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Impeachable Offenses Week at Legal Insurrection

Impeachable Offenses Week at Legal Insurrection

All the news you may have missed.

Do Democrats and the media really think no one remembers anything from the Trump years?

Imagine that…

Seems like old times.

Israel is moving ahead with or without Biden.

This is on Biden.

The anti-Israel insanity is bleeding over into other things.

Some of these people are just vile.

People are pushing back.

This is correct.

In other news, Professor Jacobson is in a new movie.

There was some mixed legal news for Trump this week.

Of course.

The Democrat convention should be… interesting.


Legal Insurrection is making a difference.

This is all so dumb.

This speech is outstanding.

Well OK, then.


It’s for the environment.

Good for them.

May the cringe be with you.


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destroycommunism | May 12, 2024 at 8:27 am

same way the fjb crowd doesnt want the good american people to stop the criminals in america


Impeachable offenses week? It would take a lot longer than a week to list all of Biden’s impeachable offenses.

BierceAmbrose | May 13, 2024 at 12:03 am

Take care to faithfully execute the laws… except the ones his patrons would prefer not.

For bog’s sake, can we have an honest crook or three among the feds. I can’t even figure what most of these people get out of their mess.