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Movie Trailer – “Demand for Hate” (Feat. Me)

Movie Trailer – “Demand for Hate” (Feat. Me)

Hate crime hoaxes have been a frequent topic here dating back to the early days of Legal Insurrection. We have over 200 posts involving various fake hate crimes.

A hoax can be a complete fabrication (e.g. Jussie Smollett) or a real incident that falsely is spun as racially motivated. The two most famous cases of the latter were the Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown shootings which happened, but falsely were spun as race-related. I’ve written and spoken extensively about how the race narratives in those cases were fabricated, and those two fabrications gave birth to and grew the Black Lives Matter movement.

Perhaps it was my frequent media appearances talking about hate crime hoaxes that led the Daily Caller feature film division to reach out to me to be interviewed for an upcoming documentary, “Demand for Hate“:

Demand For Hate: Exposing the Disturbing Phenomenon of Hate Crime Hoaxes

Demand For Hate explores the troubling rise of hate crime hoaxes, delving into how they blur the lines between truth and deception.

These hoaxes are fueled by people’s desire to be seen as victims.

These lies not only hurt genuine efforts that fight discrimination, but they also cause harm that can and do ruin lives.

Explore the true stories behind some of the most notorious fake hate crimes and see how they’ve misled and hurt Americans.

Someone emailed me the trailer, and it looks like I’m featured, not just interviewed. The background you see behind me is what I see when I’m at my computer.

The full movie is being released May 17. I don’t know on what basis – i.e. do you have to pay and if so how much – but based on the trailer, it should be very hot.

You can sign up to receive notification of release at the DC website.

Best thing is, I asked the video crew who came to my home for filming to use their “skinny” filter. And it seems to have worked. Any photographer or videographer who can make me look thin has my eternal gratitude.


Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.


Getting around, eh? Good to spread the message. Is there anything today that is straight? It’s a hard job wiping away the garbage, and that’s for people tuned in.

As they say, if it wasn’t for the hoax crimes, would there be any at all. The most crazy was the NASCAR noose.

Pretty soon is Turley geting a run for the money?

LukeHandCool | May 9, 2024 at 9:56 pm

Can’t wait to watch it!

I hate that black fist image. If I were a better graphic artist I would mock it by creating a version depicting it jerking a mostly flaccid phallus.

Probably one of the biggest worries is how faked it will be in the future.

    TargaGTS in reply to 4fun. | May 10, 2024 at 6:25 am

    Agree completely. AI generative video – particularly real-time generative AI video – is going to present a host of potentially grave dangerous we haven’t even begun address preemptively. Where this technology is today is incredible. Where this technology will be a few years from now if terrifying.

    OwenKellogg-Engineer in reply to 4fun. | May 10, 2024 at 10:05 am

    Something to consider as the demand is far more than the supply.

MontanaMilitant | May 10, 2024 at 10:15 am

Professor. Good job on this but could you please make more posts and analysis of the legal issues brought up by the Trump persecution. Like why Stormy Daniel’s “testimony” isn’t overly prejudicial and irrelevant and why judges don’t have to recuse themselves when there is an obvious political bias….. and how the prosecutors running for election on a get Trump platform aren’t immediately disqualified.