Joe Biden’s Race-Baiting and Divisive Speech at Morehouse College Reeked of Political Desperation
“Imagine working hard for years to graduate from college and Joe Biden shows up on your day of celebration to remind you that you’re a victim and America doesn’t love you because you’re black”

By now, you may have heard that Joe Biden gave the commencement address at the historically black Morehouse College over the weekend. What you might not know, unless you watched, is that it was his most hate-filled and divisive speech since his now infamous ‘red’ speech in September of 2022.
Biden demonstrated himself to be everything that the left falsely accuses Trump of being. His speech purposely inflamed drove division and spoke down to the students in the audience.
FOX News reported:
Biden’s ‘race baiting’ Morehouse speech condemned on social media: ‘Biggest racist on the planet’
President Biden’s commencement speech at Morehouse College on Sunday sparked backlash with critics describing one part of the president’s speech as “disgusting” race baiting.
The president spoke at the HBCU’s graduation ceremony on Sunday despite the threat of interrupting anti-Israel protesters. During his speech, he talked about George Floyd and how Black Americans face racism in the country.
“You missed your high school graduation. You started college just as George Floyd was murdered, and there was a reckoning on race. It’s natural to wonder if the ‘democracy’ you hear about actually works for you. What is democracy? That Black men are being killed in the street,” Biden said.
He continued, “What is democracy? The trail of broken promises still leaves Black communities behind. What is democracy? You have to be ten times better than anyone else to get a fair shot. Most of all, what does it mean? As you’ve heard before, to be a Black man who loves his country even if it doesn’t love him back in equal measure.”
“They don’t see you in the future of America. But they’re wrong,” he added.
Here are some of the lowlights:
BIDEN: "[HBCUs] got me elected! Y'all think I'm kidding, I'm not kidding!"
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) May 19, 2024
Biden brags about defying the Supreme Court on his unilateral student loan debt bailout: "When the Supreme Court told me I couldn't, I found two other ways to do it"
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) May 19, 2024
Joe Biden inspires Black graduates at Morehouse College by telling them that they’re victims and America hates
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) May 19, 2024
Imagine working hard for years to graduate from college and Joe Biden shows up on your day of celebration to remind you that you're a victim and America doesn't love you because you're
— Adam B. Coleman, Proud Father (@wrong_speak) May 19, 2024
Biden tells Morehouse grads there’s a “national effort to ban books” because Republicans are trying to “erase” black history
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) May 19, 2024
RACISM: Biden stoked racial division at Morehouse yesterday: “What is democracy? Black men are being killed in the street; What does it mean to be a black man who loves his country even if it doesn’t love him back in equal measure?”
— @amuse (@amuse) May 20, 2024
Adam B. Coleman, who is black, wrote in the New York Post:
Joe Biden was racist and patronizing in his speech to Morehouse grads
Joe Biden is right. Black people are treated as negatively different, inferior and undeserving of being seen as equals.
The culprit of such behavior: Joe Biden himself.
He’s incapable of speaking to black people without reminding us of past plights, or ones that we’re all supposedly dealing with today, as an emotional ploy to leverage our votes.
Worse, even in the face of success and celebratory triumph, like graduating from college, Joe Biden is unable to let us have our moment to reflect on what we were capable of doing.
Instead, he patronizes, telling us what he believes we won’t be able to achieve…
I don’t throw statements like this around often because I take them very seriously: Joe Biden is a racist.
According to recent polling, Joe Biden is bleeding support from young voters, black voters, and part of his party’s progressive base. This divisive speech was pathetic and, dare I suggest – a failed attempt to bring them back into the fold.
Biden looked desperate and it was very ugly.
Featured image via YouTube.

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The msm is so deep in their coverup of Biden’s lies, that they don’t bother to show his true racist self. He will go down in history as the worst POTUS ever!
Jimmy Carter will go to his grave with a huge smile on his face. Biden has taken over as the worst president from JC, and in the nick of time.
James Buchanan is already smiling from beyond the grave.
Woodrow Wilson is behind him laughing his ass off!
Not to mention Lyndon Johnson.
I think Biden took over from JC. However, a case can be made that JC moved up two spots, as Obama’s key legacy may be that he picked Biden for VP, setting him up for Obama’s dreadful third term.
In what world does a Black have to be 10X better to get ahead? An Asian (as Harvard pointed out) or a White does. I suspect that Biden has been out of touch since his 2 brain surgeries in 1988.
Since when does a black have to be 10x better? It has been a problem for a long time, that incompetent blacks are being promoted.
I do not have ill with for competent blacks being placed in positions where they have merit.
