‘I’m Gonna Kill All the Jews’: NYC Pakistani Immigrant Arrested for Allegedly Trying to Run Down Jewish Students, Rabbi
“The Brooklyn man faces more than a dozen charges including attempted murder, attempted assault and hate crimes charges.”

Police arrested Asghar Ali, 58, a Pakistani immigrant cab driver, for allegedly trying to mow down Jewish students and a rabbi in Brooklyn.
Witnesses claim Ali yelled, “I’m gonna kill all the Jews.”
Rabbi Twersky, who works at the yeshiva, said Ali tried to hit one student “at the corner of Glenwood Road and East 55th Street.”
Then Ali went the wrong way on 56th Street and tried to run down 30 to 40 students outside.
From The New York Post:
The Brooklyn man faces more than a dozen charges including attempted murder, attempted assault and hate crimes charges.
Cops do not believe the attack is terror-related and on Wednesday night did not have evidence he was tied to radical groups online, according to sources.
The man was driving a 2011 white Crown Victoria and making a turn onto East 55th Street in front of the Mesivta Nachlas Yakov School when he suddenly veered toward students dressed in Orthodox garb, according to the NYPD and video footage.
He then drove around the block and back toward the school — this time targeting two more students standing outside and a rabbi.
“I’m gonna kill all the Jews,” the driver allegedly seethed, according to police.
The victims managed to find safety in the building, which also has as dorms, the clip shows
No one was hurt in the attack, cops said. Authorities listed five victims in the case: a trio of 18-year-olds, a 41-year-old man and a 44-year-old man.
The Shomrim Safety Patrol found Ali. They immediately called the NYPD:
“We were able to retrieve the video footage. We got the guy’s plate number,” Bob Moskovitz, executive coordinator of the patrol, told The Post. “Obviously it was a very distinct car, a Crown Vic, an old model. You don’t see too many of those around.”
“We were told by the people at the school that he hangs around, he drives around the neighborhood,” Moskovitz said. “And one of our members, when he was doing his daily patrol canvassing around the neighborhood, saw the car.”
The driver was taken into custody and was transferred to Coney Island Hospital, sources said.
Ali has stayed at hospital psych wards at least three times before the attack. He’s described “as an emotionally disturbed person.”
The driver has been in America for 20 years. Ali’s criminal record spans back to 2007, when authorities took him “to the hospital for evaluation after an incident on Coney Island Avenue.”
The Post couldn’t find information about the incident. But in 2011, the police took him to a psych ward “for acting irrationally and threatening to harm himself.”
More from The Post:
On Sept. 10, 2011, he was reported to be suffering from an unspecified mental illness after a non-violent incident, according to the sources.
Then, on Jan. 21, 2023, the sources said Ali was taken to Coney Island Hospital after he was spotted walking around in circles on Flatbush Avenue and Kings Highway looking confused.
In the most recent incident, the sources said Ali was picked up behaving erratically and threatening people on Coney Island Avenue on Feb. 11, the sources said.
Ali has scared his neighbors numerous times. One told The Post that he doesn’t speak to anyone or even open the front gate for others:
“I see him go to work every morning about seven or eight,” the neighbor said. “I don’t know what kind of work he does. I believe he rents a room in one of these apartments.”
Another neighbor said Ali was “like an invisible face” in the building.
“He never said hello, not even once,” the 62-year-old local said. “That’s strange. I thought he didn’t want to talk to nobody but now it makes sense. He looked a little bit off, a little bit whacked. He never looked at me. He looked straight and went about his business.”

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One of life’s constants – No matter where in the world, no matter when in time,
find Muslims,
find trouble.
“Start killing the Jews, I want to be a part of it…New York, Ney York:….” catchy new verse there….
NYC is SUCH a WONDERFUL slice of life, don’t you think?
Oh, Bragg now says the verdict proves Trump stole the 2016 election.
Huh? That doesn’t even make any sense. Even if he was guilty as sin, how would that affect the validity of the election? The voters still voted exactly as they voted.
The entire case was it was a felony for Trump to pay Stormy Daniels to shut up because doing so was stealing the election by keeping that information from voters.
New York is not American.
No, it wasn’t.
That’s not what stealing an election means. If it were then there wouldn’t be an election this century that Democrats didn’t steal.
Milhouse, I’m reading that comment as saying that that’s what the prosecution is claiming the case is about, not that that claim is anywhere even adjacent to reality.
Which is why Danny is suggesting that New York is not American.
Tin foil hat on/ Maybe that’s the Evil AI’s plan for world domination, to foment enough crap like this that we throw up our hands in despair and let it take over, just to end up someplace where things make sense. /tin foil hat off.
(I’m always a bit concerned when I can make up sci-fi conspiracy theories which make as much sense as anything else out there. I’d rather not find myself in some dystopian future.)
But the prosecution never did claim the case was about that.
More importantly, that’s not what “stealing an election” means. Mixing categories and confusing different things is how the left operates. See 1984.
