrote, may have far more to answer for.

The Daily Signal compiled these five incidents for which there appears to be no official police report.


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destroycommunism | May 23, 2024 at 10:36 am


that word is going to become obsolete ,,,a no no to speak

lefty is already starting to call them

impacted justice individuals

Durak Kazyol | May 24, 2024 at 8:19 am

I believe “justice challenged” is the politically correct term.

Of course, it will change in a week and this one will be designated hate speech.