When one looks at black intelligence stats, 15% will have an IQ 100 and up. That is the crux of the performance problem.
I feel bad for the blacks who ARE competent, but get the “quota-hire” look and treatment from others in the workplace.
When we were having cutbacks at work, I encouraged my men to keep an eye out for a new position and if the opportunity was good, to take it. I warned my two black guys to be on the lookout for jobs where they were to be nothing but window dressing.
Sorry Trump has that title
Not even close retard, Obama had it then Brandon the pedophile took it from him
Sorry to burst your lunatic bubble, its already official – historians made a list and Trump is considered the worst President of all time.
“Historians made a list…”
You can’t be serious.
You really are the biggest idiot here.
Go back to Newcastle, and take your coals with you.
Would that include Doris “Plagiarist” Kearns Goodwin?
You really are a fucking retard.
Why do you always show your ass when you comment here?
Biden has screwed up every foreign policy decision he has made even when he was a Senator.
Trump never got us in a war, nor any other international incident. He sought peace in the Middle East, North Korea, and with Russia. But to you, that means he was a traitor.
Trump made us energy independent, with gas prices and inflation at all time lows. Biden erased that on the first day with an ungodly number of executive orders.
I won’t add others because you are too stupid to understand. I guess whoever has his hand up the Dementia Puppet’s ass has the other hand up yours.
BartE was dropped on his head when he was a baby, that was strike 2, Strike 1 was bad genes.
I’d wager he was spiked like a football rather than accidentally dropped.
I don’t understand why so many of you rise to BartE’s bait.
“Biden has screwed up every foreign policy decision he has made even when he was a Senator.” Cool story bro,
“Trump never got us in a war, nor any other international incident. He sought peace in the Middle East, North Korea, and with Russia. But to you, that means he was a traitor.” He didnt seek peace with Russia and N Korea he wanted to be buddies with them, if you call writing love letter and selling out American values a policy win i’ve got news for you. Also Trump fucked up Afghanistan, he withdrew the necessary troops to ensure a orderly withdrawal, his deal was a massive fuck up. Own it. Not to mention the fact that the entire western world thought and think he is a massive twat. Oh and how did China go, sorry massive fuck up on the trade war again.
“Trump made us energy independent, with gas prices and inflation at all time lows. Biden erased that on the first day with an ungodly number of executive orders.” Wow that’s a rewriting of history, does being completely wrong win you prizes or something. Oh and Energy independence has increased under Biden
“I won’t add others because you are too stupid to understand. I guess whoever has his hand up the Dementia Puppet’s ass has the other hand up yours.”
Sure buddy, you keep on telling yourself that. Whatever makes you feel better at night. You do realise Trump has more signs of dementia than Biden right, that your just a zombie regurgitating right wing talking points, that every time you have a temper tantrum you just make me think you’re about to get sectioned. Such a snowflake
What an illiterate nonsensical steaming pile of monkey spunk you are, Fart.
Trump fucked up the trade war? Bzzzt. Wrong.
Energy independence INCREASED under Biden? Bzzzt. Wrong again.
Trump has more signs of dementia than Biden? Are you fucking kidding me?
I don’t even know what “getting sectioned” means. Is that “taking one up the back passage” in Britain?
Thank God you don’t actually vote.
Barty, you are so funny. It’s nice that the nurses on your free time out of the restraints and the “genital cuff” (h/t “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels”!) allow you to play on the internet. You better hurry up and shut down the laptop, because if you are caught, Nurse Ratchet will withhold the rubber jaw restraint on your next ECT treatment and up the voltage.
Biden! Best President everrrrrrrr!
Smartest President everrrr!!!!
Well, that certainly was lots of words. You went to a school where “effort” was rewarded, didn’t you?
At least Biden didn’t cheat on his wife and bag a sexually diseased porn stars like Trump did. Not that there is anything wrong with that, or course. That is why Melania sleeps in a separate bedroom. Good for her.
“At least Biden didn’t cheat on his wife and bag a sexually diseased porn stars like Trump did.”
Biden of course was a participant when his babysitter, “Dr” Jill, cheated on her husband.
As far as the porn star, tell me you’re just jealous.
You fucktards have come out of the woodwork on THIS post, haven’t you.
I’d say being a pedophile is cheating.
No, Barty, Biden just showered with his own daughter and scarred her for life as she admitted in her own diary—which you and other idiot leftists said was false until the daughter admitted were her OWN words in her OWN diary. You really are a Summer’s Eve container!
Yeah. But Biden did diddle his daughter.
But clearly you like diddling little girls, since you keep bringing up sexual peccadilloes.
And the blow job queen already stated that she didn’t have sex with Trump.
