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Israel Eliminates Hamas’ West Bank Terror Chief And Deputy in Rafah Airstrike

Israel Eliminates Hamas’ West Bank Terror Chief And Deputy in Rafah Airstrike

Jerusalem Post: “An IDF aircraft struck a Hamas compound in Rafah, targeting head of Hamas West Bank division Yassin Rabia, along with Khalid Nagaar, a senior member of the West Bank division.” 

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) eliminated the head of Hamas’ West Bank terrorist operation and his deputy in an airstrike in Rafah terror stronghold.

The high-profile terrorists were killed in a strike on a compound being used as a base for terrorist operations in the West Bank, the Israeli media reports conform. “An IDF aircraft struck a Hamas compound in Rafah, targeting head of Hamas West Bank division Yassin Rabia, along with Khalid Nagaar, a senior member of the West Bank division,” the Jerusalem Post reported citing military sources.

The  IDF strike disrupts Hamas’s terrorist operations in the West Bank. Reporting on Rabia’s activities the Israeli news website YNET noted, “Rabia managed the entirety of Hamas’ terrorist activity across the West Bank, transferred funds to terror targets and planned Hamas terror attacks throughout the territory.”

The slain terrorists were responsible for a series of deadly attacks against innocent Israelis. “In the past, Rabia carried out numerous murderous terror attacks, including in 2001 and 2002, in which IDF soldiers were killed,” the news outlet added. “Nagar had reportedly directed shooting attacks and other terrorist activities across the West Bank and transferred funds intended for Hamas’ terrorist activities in the Gaza Strip.”

The Times of Israel reported the Rafah airstrike:

The commander of Hamas’s so-called West Bank headquarters and another top official in the terror group were killed in tonight’s Israeli airstrike in Rafah, according to the IDF.

The West Bank headquarters is a Hamas unit charged with advancing attacks against Israel from or in the West Bank.

Yassin Rabia, the head of the West Bank headquarters, and Khaled Najjar, another senior member of the unit, were killed in the strike in the Tel Sultan area of northwestern Rafah, the IDF says. The strike, according to Hamas health officials, killed some 35 people.

The IDF says the strike was carried out based on “precise intelligence.”

Rabia, according to the IDF, “managed all of the military arrays of the West Bank headquarters… was involved in the transfer of funds for terror purposes and directed attacks by Hamas operatives” in the West Bank.

The IDF also says that Rabia committed several deadly attacks himself, in 2001 and 2002, killing Israeli soldiers.

Najjar was involved in directing shooting attacks and other terror activities in the West Bank, and was also involved in funneling funds to Hamas operatives, the military says.

Najjar also carried out several attacks between 2001 and 2003, according to the IDF, killing civilians and killing and wounding soldiers.

Besides destroying Hamas’s West Bank terror base in Rafah, the Israeli air force hit several terror targets across Gaza. “Over the past day, IAF aircraft and fighter jets struck and dismantled over 75 terror targets throughout the Gaza Strip, including weapons storage facilities, terrorist cells, rocket launchers, military structures, observation posts, and additional terrorist infrastructure,” the IDF disclosed in a press release Monday.

Meanwhile, the Israeli ground troops were destroying the remnant of Hamas’ terrorist fighting force trying to regroup in northern and central Gaza. “The troops are significantly damaging Hamas’ capabilities in the central Gaza Strip and are intensifying their control over the area,” the IDF statement said. “The troops have destroyed dozens of terrorist structures, located a tunnel route, as well as large quantities of weapons and intelligence assets.”

Egyptian forces fire at Israeli troops in Rafah area

As the IDF operates along Egypt’s border to encircle the Hamas stronghold of Rafah, Egyptian military on Monday fired at Israeli troops in the area. Two Egyptian soldiers were reportedly killed in retaliatory fire. No Israeli casualties were reported.

The IDF issued a statement Monday morning, confirming that “a shooting incident occurred on the Egyptian border.”

In recent weeks, the IDF uncovered at least 50 terror tunnels running between Egypt and Rafah terror stronghold. The elaborate cross-border tunnel system suggest that Hamas has been receiving weapons and supplies from Egypt.

Israel fears that these tunnels, currently funneling weapons from Egypt into Rafah, could be used to smuggle out hostages and top terrorists as the IDF advances on the terrorist bastion. “These tunnels are used by Hamas to supply itself with weapons and ammunition and could potentially be used to smuggle out of Gaza hostages, or Hamas senior operators,” the senior Israeli official said recently.

Egyptian forces also have a history of colluding with criminal elements in Gaza. “Last June, an Egyptian police officer infiltrated Israel and killed three IDF soldiers. Egypt claimed that the incident occurred when the officer chased drug smugglers into Israel,” the Jerusalem Post recalled Monday. “An investigation by Israel found that the police officer infiltrated through an emergency gate in the border fence and walked 150 meters before killing two soldiers, infiltrating deeper into the country, and killing another soldier in an exchange of fire.”