Remember, Mil. This is a Democrat quota hire puppet so he is bound to say anything.
“If it were then there wouldn’t be an election this century that Democrats didn’t steal.”
The phrase “out of the mouths of babes” comes to mind. Obviously meant to indicate while making a different point you accidentally included an absolute truth, not that you are a callow youth.
That intrigues me. What do you think I meant by it, if not the plain meaning?
fjb started a gofundme for him
They always excuse these Muslim Nazis by claiming they are mentally ill.
They are mentally ill, self inflicted, generational. As such, they should not be admitted to America.
This guy has a long history of it, they didn’t just make it up now.
How many psych ward patients who aren’t already anti-Semitic due to ideology do you know who attack Jews?
Having a history of mental illness doesn’t remove their ideological motivation,
Kanye has a history of mental illness does that eliminate his love for Hitler?
Not the point. The point is Eric R’s claim that “They always excuse these Muslim Nazis by claiming they are mentally ill”. Nobody is excusing this guy, and the fact that he is mentally ill was not made up as an excuse.
Terrorists actually recruit the mentally ill and other vulnerable people to commit their attacks.
How Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) recruits suicide bombers, according to a Navy SEAL and senior chief in the book The Sheriff of Ramadi:
“Those SOBs go out and recruit kids to do this. Our interrogators were able to get the whole story (from captured AQI recruits). One of them had been sexually abused as a young boy and was told the only way he could reclaim his family honor was to die for Allah in this manner. The senior AQI leaders – the foreigners – won’t do this themselves. They get others to do it. They prey upon kids, young boys and girls who are insecure or have some psychological disorder. Some of them have severe learning disabilities…”
The nut doesn’t fall far from the tree.
Again, not the point. The point is Eric R’s suggestion that they make these claims up after the fact, as an excuse. That’s clearly not the case here.
I’m not partial to this argument, given the number of Jew- and Asian-hating incidents recently involving black perps. Maybe they were all Black Muslims but I doubt it.
Perhaps, but, does mental illness totally eliminate Islamic ideology as a potential motivating factor in the perp’s attitudes and behavior? Mental illness doesn’t always mean a lack of control over one’s actions, nor does it mean that one is incapable of distinguishing right from wrong.
One can be mentally ill and still in thrall to, and, influenced by, Islamic Jew-hate.
Is there any doubt that a warped political ideology, along with (sometimes) mental illness, propels Antifa-types? Does the (uncontrollable) “mentally ill” component of their motivation obviate or excuse the political motivation behind their violent actions? Certainly not.
Similarly, the anti-Jewish impetus provided by Islam can’t be ignored even if a mental-illness component is responsible for lowering the attacker’s inhibitions against acting on his religion or ideology. It’s the latter (religion & ideology) that’s responsible for directing the violence, when certain mentally-ill persons are overcome by their illness.
Of course not. Nobody suggested that. We are discussing Eric R’s claim that they simply make these things up post facto, to excuse them. That’s just not the case here.
He knew what he was doing, Milhouse. Whatever “mental Illness” he had, he did not show ethnic or racial hatred before this. He was driven to this by our biased, Jew-hating media. The Jew-hatred was there because he is Muslim. They are pretty much fed genocidal Jew-hatred from their mother’s mil,.
Man, for a supposedly Orthodox Jew, you seem to have some fairly well – unorthodox views. Stop being an apologist for Muslims and Marxists
Another person who doesn’t give a sh*t about truth, and thinks “true” means “whatever is currently useful”, or “whatever follows the party line”. You would have done well in Orwell’s IngSoc.
Alvin Bragg says nothing much will happen to him. As long as he hasn’t paid any hush money to a hooker there will be no charges.
What has Bragg got to do with it? He has no connection to this incident and will have no say in what happens to the driver.
I am sure that the Brooklyn DA is every bit the filthy, Jew-hating, show-trial type of Communist POS that Bragg is.
bringing another 3rd world encampment to your local neighborhood
je wwwssss arm yourselves and travel in groups of no less than 6 and video everything
they only understand violence
they are bullies
Like liberalism, Islam is a mental disease.
Liberalism is not a mental disease. That is progressives you speak of, illiberal at best.
I’m surprised they went with the hate crime enhancement, Of course, he might be out on his own recognizance shortly, so it won’t matter.
Why are you surprised? They’ve shown no reluctance in the past to charge hate crimes when there is evidence of such motivation, as there clearly is in this case.
And his own lawyer will probably insist on having him committed to a psych ward, at least for a short time.
It may have something to do with the hate crimes against Jews and Asians epidemic New York City is in practically masturbatory celebration of which is always followed by blaming imaginary white supremacists
“The Asian/Muslim Face of White Supremacy”
The news industry may blame monsters under the bed, but when the police catch someone they have never had any hesitation in charging as a hate crime, when there is evidence of such.