But she did with your father. He strapped on a 2×4 to his ass to keep from being lost in that cavern.
Has your daddy found his watch yet?
Rather be known for fucking pornstar than fucking up the world. You name it Biden has screwed it up
FartE pukes this up without either a shred of evidence or a hint of embarrassment.
Get the fuck out of here, you mewling bleating dufus.
Even Snopes had to admit the following was true:
“In the 1970s, then-Sen. Joe Biden was a vocal opponent of busing as a means for desegregating public schools. And that record haunts him in his bid to secure the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination.
In early March 2020, readers asked Snopes to verify a quote in 1977 in which Biden, then a U.S. senator representing Delaware, allegedly expressed fear that desegregation, if not done in an “orderly” way, could result in his children growing up in “a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point.”
Nothing “alleged” about it: it is in the Congressional record (
Even Kamala Harris noted his racist past in the 2020 Democrat debates.
I’m putting on my helmet to protect from the shower of downticks, but here goes:
Joe Biden was right.
Busing meant a lot of white kids got beat up, schools vandalized, discipline out the window, and for the kids there to learn, an impossible atmosphere.
So, this is one where I agree with the Vegetable in Chief.
We don’t care whether he was right or wrong. We care that it proves him to be the hypocrite that he is and always has been, and that he helped make it impossible for the DNC to rewrite history to show that they were ALWAYS
at war with Eastasiathe champion of the BIPOC.Biden forcing blacks to the back of the waiting line behind illegal aliens.
Biden: You black boys can’t make it on your own. You are only capable if your massah, uh, government protects you. But we can’t protect you unless you vote for me.
Never mind that the KKK were Democrats.
Never mind that Jim Crow laws were from Democrats.
Never mind that post civil war laws prevented blacks from owning guns, allowing former slave owners to arrest blacks if they believed blacks broke the law.
Never mind that Democrats destroyed the nuclear black family by paying black women to keep fathers out of their homes.
Never mind that Democrats refused to vote for equal rights for blacks.
But yeah. Plantation.
Guess you haven’t heard the KKK are voting Republican these days. Making statements about history doesn’t make it true about the present.
As much as I hate to admit it, BartE is correct. The KKK and Southern racists used to be all Democrats, but now they are all Trump supporters, carrying Tiki torches and Confederate Flags. Trump needs to disavow these supporters.
LOLOL! You two really ought to start a comedy show.
Who was a good friend of KKK wizard Robert Byrd, and who eulogized him at his funeral?
Trump, you say?
You’d be wrong.
I’d say BIDEN needs to do the disavowing.
You really are pathetic, Junior.
Bartie is so far below pathetic there isn’t a word in English to describe him.
Neither would recognize or be right.
Would that include Doris “Plagiarist” Kearns Goodwin?
Or leftist hack Michael Beschloss.
The KKK still abides by the Democrats, but they have shrunk in “popularity” since the Democrats pretended to disavow them.
Who the fuck asked you retard. BartE moves his fist in your puppet hole and you speak.
What was that? “Dance, monkey.” “Dance monkey.” Dance monkey!” “Dance monkey. Do the disavow dance, now for meeeee!{
Disavow what, exactly. And do a literature troll of what’s been said already. Repetition is so boring. But, that’s the point — dirty the target up by implication, and keep them dancing off their own message.
The Republicans have never accepted the Democrats KKK shock troops.
So why would they have to disavow anyone?
Oh shut up you fucking moron.
LOLOL! Oh Barty….did the Sustained Release Haldol injection fail again? How many times were you told not to cut yourself in the butt where they injected it? Next time, they’ll have to go in through your feet! Of course, those are always in your mouth….
Oh please. FBI dressing up in khakis and wearing red hats does not qualify one as a Republican
Why are so many waiting, rather than doing for themselves like some of their own, and most of other ethnic groups?
its actually in the best interest of letting trump win for the left
as they with the help of the gop crush him and the dreams of freedom loving americans once and for all and say
well as you can see ifff we had stolen the 2020 we could have stole this one too
but lefty wins no matter what b/c the gop is 90% rinos
Even for Biden, this is beyond belief.
Nah! I wouldn’t put this past him. Evil to the core.
Nothing is beyond belief for that clown.
Ain’t nothing below that pedophile
Apologies for a double post but I thought of something:
How many of the graduates wanted to just get up and walk out? How many were afraid of being shot or taken into custody by the aptly named SS (Secret Service), “shot while trying to escape”?
The applause was remarkably tepid.
President Trump is winning the blacks over.
I suppose it could be desperation but it just sounds like day to day chatting by Democrats.