The i24NEWS reported the cross-border incident:

Israeli soldiers and Egyptian forces exchanged fired at the Rafah crossing on Monday in a rare incident, with at least two Egyptian soldier killed.

Several more Egyptian soldiers were reportedly wounded. No Israeli soldier was wounded in the incident.

The IDF confirmed that it was in contact with Egypt over the shooting, and that an investigation is underway.

While Egyptian reports said the Israeli soldiers opened fire fire, a military source confirmed that Engineering Corps soldiers operating in Rafah came under fire from Egyptian forces before returning fire.

An Egyptian army spokesman said in a statement that “The Egyptian armed forces are conducting an investigation through the relevant authorities regarding an incident of opening fire in the border area in Rafah – which resulted in the death of one of those responsible for border security.”


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JohnSmith100 | May 27, 2024 at 12:24 pm

Good news, starting to clean out West bank rubbish. Egypt better put a leash on their troops.


Don’t stop, get more

Halcyon Daze | May 27, 2024 at 1:01 pm

I was taught to never say anything about the dead unless it was good. They’re dead. Good!

Well… bye.
Rest in pieces.

And the hits just keep on coming…..

Keep taking the fight to these savages Israel. Evil deserves no quarter and no relief. Total victory. Nothing less is acceptable.

Isaiah 36:6 Behold, you have relied on the staff of this broken reed, on Egypt, on which if a man leans, it will go into his hand and pierce it.

Egypt still doing that.

Amazing how so many of these goose-stepping, Islamofascist, Fakestinian terrorist thug invaders from Arabia, whom the vile Dhimmi-crats allege are perennially oppressed victims “of color,” turn out to be as white as the driven snow.

Keep calm, and destroy hamas.

“…the IDF uncovered at least 50 terror tunnels running between Egypt and Rafah (from which)….Hamas has been receiving weapons and supplies from Egypt.”

I’m pretty sure that these tunnels will be eliminated along with the Hamas big wigs who were playing muslim monopoly and drew a card that said”

“Go directly to paradise. Don’t pass go and don’t collect $200.”

If they didn’t want to be attacked, they would not have invaded Israel on 7 October

If they did not want to continue to be attacked, they’d release the hostages — at the very least, the kids

So, they apparently have concluded that their strategy is working.

Time will tell.

In the meantime, why hasn’t anybody requested that hostages be released, especially children

Why hasn’t anybody — Sullivan? Tlaib? Blinken? Harvard? Obama? Omar? Khameini? Schumer? Blinken? — Why hasn’t anybody said that Hamas really ought to release the little girls that they captured on 7 October?

Why would any organization be taken seriously if they can’t even bring themselves to say such an obvious thing? Release the little girls please. UN? ICJ? ICC? CAIR? Code Pink? Ireland? Norway?

henrybowman | May 27, 2024 at 3:55 pm

Ivy League kiddies better get their tickets fast! Unparalleled opportunities won’t last long for anyone seriously interested in fast-tracking into upper management positions!

stevewhitemd | May 27, 2024 at 4:32 pm

Some things that I’m sure the IDF and the Israeli government are considering —

— how to eliminate the tunnels from Rafah to Egypt
— how to keep those tunnels from being reopened
— how to stop Hamas from digging more

So I have a suggestion that the Israelis perhaps have not considered: a moat.

Yes, a moat. Dig it deep and wide (50 meters deep, 150 meters wide minimum). Extend it the entire length of the Gaza-Egypt border; that’s about 16 km, so it’s very do-able. Fill it with Australian salt water crocodiles (far, far better than sharks with lasers on their foreheads). Ensure plenty of detection gear in chase the Gazans get really industrious.

And make it clear: the moat belongs to Israel.

Just a suggestion.

    artichoke in reply to stevewhitemd. | May 27, 2024 at 5:58 pm

    They could connect it over to the Red Sea and get commercial benefit from it, the Suez Bypass. Used to be that the plan was to go around Gaza on a somewhat longer route. Now I would say Israel doesn’t owe them that courtesy.

    broomhandle in reply to stevewhitemd. | May 28, 2024 at 1:26 pm

    Interesting idea, but how will that be paid for?

With Hashem’s assistance, the Israelis are doing the most incredible job of warfighting I’ve ever heard of. How do they have such precise intelligence? How do they hit so surgically and with so few civilian casualties?

And then there was the miracle of 4/14, a massive attack intended to take Israel out, barely produced a scrape or a bruise on any Israeli. How could anyone doubt divine intervention at work?

Meanwhile the “mainstream” (pro-Palestinian) press just lies.

    gibbie in reply to artichoke. | May 27, 2024 at 8:51 pm

    Isaiah 54:17 “No weapon that is formed against you will succeed; And you will condemn every tongue that accuses you in judgment. This is the heritage of the servants of Yahweh, And their vindication is from Me,” declares Yahweh.

The only good Nagaar is a dead Nagaar.


So, we have censorship here on LI? I made a post, left and came back to read the article again and my post was gone. I’m out of here.