When did smoking hashish become kosher? Milhouse, you know very well that “hate crimes” worldwide are only used when
a) The Victim is a member of some “oppressed” group
b) The perpretrator is white, and non-Muslim.
Therefore, since we Jews are considered evil oppressors to the left, and the attacker is a poor, oppressed Muslim, nothing will happen to him.
And you know it.
Eric, that is utter, high-octane bullshit. It’s an outright lie.
And while there is nothing traif about hashish, in moderation, lying is definitely not kosher.
It may have something to do with the hate crimes against Jews and Asians epidemic New York City is in practically masturbatory celebration of which is always followed by blaming imaginary white supremacists
Cops do not believe the attack is terror-related…
“I’m going to kill all the Jews” sounds pretty specific and terror related to me.
Ambitious certainly and it was a terroristic threat v a group for sure. Specific though? IMO it would have to be narrowed down a bit from ‘all’ to move from a generalized threat to a specific actionable threat against a particular person or particular individuals.
This guy is a loon and no doubt influenced by the worst elements of religion which often devolve into some form of my group are the good guys and all other non believers of the true faith are the bad guys unworthy of freedom to express their faith or worse unworthy of life.
You’re talking about “terroristic threat”, which is a different thing from “terror-related”.
“Terror-related” in this context means “part of, or motivated by, some terrorist organization”. And terrorism in general means using violence to achieve political goals.
This was a hate crime, not terrorism. It doesn’t seem to have been done in order to achieve some political goal.
The Crown Vic was a damn good car-drove almost as nice as the Lincoln for half the price. I trace America’s decline to its cancellation.
Buick made some very good vehicles as well in the late 90’s and early 2000’s. My Mom was fond of them and had a couple in a row that I drove when home on leave…. Dad didn’t let me drive his Caddy or his big ass Suburban.
Crown Vics were the police pursuit car of choice for many departments. (Including the one I worked at. I remember the scramble to find a suitable replacement when the CV was discontinued.) Many on the road today are used cop cars, and still have the searchlight and pusher bars on them.
Black guys around here have several Crown Vic car clubs. Some silly with purple paint and giant rimz but some are spectacular restorations
It’s really not fun to be a Jewish parent. We already have paid security in front of the school, dead bolts, two sets of door locks, key passes. Its’ completely out of hand and frustrating. I can recall going to Hebrew school as kid and the rabbi leaving the front door open on the synagogue to welcome the prophet Elijah while we all sat down and sang and laughed. No one bothered to check the door or run up and close it–who knows how long we left it open for. This year when we did that, we had to have the security guard stand in front of the door and we left it open for all of 30 seconds. It’s the total and complete normalization of hatred of Jews as some kind of acceptable political stance, when it’s just bigotry and violence plain and simple. Mental health issues are a problem for all communities but in the Muslim community they are in extreme denial that this problem even exists, so they are not likely to get or seek out any help. And of course in their community hating Jews wouldn’t be seen as a mental health issue, but likely just a popular opinion.
Not demising your experience but public schools have become prisons
I know I work in public schools I’m a school psychologist. But your point doesn’t negate mine. No school whether public or private should be under the threat of violence.
Luckily in most of America you can refuse to be a victim and arm yourself.
Agreed and I do just that.
well stated
and the j ewish community can not count on the police and even security guards when it comes down to it
arm yourselves go in groups of 6 and let it be known you will not be bullied
the je wish culture has proven they are hard working well educated
unfortunately the street armies have held you under their threatening agenda for decades and the money that the j ewish community gave to them was like any other extortion issue
the more you gave
the more the “rev” Al and others just saw you as a money pit
Loonies and racist wanna-be murderers should simply be deported back to their country of origin if they’re immigrants who have not yet become citizens. We are under no obligation to take in every piece of shit from around the globe. Why do we insist on doing so? It’s almost like somebody wants to turn the USA into the global toilet.
we wont even jail the homegrown ones in nyc and other lefty run cities
And not just the USA, but every outpost of “Western civilization” in Europe.
When these immigration invasions started, I was always puzzled as to precisely what disaster all these hordes of Muslims were “refugees” from. Not only was that question never answered, but the captive press assiduously avoided even asking it.
trump was called out on a daily basis as blm attacked asians night and day like they have been doing for decades …and the
msm howled that trump was at fault
now we have an anti american and anti j ew in the wh and the pro american media is silent on this obvious pov
“Cops do not believe the attack is terror-related and on Wednesday night did not have evidence he was tied to radical groups online, according to sources.”
So then, nothing to see here – more plain old “workplace violence” where the workplace happens to be your home neighborhood.
Here 20 years – but still described as an immigrant, meaning he probably isn’t a citizen and is in on one of those “indefinite visas” issued because America is desperately short of highly trained and qualified taxi drivers.
An immigrant remains an immigrant for life; it’s got nothing to do with what citizenship the person holds. Melania Trump is an immigrant. So was Alexander Hamilton.