Free Derek Chauvin
Biden is desperate because he knows he could easily lose, and probably will if his popularity drops any more. The Black male vote really isn’t into him anymore, and it shows. If the Democrats want to win for sure, they need to ditch Biden, put Kamala at the top of the ticket and pick Taylor Swift as her running mate. TS can reach and mobilize young women (who vote Dem 3-1) better than anyone, and the biggest path for the Democrats to win is to elevate turnout of young women from around 50% in 2020 to 80% this year in swing states – and only TS can do that. She can do free concert rallies every day in battleground states and get those women registered and make sure their ballots are collected. They have to go all-in with single women and concentrate all electioneering efforts on their mobilization. Nothing else matters.
The only thing that will keep leftist single educated women away from elections is free abortions.
Nothing will energize the female electorate more than a singer whose entire career consists of a repertoire of sings bemoaning her poor choices in men, agreeing to team up with Joe Biden.
Yes, by other Black men.
Mostly in Democratic-run cities.
Details, details…
They also kill people of other races and a cop is 40X more likely to be murdered by a black. With stats like that it is understandable why police should be wary of black males.
“Confession through projection!”
Here is a link to Mr. 10%’s speech:
This is full of deceit! For example:
“But in my career, for the first 30 years, I was told, “You’re too young, kid.” They used to stop me from getting on the Senate elevator when I first got there, for real. Now, I’m too old.
Senators wear special pins to allow access to the floor. I cannot comprehend Mr. 10% showing up without his special pin.
His “special pin” said “Short Bus”.
“Kick me.”
Biden is an international embarrassment. And what does this speech give him? Given that blacks vote Democrat and Democrats gave blacks all the historical misery Biden speaks of, only a fool would vote for this demented creep or his party.
Joe Biden, racist? Sir! You shock me!
Wait. What’s that you were saying about Obama, Joe?
“I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy”
* If I was running the GOP ad campaign, I be playing that little clip in every major Blue city in the country….
Thank you.
Holding off posting that quote was about to give me anther stroke.
Who wrote the speech? Assuming he sort of stuck to a script, it seems like a speechwriter set him up to fail. Maybe they want to get rid of him.
Of course, if it was extemporaneous, then it is all believable. Biden is a racist. No secret there.
I attended an event last night with a speaker from a well-known, fairly prominent DC think tank. The speaker repeatedly referred to Biden as “unwell.” That was the euphemism.
Biden: “Pacandlpacatlackack“
Yeah. He’s coherent.
Every bit as coherent as Bill the Cat.
But I like Bill the Cat!
Not so much the other clown.
I’ll give money to anyone or pander to whoever it takes to keep the Deep State in Power
This administration is a hate crime against America.
True, but, I’d expand that assertion to cover the entire, wretched and vile Dhimmi-crat Party.
Well not, AOC. She’s the next best thing to being in the Republican Party. She’s beautiful, articulate, smart, a veritable genius when it comes to economics, and that ruby red lipstick, Wow!
Sorry…. I tried! I tried to post the above without laughing. I couldn’t. I beg your forgiveness.
In all seriousness, she’s very dangerous, as she has been able to convince many idiots that her Marxist viewpoints have merit.
This vile, dumb-as-rocks, too lazy and stupid to succeed in the private sector, demagogue twit will eventually be a U.S. Senator, without a doubt. It’s only a matter of time before she runs and defeats Schmuck Schumer in a primary contest, or, replaces him when he retires.
And, I agree that she is dangerous beyond belief, as her transparent stupidity and obnoxious narcissism sadly appear to not be obstacles to her ascension as a Dhimmi-crat standard-bearer, especially among younger voters.
She’s the Valley Girl the other Valley Girls won’t hang out with because she’s too… ethnic.
As long as the vast majority of black Americans — their brains and minds shackled by fetters as evil and obnoxious as those placed on the bodies of their forebears — continue to be sufficiently stupid and gullible to credulously swallow the vile Dhimmi-crats’ fallacious and contrived narratives of alleged pervasive racism and racial victimhood in contemporary American society, the Dhimmi-crats will continue to gleefully and unabashedly draw water from that poisoned well, to advance their electoral self-interest — the deleterious and corrosive effects to American society, at-large, and black communities, families and individuals, be damned.
I believe that once Bidumb put illegal military aged males at the front of the grift, that really put blacks on the path of realization that they are no longer the favored voter group.
It took Democrats decades to realize that that their pet captive electorate wasn’t a be-all-end-all — that it was actually a test project that could be heterodyned into a truly lethal death grip on America.
It’s the same stroke of genius by which Bezos reimagined Sears and created Amazon.